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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Game Bred
stockings in a cup?
hose in a tumbler?
thigh highs in a champagne flute?

wtf are you talking about foot coverings and drinking utensils for?

sometimes you are just nonsensical...

what presidential candidate most closely represents your beliefs on marijuana?


weed fiend
stockings in a cup?
hose in a tumbler?
thigh highs in a champagne flute?

wtf are you talking about foot coverings and drinking utensils for?

sometimes you are just nonsensical...

And sometimes you're a pest. You can address what I posted or leave it alone.

what presidential candidate most closely represents your beliefs on marijuana?
I believe that Ron Paul most closely represents a guy that says he'll wax the DEA (and some are already counting on it.) Moneyline odds lists Sarah Palin twice as likely to win the presidency as Paul.

And if we have to pretend that federal law would be repealed, other jurisdictions would still make the call. National lawmakers wouldn't be an issue.

You're whole premise can't get off the ground because you're locked into the idea I'm gambling on who's most likely to legalize. Lol.

Get a q-tip and clean the idea I'm banking on anybody to legalize from your ears. Then, observe conversations and where they're going instead of trying to steer them to the absurd conclusions only you imagine.


Active member
A constitutional amendment ensuring our right to consume and produce drugs including but not limited to marijuana and alcohol would be nice. Time to start taking back our rights from the government.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What's happening to the USA? We forgot that supply side economics only works for the top. What's happening to the USA? We've politicized proven economics and romanticized stuff that only works for the top.
Supply-side economics was a 1970's invention and while it heralds itself as a return to classic economics it's a perversion. "Right wing" engineering vs "left wing" engineering. It's still centralist engineering. The combination of the two has left us bankrupt.

The central problem for the economy remains. Mainly demographic changes that make the current system based on the infinite expansion of credit obsolete and there is no more demand. The micro consumer and macro world governments have overdosed on debt and now it's time to sober up.

In the end all of the different neo-classical economic ideas operate within the realm of classic economics. When they become so distorted and out of equilibrium the market will force the needed changes onto the participants to force the reversion to the mean.


Game Bred
And sometimes you're a pest. You can address what I posted or leave it alone.
i addressed your pic of jay didn't i?

I believe that Ron Paul most closely represents a guy that says he'll wax the DEA

so Dr. Paul most closely represents your beliefs on this issue?

And if we have to pretend that federal law would be repealed, other jurisdictions would still make the call. National lawmakers wouldn't be an issue.
you are correct once the federal government legalizes it will be up to the states.
no matter who is president when it happens.
i don't understand why you are harping on that as if it displays some duplicity on the good doctor's part?

You're whole premise can't get off the ground because you're locked into the idea I'm gambling on who's most likely to legalize. Lol.
nope just asking the simplest of questions.
no "gamble"(a gamble implies something to gain or lose)

Get a q-tip and clean the idea I'm banking on anybody to legalize from your ears.
asking a simple question is far from "banking" or "gambling"
it's how conversations work silly wabbit ;)
Then, observe conversations and where they're going instead of trying to steer them to the absurd conclusions only you imagine.

what conclusion do you assume im making?

what candidate best represents your beliefs concerning marijuana?
seriously why is that question difficult for you?

im not asking who you "bank on" to do something or "gambling" to do something.

just wonder who most closely mirrors your stance?

is that so nefarious you must dodge dip duck dive and doge like it's a wrench?


weed fiend
Supply-side economics was a 1970's invention and while it heralds itself as a return to classic economics it's a perversion. "Right wing" engineering vs "left wing" engineering. It's still centralist engineering. The combination of the two has left us bankrupt.

The central problem for the economy remains. Mainly demographic changes that make the current system based on the nfinite expansion of credit obsolete and there is no more demand. The consumer and world governments have overdosed on debt and now it's time to sober up.

In the end all of the different neo-classical economic ideas operate within the realm of classic economics. When they become so distorted and out of equilibrium the market will force the needed changes onto the participants to force the reversion to the mean.

Check out the 8 page rolling stone article outlining all the tax cuts and benefits for the wealthy, beginning in the 80s, through the late 90s congress and culminating with the Bush tax cuts.

We might have ionospheric problems generated by the fed but the real problems that directly effected you and me for the last 31 years are at ground level.

Wealth hasn't disappeared in the last 31 years and dooms day central control warnings are as old as central banking. Wealth has been disproportionally captured by the same folks who bought deregulation.

In the article, those guys saying 'starve the beast' (republican lawmakers) were duped to infinity. The top wasn't satisfied with tax breaks on future wealth. This starve the beast i.e. government approach never stopped at government. These same folks are starving the economy and the statistics prove it.

