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What has happened with the human race?


weed fiend
When you get 20 years older, you'll look back on all the predicted cataclysms. You'll look at the [then] contemporary doom sayers a little less acute.

Eventually, someone will call it vague enough to get away with the Nostradumbass seal of approval. Until then, we can look back on the plethora of gloom and doom predicted as advertisement-sales only.
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Well-known member
machette doesn't buy gold!

if it really comes to a hardcore collapse, only "survival" items might help you... anyone seen mad max ;)



I haven't read all the posts but I really don't know what is causing all the hatred these days, most of the so called free world lives a hell of a lot better than ever & yet we kill each other over next to nothing!
More & more evidence showing cannabis to be a truly beneficial PLANT and yet our government keeps denying it's medical uses unless you're a pharmaceutical companies!
Hell I don't even trust most of my family, next to none anyway on my wife's side!
I served our country & love this country but I truly wonder weather to stay or move somewhere else & where to move I don't know!:rant::plant grow:


Stems Analyst
...and what's all this talk about human racists?!

(edit: nevermind)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Think of consciousness as so much more than the physical form

Earth is a duality paradigm, some say duality program (matrix)

Everything, including mold, viruses... compete for survival

Once the collective 'we' learn the lessons in this classroom, we will graduate to another


Active member
Seems as though, too many people are thinking their opinions mean something. Cottonmouth had it right, we all have opinions and ass holes, just because you have one doesn't mean yours is better than mine. Government is loaded with "leaders" who try and in some cases convince a great number of followers to follow them "Blindly" there in lies the problem. To follow unquestioning, can lead you into the boxcars to a gas chamber. It was the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Getto that did not give up their weapons,and never ceased fighting till Hitler and his followers were defeated. Who among you would fight to the death for freedom. At my age I would die NOW for my children and grand kids to be living in a time of less government instead of our leaders buying them for a mere handout. Enough of my thoughts and facts, after all I do have an opinion and an asshole, stinking up the place.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
According to Stitchen and more clearly, Gerald Clark www.geraldclark77.com the 2 Alien brothers, from planet Nibiru, who are responsible for genetically altering the humanoid beings (our ancestors) that created our slave race are still fighting over what to do with us. Nibiru has a ~ 26,000 year elyptic through our universe. Their lives are similarly longer (thousands of years). Apparently life expectancy has something to do with rotation around the sun

It is important to understand that some form of man has been on earth much longer than the pseudo-historical records AND that Enlil and Enki genetically altered them to become their slave race.

According to Sumerian, and other tablets not discovered until the early-mid 20th century..

Enlil (bad, caused the floods-has gone many names over the millennia, the satanic force/Yahweh/God) does not want us to gain consciousness and ascend to higher realms. It is he who caused the floods that Noah (Enki) built an arc for although it was filled with DNA, not animals. In his twisted mind, we are here to do his bidding. He feeds off our fear (like a powerful drug). He is able to capture our souls and make us reincarnate here repeatedly, and plans to collect us and take us elsewhere once this planet dies

Enki, was the snake in the Garden of Eden. Much to his brother's displeasure, he offered us the way to become 'like gods' by eating the fruit of knowledge

Enlil controlled the priesthood and politics, rewriting the actual events. His minions do his bidding to this day- keeping us from the truth, dumbing us down in every conceivable way

Enki is about to return - perhaps for the biblical final battle. If this is true much culling (death & destruction) is at hand, and indeed seems to be playing out before our eyes
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Active member
we are just smart evolved animals and sometimes revert to basic primal instincts. long term is we are on a path to self destruction eventually. our whole planet is a cancer cell on a giants back.


We have evolved into a society that places human value on possessions - the real value in life is people & life it's self


Active member
What's wrong with the human race? There's too many of them, that's what's wrong. Humanity is lost when too many humans are competing for ever decreasing resources/space. A man is supposed to be master of his domain, but with world population nearing 8 billion, our domain is constantly shrinking, and with it, our power to do anything to change it. All systems have broken down: environment, economics, governments, religions, cultures, everything. Respect for Guia has evaporated. Once the balance with nature is destroyed, everything else falls apart. Greed & ignorance dominate our once pristine planet. It seems we just never learn.


Well-known member
What's wrong with the USA? A segment of the population have lost political power and will never regain ever again.

But this is coming from a little black boy who grew up and went to school on the grounds of what was once a plaintation in Georgia. You can't get more american than that!!
Greed and Power ,, and the power of greed,and the greediness of power! We need to learn to love what we have and be glad for what others have ,, and not want ...

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