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Lemme try to explain something to non-musicians. There is no feeling that compares to what I'm about to describe...not even a sexual orgasm....so when you're on stage and really clicking with a band...i mean you're all on the same wave, you no longer are connected to the material world..you're in this phantom zone where you can only hear the song...mostly cuz of the monitors at your feet and speakers behind you at 5,000 watts but the point is...you guys do your jam, and then you come out of this weird fog and snap back to reality...and THE first thing your brain acknowledges with your ears is this monstrous all consuming applause...you are swept away by it...it's a fkn drug better than sex, that's why you have rockstars, jumping, dancing, half naked swinging a microphone...you ain't a human anymore, it's fkn nuts...so, if any youngins read this, like in ur 20s, and u want to experience the very pinnacle of what life has to offer you here on this desolate rock, learn an instrument and get on stage.

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