OOps!! I was thinking Nancy Sinatra. 'Nother cup of coffee might be in order... Or a 'whiff on me' maybe.Im gonna nancy wilson ur asses if i dont see improvement
The Doc continues pushing me toward anti-androgen therapy for the cancer, which I've been saying 'No' to for 2-3 years due to side-effects, but I think the red-necks, zealots and such might find me more pleasant if I succumb to his pressure. A more soft-spoken me might have a greater and wider social circle, but do I really want that??Im subliminally making you all soft beta males for breeding with dominant females
Are there pedicures involved? I've never had a pedicure, though have had an odd fascination with the fish they unleash on feet to eat the gunk. Not sure I could tolerate that though, without instinctively whipping out a fillet knife.You could hang out at day spas with chics all day...we'd be jealous