By and large, we can fix banking policies because we have the benefit of knowing what broke the system - more than once. Might be an opportunity to go back to the gilded age but too few consider that opportunity.

I wouldn't suggest the debate over central banking and fractional reserve is a distraction if we didn't have so many larger problems with previously failed banking tactics and their new exotic siblings.
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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Moneyline odds lists Sarah Palin twice as likely to win the presidency as Paul.

that's part of the problem right there.

who lives in America, speaks english, has listened to both and would put palin ahead of paul?

that imo is part of our problem...


Game Bred
hey palin may be beating paul in a poll on huff post...

but thats huff post and they are as brilliant as fox news...


hey palin may be beating paul in a poll on huff post...

but thats huff post and they are as brilliant as fox news...

^^^^^^ yup ^^^^^^^^

america is the baskin robbins of spin! 31 flavors of sugar coated bullshit has made some bitter truths very unpopular ......... but it will be the last thing they have in stock, so we will get to it eventually


weed fiend
hey palin may be beating paul in a poll on huff post...

but thats huff post and they are as brilliant as fox news...

More totally worthless conclusions. It's the closest thing to Vegas odds as you'll get because Vegas isn't fool enough to set odds on Paul winning the presidency.

Lets pretend Nader wanted to legalize marijuana since he admitted publicly the DEA has failed. That would be warm and cuddly but quick recognition that Nader isn't any more popular nationally than Paul makes all the difference.

And Moneyline is on it's own website, not HP.

LOL, what a maroon.


Game Bred
do try to read...

moneyline has odds and that's what you referenced.

i was making a joke about the absurdity of "odds" or even bringing "clownshoes" palin into the discussion...

what a marauder...

so what candidate most closely mirrors your stance on marijuana?
why is that a hard question for you?


weed fiend
i was making a joke about the absurdity of "odds" or even bringing "clownshoes" palin into the discussion

but thats huff post and they are as brilliant as fox news...

No. It's Moneyline, clown.

so what candidate most closely mirrors your stance on marijuana?
Why do assume any candidate (or the president) closely mirrors what I want? I don't expect any president to advance legalization or even meaningful decriminalization. I've been posting as much for several years.

Your assumption I align with the president or any of the candidates regarding weed is wrong. Please, leave it to rest in peace.

I did opine on Gary Johnson. It's not an endorsement and he no way 'closely mirrors' anything.

If you care to read it

Click the 'search thread' button - type Gary Johnson - press enter - select my post - read the comment.

why is that a hard question for you?
Consider taking private your imaginary personal obsessions.


Game Bred
ahhh i see..
you think im asking who you endorse or who mirrors you..

what i asked was who most closely mirrors your stances on a specific issue..

for instance on
torture: Obama most closely mirrors my stance
drugs: Paul
foreign policy:paul

et cetera..

sorry you didn't get the joke.
i think you actually get angry sometimes nd miss things....

as for obsession...
i don't get your inference


weed fiend
ahhh i see..
you think im asking who you endorse or who mirrors you..

what i asked was who most closely mirrors your stances on a specific issue..

for instance on
torture: Obama most closely mirrors my stance
drugs: Paul
foreign policy:paul

et cetera..

sorry you didn't get the joke.
i think you actually get angry sometimes nd miss things....

as for obsession...
i don't get your inference

Hate to put you on ignore but I hope you have a nice evening nonetheless.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Wish a buck was still silver.
It was, back when the country was strong.
Back before Elvis; before the Vietnam war came along.
Before The Beatles and "Yesterday",
When a man could still work, and still would.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?
Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
With no kind of chance for the Flag or the Liberty bell.
Wish a Ford and a Chevy,
Could still last ten years, like they should.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?
I wish coke was still cola,
And a joint was a bad place to be.
And it was back before Nixon lied to us all on TV.
Before microwave ovens,
When a girl still cooked and chopped wood.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?
Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
With no kind of chance for the Flag or the Liberty bell.
Wish a Ford and a Chevy,
Could still last ten years, like they should.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?
One more time:
Stop rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
Stand up for the Flag and let's all ring the Liberty bell.
Let's make a Ford and a Chevy,
Still last ten years, like they should.
'Cos the best of the free life is still yet to come,
The good times ain't over for good?
Let's sing it again.
Stop rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
Stand up for the Flag and let's all ring the Liberty bell.
Let's make a Ford and a Chevy,
That'll still last ten years, like they should.
'Cos the best of the free life is still yet to come,
An' the good times ain't over for good?
Merle Haggard:)
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