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Anita Oday is my favorite female artist. Her personality came through when she performed and audiences loved her. She started her career doing dance contests where couples danced until they dropped and the winners got the cash.
She performed with smaller bands in clubs at a time when performers were required to sit, drink and talk with guests during breaks. She was hired by famous big bands and then moved on to a very successful solo career.
She was also a long time heroin addict. I read an interview where she stated that she was living with her longtime drummer and they were both heroin addicts. She told the story about how she had her drugs delivered. She lived in a second story apartment and when it was time to get her junk delivered she would lower a basket down to her delivery guy who would put the junk in the basket and she would pull it up.
Her long time manager lamented that he counseled her many times about her drug use and said that in the fifties she was in high demand and got top dollar. He said she must have spent nearly a million dollars on dope, in the fifties😳 and would have been rich and set for life if not for the dope.
She eventually kicked her habit but not before almost dying and having to be “brought back” several times. I saw a tv interview she gave where she was asked if she was high on smack during the live performance you are going to see. She asked, what year was that, when the interviewer told her she said, oh yeah.
Regardless she gave her usual stunning performance. What a great singer and wonderful person. Sorely missed.