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What music are you listening to?


Well-known member
Postapocalyptic man?
Zug island has its own soundtrack.
Looking at the place from the forested Canadian side makes you ashamed to be part of the species that can do this to your planet.


Lodi, Who'll Stop the Rain, Have You Ever Seen the Rain, Fortunate Son, Put a Candle in the Window, and so many more.... all taught the values and morals of a time when the evening news was about body counts, protests against the war(s) and the abuses peace people received, corruption among our supposed role models and leaders, and on and on.

A macro view of the microcosms that went on in many peoples' homes and families at that time.

The artists and music tried its best to present a moral or ethical compass to follow a lot of the time, a philosophy about life to work toward while pointing out the disparities in the 'conventional wisdom' we'd had been taught.
You lost me at the values and the morals

moose eater

Well-known member
I'm off to kill 2 birch trees near the raspberry arbor for my wife to make use of their relatively straight pole material, finish removing a birch stump next to the driveway, take a spruce or 3 down out near the power/phone lines, then maybe consider drilling out the rusted bolts for a broken license plate illumination bulb on the utility trailer, and collapse for a while with a joint and a beverage.

If I can get my energy back up after that and my body's not in complete melt-down from the pain in my neck and shoulders from my toasted cervical spine that will undoubtedly be happening, then I might consider starting in on the cloning mix that's overdue by an embarrassing amount of time... If I didn't have someone who wants/needs their annual spring cuttings from me for their outdoor crop, I'd probably just say "Fuck it".


moose eater

Well-known member
Tree and stump work is done, sipping a blueberry-apple-orange-date wine (in order of greater ratio/presence) that my wife just transferred into bottles; a good time to be hanging around, if I do say so...

Now for drilling out the bolts or using a Dremel tool to cut the bolts with a tiny cut-off wheel, mount the new license illumination bulb, catch my breath, perhaps another sample of the premature but potent wine, and then the clone mix.



Tree and stump work is done, sipping a blueberry-apple-orange-date wine (in order of greater ratio/presence) that my wife just transferred into bottles; a good time to be hanging around, if I do say so...

Now for drilling out the bolts or using a Dremel tool to cut the bolts with a tiny cut-off wheel, mount the new license illumination bulb, catch my breath, perhaps another sample of the premature but potent wine, and then the clone mix.


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