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Well-known member
Today You Learned: what a Primarch is

"The primarchs were bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. They possessed a potent charisma and martial prowess that made them like the mythical gods of old, untouchable by disease, old age or supposedly the petty failings of lesser men."

moose eater

Well-known member
The cocaine was really good back then. Or so I've heard.
Depended heavily on whether you bought it from a stranger in a bar looking to turn an oz into 3 or 8 oz's, or someone who was importing. The product could vary widely in quality. WIDELY.

1983 Alaska State Trooper crime lab-tested coke, mostly from the bar scene, ran 8% to 11%. My coke ran 92% steadily, uncut. You could literally make 10 average bar grams out of one of my grams, and I never cut -anything- I ever sold. And I was only $25 to $50 more per gram than the thieves and hustlers in the bars. Bar grams of bullshit back then were $100 to $125. Mine were $150. Larger amounts had different pricing per gram.

Never do business in bars, either. Cops, hustlers, thieves and informants hang out in them.

Edit: On the upside, the coke was typically mostly still ether refined back then, before Reagan made petroleum ether more difficult to obtain, and the producers turned to diesel and acetone refining.
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