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what parts of my male do i use to make cannabutter



I wouldn't get high from smoking leaves but that's what I use for making butter. Mine are from female plants but it's same general idea.
Just use a lot of water and a little butter. Stir it often and you should get a good concentration.


quality is very strain dependent...some males have great visible crystallage - even on the stems.

I made some dank butter with some bogglegum once.


I'd like to know where all those people who say that male plants have no THC get their information from? I know for a FACT that they do. Chop up some male leaves nice and fine and smoke a couple of yucky tasting bowls. You WILL get high, sometimes, depending on the quality of the male, very high. It certainly is not like smoking female bud, but the THC is there.

I am about to make some butter from 2 male o.h x sk1 plants (6ft) and we will see how that goes. Got plenty of leaf, going to put it in with 2 sticks of butter. Anyone else got a better idea of the ratio I should be looking at?

How did yours go spencer77804?



iight perfect thanx guys. im gunna make it sunday. and ill take pics of the process and let everyone know how it went. i am very optomistic so wish me luck!

back in the day, like you, I tried to make butter/extracts/oils, etc,... from male plants

be ready to be disappointed, there just isn't much cannabinoid concentration in ANY parts of a male plant, so you wont be able to extract much to start with, then couple that with the loss from your extraction technique (I seriously doubt you have a supercritical Co2 extractor setup), and I'll go ahead and make the joke that "there is more THC in my hair, than in a male plant".

many people told you this was a waste of time, but you wanted to hear "go ahead! great idea!" so now someone has encouraged you,..please post the pics, AND the personal test report.

I already know from experience what your answer will be.


Well-known member
I know this is an old thread but... I recently made cannabutter (olive oil) with 7 males that were just barely showing sex, past preflower but without developed flowers. The plants were around 24'' apiece. 2 cups of oil was used and a heavy dose worked out to about 2 tbs. So, we got 16 doses out of plants that we were just going to toss, and when I say heavy I mean it got me as high as any edible I've ever had, like dry-throat solid red eyes waves rolling over your body high. What does it hurt?


There is THC in male plants but it's very minimal, most likely the only buz you're going to feel is a placebo effect.

I think the ratio of cannabinoids of female to male is something like 6:1. Don't quote me on that though.


no , none , nope ,nada, never............forget it kid ...aint happening


Active member
gotta collect the pollen sacks man... we call it ball budder around here haha aka duck budder hahahah... if the males are mature enough and the strain is good let that male go till hes just a ball cluster with some visible stems haha.. then go and pop them balls and put that shit in the butter... yea i agree with everyone its def not as potent as just using buds per gram but if you got enough males and enough pollen sacks you can really make some potent stuff... believe that... that being said i dont know if ill take the three hours to do it again since i have plenty of other stash and usually have bags of trim and popcorn buds just chillin in my freezer for bubble but still man ya gotta think trash to stash if its the only thing ya got


Well, for all those haters on the male plant idea, be prepared to be shocked. Made some canna-butter with two male o.h x sk1 and made them into brownies. Had a full jar full of leaf (+ pollen sacks) that I ground down to powder. Used the recipe in the sticky. Made 14 brownies with more butter left over. Wow, half a brownie does it. I ate a full one, within 3 hrs I could hardly walk, talk, see straight for that matter. It was a hella trip. So message to everyone with males they would normally throw away, MAKE BUTTER! :dance013::dance013::dance013:


Was that with both female plants AND male plants? Or just male? Because i'm calling BS if it was just the males.

Buzz, perhaps, hardly walk, didn't happen


I have gotten fully medicated from making butter with male plants.

The effects are variable to the person, and cannabinoid profiles being used. Many have given great points about where resins are on a male plant, here is an excerpt from a good article, "Once sexual differentiation has occurred, the generation of female reproductive organs and their associated bracts increases total plant cannabinoid content. Bracts subtending the female flowers contain a greater density of glands than the leaves. The small cuplike bracteole (perigonal bract) enclosing the pistil has the highest cannabinoid content of any single plant part (Kimura and Okamoto 1970, Honma et al. 1971a & 1971b). Second only to this is the flower itself (Fetterman et al. 1971b). Since it has no reported epidermal gland structures, the cannabinoids present must be due to either undiscovered production sites or simple adherence of resin from the inner surface of its intimately associated bracteole. This conjecture is supported by the finding that the achenes do not contain substantial amounts of the cannabinoids (Fetterman et al. 1971b, Ono et al. 1972). Reproductive structures of the male plant are also provided with greater concentrations of the cannabinoids (Fetterman et al. 1971b, Ohlsson et al. 1971). Stalked glands have been observed covering the tepal, with massively stalked glands occurring on the stamen filament (Dayanadan and Kaufman 1976). In addition, rows of very large sessile glands are found situated in grooves on the anther itself (Dayanadan and Kaufman 1976, Fairbairn 1972) and apparently provide the pollen with a considerable cannabinoid content (Paris et al. 1975a)."

