Sorry I've never extracted with citric acid, only degumming with it.
jump117's graph was reasonably close when we checked it out. The thing to consider is how the decarb was done. It is different when done in a thin layer on hot glass, than when herb is simply placed in the oven or cooked in a crocpot.
The multiple short duration heating to extract, is intended to remove the resin using less overall heat, but it certainly isn't the only way to do it. Long duration extractions tend to lower the THC/CBD and raise the CBN contents.
Good point on technique being key, all comes down to temperature, and time at that temperature.
I don’t usually pay close attention to the temp of the water when combining coconut oil, water and cannabis. I put cannabis in the oven first to decarb it.
Boiling is around 220 if I remember right, so a slow crockpot would be a lot less, possibly explaining the need for longer cooking. Or perhaps to bring out more CBN as you point out.
Many ways to skin the poor cat, I’m mostly focused on THc so don’t want to lose any of that if possible.
Need to try to decarb at lower than 220 for 30 minutes in the oven to see if I can notice any benefit, sounds like I might.