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True story...i worked in Riviera Beach,FL for a big tournament fishing company making the really big lures for offshore fishing, rigging rods and reels...anyway the 2 owners are millionaire brothers and decide to fly us all out to San Salvador for a fishing trip...we get to airport...get on plane, take off...and a screw falls in my friends lap from above his head somewhere...we're like "WTF?! We are gonna die!" Lol...scariest plane ride of my life lol

I remember flying from Guymas to Hermosillo in Mexico years ago. It was a small puddle jumper that held maybe 10 people. There was no door to the cockpit and the pilots were arguing with each other and it appeared that they didn't know where they were at one point. There was a bunch of cloud cover and they couldn't find the runway in Hermosillo. We came out of the clouds and then they were able to get their bearings. I remember them giving each other the High Five as they proceeded to descend for the landing. As we came down the runway I noticed a crashed plane off to the side that nobody had bothered to remove.

I also remember a flight from Abilene to Dallas Texas. The weather was really nasty with thunderstorms. I was surprised we took off. It was a small commuter jet. Continental Express Jet before Continental merged with United. It was a wild ride for sure. At times you were literally suspended in mid air. People were screaming. The seatbelt was the only thing keeping us from hitting the roof of the plane. I think we were the last plane to land for awhile as they shut the airport down. My flight back to Portland was delayed for hours. I ended up getting drunk in the bar and almost missed my flight.

Then there was the time on the helicopter ride on the Oregon coast. Just a few minutes into the flight the thing started sputtering like the engine was going to quit. The pilot says, "We're having some issues and are going to go back immediately." I looked at my girlfriend at the time and there were tears running down her face. She thought we were going to die. She didn't want to go in the first place but I made her. We broke up a couple months later. She never forgave me for getting her on that helicopter. She was terrified and never wanted to go in the first place. I dodged a bullet with that one though. Last I heard she had been in and out of the mental hospital. I still think about her. She was just beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous. She was half Korean. It pissed me off that she couldn't cook. Couldn't even make Bulgogi. She was really good at other things though. But she had cats and I'm not a cat person. Their hair was everywhere.


In my empire of dirt
I went from the lowest rung to the Prince of Arabia Suite... no shit.. I'm in the most super badass hospital room I've ever seen... it's humungous..huge.. posh.. plush.. you can fit 75 people in here... another 20 in the bathroom.. look out the 40 foot wide window it looks like a mini Central Park..

Nurses station

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About time they recognize my authoritah!! 😀
now thats what im talking about!
'bout time!

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