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What is Potency?


Active member
what do people mean when they say potent? how long the high lasts or how strong the high is? the second one would seem very subjective no?


Active member
To me potency is how much I need to smoke til I feel comfortably high. I usually will roll about a .8 joint, if I get high in 1/4 of it it is very potent, if I get high in half it's about average, if I need to smoke more than half to feel desired effects it is lower end of potency.

How long it lasts I consider the duration which is different than the potency. Some weed can require less to get high but wears off faster other weed takes more to get high but lasts longer.

It's all subjective. I think pretty much anything I have ever grown myself is more potent then most of whats out there.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
What people say and what 'potency' really means are two different things.
I'm all with what HITH said, 'potency' in stoner jargon is the personal perception of a subjective high rather than something linked to CB1 affinity, efficacy, and concentration (aka pharmacodynamics). It is basically judged by how high or stoned you get rather than how, how quickly, or how long. BTW pharmacokinetics dictates that the more potent (in this case mainly THC %) your herb the longer it will act. The ADME profile of THC remains the same over a large dosage range and hence the more you take the longer it acts (and obviously the higher you get till you reach your ceiling). This gets more evident when eating 'goodies' (unless your digestion slows down due OD)...
Notably, this is only true for pure THC and may or may not differ when put into a matrix (herb, food) or mixed with other cannabinoids such as CBD or essential oil (aka 'terpenes').

The problem with any mind altering substance is their effect on objectiveness (subjectiveness) and enhanced susceptibility to suggestions. IMHO bumper ads, crazy pics, bag appeal, dank smell, personal involvement (e.g. growing, smuggling etc. his own stash), set and setting, peer pressure, and so on will influence 'potency' to some degree.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
All of this is based on opinion.
What do you mean with 'this'? This whole thread, the opinions stated in the replies, potency itself, how strong weed is or how long it acts...?
What sort of opinion? Objective, subjective, measured, felt, experienced, judged on observation, peer reviewed...?

I'm kinda put into your location by your statement :D .

sal opette

ICMag Donor
Potency = how high your get from a given amount of herb

Potency only works in comparison, until someone works out a way of measuring how high you are!

Lots of people say that potency is the main reason why strains win cups because they are noticeably stronger than the rest.

Medical dictionary Definition of POTENCY:-

: the quality or state of being potent: as
a : chemical or medicinal strength or efficacy <a drug's potency>
b : the ability to copulate—usually used of the male
c : initial inherent capacity for development of a particular kind <cells with a potency for eye formation>

I think we're talking about a.... right?


what do people mean when they say potent? how long the high lasts or how strong the high is? the second one would seem very subjective no?

I would say, both.

Side-stepping some of the pitfalls, e.g. if someone's blood sugar gets low after they toke up, and they faint or need to lie down.

I remember the first time I tried home-made sift. Took one puff and I was horizontal & comatose for about an hour and a half. I would say, that was potency, a little more than I anticipated.

Sometimes bad old weed can leave you feeling comatose, that's not potency.

This subject is best contemplated over a fresh puff. :dance013:

sal opette

ICMag Donor
Thinking about it, many people probably take cannabinoid percentages to be a measure of potency.

But that's a whole bag of worms when you consider ..... the effect of terpenes on the high.........or start to question the testing (percentage of WHAT exactly? or................

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
A simple definition could also be: Potency is the least shrinkage of your wallet for the most effect :) .


Señor Member
In pharmacology, what potency refers to is how little of a dose is needed to achieve the desired effect. An opiate whose average adult dose is 2mg is more potent than an opiate whose dose is 4mg.

When most potheads use the word, they are referring to how couch locky it is.


ICMag Donor
Potency for me is derived from the amount required to feel the onset of it's effects... as others have stated.

The only exception to this is the few lines that have a true creeper high - in which the onset doesn't hit you for 5-15 minutes after you smoke - and by that point, you've already over compensated...



