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What is Potency?


Active member
What you're speaking of has more to do with tolerance than potency.

Take some time off......and that weed that was "super potent" will once again be"super potent".

Tolerance and weed is some thing that science hasn't quite got it's head around yet.


Active member
I guess what Im trying to say is basically the only way to determine the potency level is to actually measure it. And it still does not prove anything basically because snoopy wants his money back.

Which brings me back to my 1st post in this thread.


The first thing I do when someone says "its potent" is rule them in as full of shit until I try it for myself.


Well-known member
...but how does science prove any thing when 1 person is affected differently than the other from the same strain?...

science is imperfect and we are constantly learning new things and as an example its starting to become known that pharmaceuticals may have varying effects on males and females.



Women experience more adverse reactions to treatment with therapeutic drugs than men. Theories proposed to explain this include overdosing, different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, women are more likely to report adverse events than men, or women take more medications than men. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Women's Health (OWH) funds research to promote including women in clinical trials and understanding the biology of sex-related differences in the safety of FDA-regulated products. Including women in clinical trials advances the understanding of drug efficacy and safety in women by providing information on drug dosing, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. A Baysian statistical analysis of sex differences in adverse events showed that although about the same number of adverse events were reported for men and women, those reported for women were more serious. One example of a sex difference in the toxicity of pharmaceuticals is the drug-induced cardiac arrhythmia, torsades de point. OWH funded studies in animals and humans to investigate the mechanism behind this sex difference. These studies demonstrated that shortening the QT interval increases the risk of developing torsades and that androgens protect against torsades by slowing cardiac repolarization and prolonging the QT interval. Understanding the mechanisms behind other reported sex-related differences in adverse drug effects requires additional research. The preliminary studies conducted to date suggest that this sex-related difference is likely to be a multifactorial problem requiring information from several fields of study. Ideally, individuals at risk for developing an adverse event should be identified prior to therapeutic intervention. The OWH plans to fund more studies to investigate the role of hormonal variations on drug metabolism and drug-drug interactions. Animal and in vitro model systems are needed to fully understand the mechanism of how gender influences drug toxicity."



with potent weed something clicks early on...like in the first 30 seconds of smoking a joint regardless of the of weed...not necessarily the actual stone/high affect of the weed but something is happening with your brain receptors activating and preparing for the higher amount of Cannabinoids
Interesting topic.
Imho true measurement of any potency is an aside from how it effects anyone really.
Just like alch. is measured n labelled to have how ever much alch. is in the product just like pills are devided into doses that contain a certain measured amount of the active ingredient.
Nothing more than an amount of active ingredient.
How it effects ppl differently is a matter of judging dosage of the given "potency".
What gets to me is how "breeders" have been acting like their claimed profiles even as full of shit as most of those measurements are, are any sort of dictation of potency of the product when it only takes the profile into account and doesn't even include resin production itself.
I'm of the mind that 2 different plants with say even an exact profile can be considered to be different potencies if 1 is producing twice as much resin as the other per same amount of dried flower weight (which could easily be found out with a standardized method of extraction n measurement against the amount of matter used to extract from).
Imo at that point 1 is obvioucsly more potent than the other as there's twice as much the active ingredient present in the same amount of flower material.
Seems marketing has just been a scam n done nothing but gotten in the way of true measurments with that market.
Dunno just seems to be abit of a difference between a products actual measured potency in a product and any decided dosage due to how it effects any given person to me.
Think there should be a measured potency in products but that leaves responsibility to users and their doctors as to how much to dose which would be what realy ranges if it's a measured product that's being considered fro dosage.

Like booze treats everyone differently but I know when I wanna sit n have a few with dinner or friends n shoot the shit n don't want to get shit faced n wake up in a cell I stay away from the hard stuff n just sip a couple beers through out the night.
Potency would be %'s the labels read, n dosage would be what n how much I chose to use.

I dunno either way like I said interesting topic, n good to see these types of convos.

Cheers all,...........................................................gps


What is potency? To Whom?
I have very potent pot I would not want to smoke again because altho potent it was not the kind of high I prefer.
You need potency, but only if the high is what you like.
So first of all separate potency from the kind of effects you want.
Then find the most potent with the effects you love if most potent is what you want.


well if we're going to talk about affect then we really also need to include flavor...so really its the troika of potency, affect, flavor that makes for exceptional weed...all done very well with the the vegan, totally hand produced and cured for 30 days Strawberry Cough I'm enjoying today...absolutely delicious!
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Here is an excellent gauge of potency.

Smoke some pot. Wait five minutes.

Read O.O.'s reply above. If you finish reading it and are
giggling and slapping your knee, you have potency.

If after reading his reply you just smile knowingly, then
you have potency, and a really good understanding of
the concepts he presented.

Finally, if you failed to finish reading his reply, and
are in the kitchen raiding the fridge instead, then
you have potency and also the good sense to just
enjoy yourself instead of debating the tenet of potency
and duration.

O.O., apologies to you in advance, I hope you
have a good sense of humor and can take a joke!

I want to steal that...


Well-known member
exacto mundo sams!

had once this crazy blue moonshine x original haze testcross, and most of the phenos after being smoked, made you incapable of moving around even sitting... so basicly after smoking it you spent the next 2-3 hours lying on the floor and contemplating suicide, cause the effect made you weird n ish, hating everything n such....

had the exact same report of 5 folks who sampled it, every one of them returned the rest of the samples and told me it's TO strong and strange highwise -> to be honest i guess the whole "potency" thing came from other drugs like alcohol and hard stuff, where there is mostly only one chemical responsible for the effect and not a plethora of these.
same thing with the thc % braggin ish, used for marketing.

i rather smoke 5-7% thc weed all day all night, if the high/stone + taste suits me, then blaze on 20+% ish stuff for bragging rights and disliking the high or getin burned out :)

ps.: in the end, ain't it highly userspecific in accordance to folks endocannabinoid systems expression?

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
What is potency? To Whom?
I have very potent pot I would not want to smoke again because altho potent it was not the kind of high I prefer.
You need potency, but only if the high is what you like.
So first of all separate potency from the kind of effects you want.
Then find the most potent with the effects you love if most potent is what you want.

Right. Levels of potency. A glass of wine or a shot of

Each level is a personal observation. Tolerance level
and set and setting. We all have had 7% strain blow us away.

20% will always kick your ass. Dry sift and edibles, where
do they factor in?

Potency needs to be defined before any meaningful discussion can move forward.

Great thread.


Well-known member
Alcohol has been mentioned a few times and it may be somewhat a good comparison. The main intoxicating substance in alcoholic drinks is ethanol and it varies by % with different ones…beer, wine, whiskey, etc. I have noticed differing effects with different types of drink say comparing vodka to tequila. Both may be 40% alcohol but different effects are felt by consuming the same amount. And the same can hold true with beer, wine…I get a different effect if I drink a few beers compared to drinking wine that would give me the same amount of alcohol. The alcohol is the same, it must be the other components that make the difference.

The % thing with alcohol is just that, a measurement of the alcohol content. High proof Everclear comes in at 95% and near beer at .5%.