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what ph level is your coco runoff?



What ph level are you guys water at for your coco and what is you coco run off ph level? just curious to see what your guys levels are.


I feed at 5.8 in a recycling drip setup. Once I set the ph I never have to adjust it until I remix the reservoir.


New member
if i hand mix and hand water to waste each day, am i correct in thinking i don't need to check run off? only for re-circ systems right?


Active member
I was just running 50% coco and the balance was humus, Vermic, and Perlite. I wound up pH balancing the water down to 5.4, as I had a pH climb problem. Weeks of using mineralized well water with a high pH along with using un-treated coco kept creeping my pH up and up. Lockout of Zinc for a bit. Cana-coco (mentioned above) is pre-treated and excellent. Mine was cana-crap (although I'd use again but pre-treat more diligently.

So I was measuring the run-off just to see. Stayed high to the end, at 7.5+. Wow.


whoever said growing cannabis is easy hasent grown it to its potential indoors.


I was measuring my runoff when I first started in coco but I quit worrying about it when I saw the plants didn't seem to care as long as it was 5.5-5.8 going in. The coco seems to buffer it up a little but I don't see a problem with that as some nutes have better uptake at 6+ anyway.


Now that Ive set my coco ph before use. Its going in at 5.8 coming out at 5.9.

Before using the same coco though unprepped It was going in at 5.8 and coming out at 6.5-6.8 and was having lockouts.


Trees too come :tiphat:

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
It all depends if I'm hand feeding or DTW or RCD drippers.

Coco has a large swing if you don't manage a Resevoir as the diluted nuts swing the E.c and pH out of sync.

Hand feeding it will swing because of the time between waterings and the rhizosphere will be unbalanced in the different strata of the media.

Using recirculating feed is the worst one can do. Your feeding secondary fertiliser to almost all the grow..

pH should be between 5.5 & 6.5pH and between 1.0 E.C and 1.4. Anything more is too much and a waste... They ain't cabbages...

Testing run off is pointless.. It's not helping. Test it when you apply it and then if they are growing well they are,, no need to change the input based on the output just water more frequently with less per feed and they will do fine..

Snow Crash

Active member
Runoff pH isn't very accurate or useful for my garden but when I was checking it I was usually 4.5 to 5.6pH in (organic acids for down) 6.2 to 6.5pH out.

I would guess that having a runoff pH lower than your nutrient solution should be a sign of something... but what that something is, is a very good question. The solution pH should rise in hydroponic systems as healthy plants exchange ions when they uptake nutrition. A low pH in hydro could be a sign of poor root/plant health or an improper nutrient ratio, or in quasi-organic systems (sometimes employed with coco) could be a result of microbe die-off in the media. Nothing is certain but if the plants begin to look unhealthy and the runoff is low then I'd probably calibrate my meters and get a solid 50% runoff with a good low strength nutrient solution that has just the base nutrient as well as a root supporting supplement (rhizotonic, roots excelurator, rapid start, sea weed extracts, etc.).


(I Don't mean to hijack your thread but this seems like a good topic to get help rather than make a whole new thread and apologies for the jumbled post, remembering shit as i go, yea)I'm having an issue with very high runoff PH in canna coco + canna add's. Just wondering if anyone can help.

I've also made a detailed thread in the cannabis infirmary with pictures if anyone wants to check it out: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=330965

The particular plant is on day 41 flower. Feed PH is 5.5 comes out at 7.5. Thing is the plant has looked beautiful(especially for a noob such as myself) up until its PK week on canna's schedule.

The 3 other plants in this tent, a week behind, are not showing these leaf symptoms AS of yet, and i have also done the same flush and feed reduction on those also But they are in more suitable sized pots.

I must start off by saying i made a huge nooby mistake and this plant is in a pot that is way to small than what it should be in, but I'm afraid if i attempt to transplant it now, no matter how careful i am, ill shock the hell outa it. So that maybe the cause of my issue? High ppm and not enough moisture in coco means BAD, that much I've learned.

5 -6 days ago I started to see yellowing in the veins on upper leaves and allot of tip burn, at the time i was feeding at 1000 - 1100ppm, on P/K boost week(as per canna's sched) and im sure it was nute burn.

Have since done a large volume, low ppm flush(around 300ppm, PH'd) and reduced feed ppms to around 500, and the problem doesn't seem to be worsening and the plant is still blowing up nicely(no lag in growth)... but the PH is still swinging wildly.

Again for a more detailed look visit this thread, with pictures: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=330965

Big thanks for any help, of yea, OP, does that answer you question? :p

overall canapy(effected plant at left rear of pic):

closeup of effected leaves:



Active member
I feed same straight like you 1000 1100 ppm with canna coco and my run off ph drop to 5.0. Why this happening I want to know also? Same ppm in one case run off ph rise in other drop strange??!?!?
Xanode if this is my plants I will try to give em some calcium. Im not say it's 100 cal def but I will try. They look dark green maybe there is too much N in the mix.


I feed same straight like you 1000 1100 ppm with canna coco and my run off ph drop to 5.0. Why this happening I want to know also? Same ppm in one case run off ph rise in other drop strange??!?!?
Xanode if this is my plants I will try to give em some calcium. Im not say it's 100 cal def but I will try. They look dark green maybe there is too much N in the mix.

Maybe your at the other end of the spectrum, im in a pot that's wayyy too small, what size pot were you in? maybe yours were too big?

With canna coco A+B how would i go about reducing N? As the base AB nutes stay at the same ratios's all the way through flower, even veg.. just ppms and add's change... this is all per canna's sched of course. Could i reduce base A+B right down to something like 100 - 200ppm and start reduced P/K again, this may be a stupid idea but would this bring down the N while keeping P and K up? But then micro's would suffer?
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Active member
2 gal 7 ltr coco hempy with perlite at the bottom 2". And my plants is small trees and drink water every day completely. I don't know how to reduce N with canna coco I diffenetly will change nutes next time. Part A is this with nitrogen but I read other peoples say canna need equivalent part ot a and b to work good.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Just keep pushing through.... Stop the boost n continue what ya was doing.... Boost in plants in coco is a timing thing u need to find the balance to incorporate the boost.. Idk canna but I add some b vit boost n add my ppms accordingly... To remain at the same level just don't go adding boost n expect everything to work.,