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What inspired your username?

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
my unlce's called leaf , I got interested in growing seeing him as a kid now hes fucked up strung out smh and I grow trees . also it was my name on rollitup when I first started growing and I made an account here , with the name disappeared for years came back , here I am :biggrin: EXCELLENT THREAD


What were we talking about?
Mine came to me in an epiphany. (Cue the cherubs and choir music)

I am a big fan of the movie Buckaroo Banzai, and his volunteers are called Blue Blazer regulars. I'm a regular blazer and getting high makes my thoughts ramble like the blue blazes.

So taken altogether . . . you get . . . um . . . err . . . you, ah . . . what were we talking about?


. . . and if the people you are with are high, they won't remember either . . .


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My name came from thinking about the late 50's early 60's when you had the beatnik crowd and if you were cool they might have said you were a hip or hep kat. Of course being what this site is all about I felt HipKat or HepKat would be too lame. So I changed hip or hep to Hemp and became HempKat. :)


Active member
It came to me one day while taking a piss.

Big D , that should have read ( Taking the piss)

Mine , well MJ speaks for itself & Badger is because I`m always out in the countryside digging holes mostly at night & as far as I know never seen .


Active member
Great thread!

Dropped Cat is a dope little ditty.

I got my name because our "circle" calls Meds "Pizza"

I'm the Pizza Man....that simple.


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Was putting seeds into a paper towel to germ and the news reporter was interviewing a guy named Lester.

I put a lot of thought into it obviously haha

Good thread!
Lester Beans

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
It's a Rush album

Off the top of my head...

From the song Mission,

Hold your fire,
keep it burning bright,
hold the flame,
'till the dream ignites,
a spirit,
with a vision,
is a dream,
with a mission......

-Neil Peart


Active member
I have hunting dogs who rarely get a proper bath . My nephew who at the time was about 7 called me uncle stinkymutt because of my dogs . So there it is I used the name on OG and moved in here as well .

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
My name wuz given to me bAck in 99 by an foreign prison guard, when I wuz locked up < He thought it wuz halarous that a 18 year ol kid from Canada wuz locked up in a different country , He started bustin my balls asking where I wuz born ,why I wuz such a fuk up etc, told him, " I wuz born in Winnipeg Mb ", ever heard it?! , ooohhh ,yesss Winnipeg jets , teemu shalanie, . ever since I been TS .

I think he wuz the best thing that ever came outta peg city , and hope to live up to the name :)



if it smells like fish
I am already thinking of my new one when I get banned again for the 3 third time...pig season ,duck,turkey.quail and deer coming up....and I got a bowl for all of em.....peace


Sisu is a Finnish word (I'm AmeriFinn :biggrin:) that roughly means the ability to succeed in the face of overwhelming odds and repeated setbacks without losing focus or emotional control. I was reading a friend's obituary earlier this year and it was said that he lived his life with sisu. He was tough. So I guess it's partly about him and also a reminder to me to hang tough.



Active member
Its my old Disc Jockey handle... I used to spin at bars and parties.. after the fact.. I started to look up the origin of the term "Scotfree".. and well my name translates to "Tax Free DJ" which is (was) fairly accurate.. lol... Love & Light~ DJSF

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
with my original account, I was smoking too many sativas for a while and thought I was getting busted so I deleted my account. Never any need to delete your account. Paranoia can suck. I'm fine now.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
friends used to call me fed (fried every day) but I thought it would suck as a username, I came up with this one instead.......

"Fried every day" is a good one, but I don't think "fed" would go over very well on here!

I'm reading some great stories here man, some of y'alls names are great, and self-explanatory, and I'm enjoying reading about the ones I never would have guessed..
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