Yes there are less resins on males, but that does not make the butter less potent. It just requires either less butter per leaf material or more leaf material per butter.

People who disagree with this either are approaching the method incorrectly and thus getting weak butter, or what most likely imo they are just talking with no actual experience.

edit to add: Also would like to point out that without assuming, I would find it hard to believe many who are saying males did not produce potent edibles are talking about males that flowered for only a short time. Hardly enough time to accumulate resins to their potential, most hobby growers spot a male in week 1 or 2 of flowering and it gets the axe. Similar to taking a female at 2 weeks and making butter, do you think it will be potent?

It is so relative, but using 2 week flowered males that got the axe in a sensi garden will make medicine. Just weak medicine, using males that have given the chance to make their resins and mature will give better results. It is all different, because not many are using males in this way. The evil male, damn does it get a bad reputation. Poor fellas, I got love for you male cannabis plant! I got love for you!


Danseur, thanks for that. The male had flowered for about 2-3 weeks and were able to do a bit of unwanted pollination as I was away at the time. "with massively stalked glands occurring on the stamen filament" I also found this when I observed the 'balls'. There seemed to be glands in that area. As I chucked everything in im assuming it were these areas on the plant that got any decent glands in the butter.

Nnep, ive got no reason to tell fibs. I was excited to tell everyone when I discovered it. It would be really good to start using males in some form of medicine production because the value really is there. My girlfriend had almost a whole brownie last night, I told her to slow down as the one I had the other day was too much, but haha, she didn't listen. We were in the city and things got a bit to intense for her. She said it was like acid (must be the haze genetics). So I highly recommened someone else try it. Somehow though I feel more 'connected' to the female plant, and so would prefer it were made out of buds. Females feel more spiritual I guess.

Anyway, happy cooking!


A male plant has a far lower absolute THC content than a same-sized female, but all that really means is that the male yields fewer doses of potent butter. Expect a couple of good brownies, not a whole tray, and you won't be disappointed.


Green Mujaheed
I'd like to know where all those people who say that male plants have no THC get their information from? I know for a FACT that they do. Chop up some male leaves nice and fine and smoke a couple of yucky tasting bowls. You WILL get high, sometimes, depending on the quality of the male, very high. It certainly is not like smoking female bud, but the THC is there.

Definitely ! I remember about my very first grow, i had thai & durban poison males. The smoked tip leaves had a nice surprisingly fruity flavour and very good high, nicely stimulating and very giggly. My buddies actually wanted me to sell some of it, male leaves !
Otherwise I remember reading somewhere that males had their highest concentration of thc just before the onset of flowering.

Irie !


New member
Male Flowers

Male Flowers

Back in the '70's, while in the Air Force and living in Maryland... I was able to buy a glass jar of nothing but male flowers from a grower I knew.
It was as kick arse as ANYTHING I've ever smoked. I'll never forget that buy. It was awesome!
So don't think that males can be totally THC free... 'cause depending on all the variables... it could be kickin'!


ICMag Donor
Male cannabis plants don't contain THC. If you could get THC from male plants, people would be smoking their male plants . . .

WHO told you that??!!!!

There's thc in the plant...leaves, stalk, roots of a male plant. Sheesh! Recall getting buzzed on excess pollen after dusting choice females. All adequate for making butter.

"....In a growing plant, each successive pair of leaves contains more THC than the previous pair. The budding tips of the plant contain the most THC of all. Both male and female plants contain THC. In fact, some research has shown that in the early stages of growth the males actual ly contain more THC
than the females...." (Frank and Rosenthal, Marijuana Grower's Guide, p. 66).