Potency, is how bad it f***'s up the neurological circuitry in your brain, specifically in around the hippocampus.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
What people say and what 'potency' really means are two different things.
I'm all with what HITH said, 'potency' in stoner jargon is the personal perception of a subjective high rather than something linked to CB1 affinity, efficacy, and concentration (aka pharmacodynamics). It is basically judged by how high or stoned you get rather than how, how quickly, or how long. BTW pharmacokinetics dictates that the more potent (in this case mainly THC %) your herb the longer it will act. The ADME profile of THC remains the same over a large dosage range and hence the more you take the longer it acts (and obviously the higher you get till you reach your ceiling). This gets more evident when eating 'goodies' (unless your digestion slows down due OD)...
Notably, this is only true for pure THC and may or may not differ when put into a matrix (herb, food) or mixed with other cannabinoids such as CBD or essential oil (aka 'terpenes').

The problem with any mind altering substance is their effect on objectiveness (subjectiveness) and enhanced susceptibility to suggestions. IMHO bumper ads, crazy pics, bag appeal, dank smell, personal involvement (e.g. growing, smuggling etc. his own stash), set and setting, peer pressure, and so on will influence 'potency' to some degree.

Here is an excellent gauge of potency.

Smoke some pot. Wait five minutes.

Read O.O.'s reply above. If you finish reading it and are
giggling and slapping your knee, you have potency.

If after reading his reply you just smile knowingly, then
you have potency, and a really good understanding of
the concepts he presented.

Finally, if you failed to finish reading his reply, and
are in the kitchen raiding the fridge instead, then
you have potency and also the good sense to just
enjoy yourself instead of debating the tenet of potency
and duration.

O.O., apologies to you in advance, I hope you
have a good sense of humor and can take a joke!

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
O.O., apologies to you in advance, I hope you
have a good sense of humor and can take a joke!
Oh, I had a good laugh when reading your allegory! :D

But what when you don't have potency? Do you start crying and running around in circles?


Active member
For example.

take two people, two different strains.

1 person takes 1 hit from one, the other takes a hit of the same.
Then both report how long it took to feel the effects.

Then they both test the other strain.

One person says it took longer for strain A to kick in, the other says it hit them right away.

Here is your opinion factor. Now the only REAL way to gauge potency is with science. How much THC/Cannabinoids exist in strain A to B, etc.


Active member
What may be potent in your body may not or may be more potent to mine.

I don't feel there is a MOST potent being we all react a bit different to each strain.

What rocks your world may not be shit to me and vice versa.

It's all subjective to me.


Active member
For example.

take two people, two different strains.

1 person takes 1 hit from one, the other takes a hit of the same.
Then both report how long it took to feel the effects.

Then they both test the other strain.

One person says it took longer for strain A to kick in, the other says it hit them right away.

Here is your opinion factor. Now the only REAL way to gauge potency is with science. How much THC/Cannabinoids exist in strain A to B, etc.

Tryin to get a better grasp of this post.The first part i'm all in agreement.........but how does science prove any thing when 1 person is affected differently than the other from the same strain?

The first part of the post states (to me)what has Charlie Brown is FUBAR but Snoopy wants his money back.


Active member
most weed you can "feel the onset of the effects" in 1 hit. even the crappest weed i ever smoked. i can take one hit and if i wait 5 minutes i'll feel something.

i know the medical definition, the amount of whatever you need to produce a desired effect.

maybe i'm burned out but no matter what i smoke i don't get the "desired effect" i'm 'high' but it's nothing i can distinguish from any other buzz which is a more accurate term. is this a potency issue?

i smoke and i can feel my brain being foggy, but thats about all that happens these days even when i'm drinking, i can feel the effects, but it does't matter i guess.

if like if you hurt yourself and you keep going and even though you're hurt you don't feel it anymore. it's like that but with altered mind. i don't seem to feel it anymore. i can smoke and drink all day any i function fine i just get increasingly sleepy till i pass out.

is this a potency thing?