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what happens to your rights on probation?


HAHA ooh cow. Oxys i have a personal vendetta against b/c of something that happened to me and a friend. But weed i just don't think is a medicine per say. In the abstract i guess it qualifies as a medicine. But here we go is wine a medicine since it can help your heart?? How would that then be classified? Also what about other drugs? All drugs have probabily some abstract medical value but nobody says they are medicines. Whats your thoughts on that? We should make a new thread this is off topic. Tell me if you do i think this could make a great debate.


Patient Grower
Why would your opinion of what is and isn't a medicine be meaningful? I think the opinion of the International Cannabinoid Research Society holds a little more weight with me.

I think perhaps what your mistake is is thinking that palliation isn't a valid medical application. But that's not an opinion that's shared with many outside of religionists and other fanatics. Yes, there's no controlled dosage but that a function of the law getting in the way of science. Did you know that the THC content in the cigarettes that NIDA supplies to the IND patients is constant? They use a solvent to extract the THC from the cannabis and then spray it back on to accomplish this. Oh, BTW there is such a thing as a PRN prescription. PRN is a acronym from some latin words, in English means take 'as needed or required' and left to the patients discretion.


You make good arguments but i just dont think its medecine bottom line. You not gonna convince me soo lets just stop it here. But if you want to make a new thread let me know because I think this would be an awesome debate. Let me know if you do.