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40th anniversary thread. Thought that was very interesting, cant find it ?What happened?
40th anniversary thread. Thought that was very interesting, cant find it ?What happened?
The war was wrong but the soldiers did what they were told to do. You can blame soldiers for misquided international politics.
Like Robots? No brain? No morals? No blame? B/S.
The Trials at Nuremburg ended all those excuses. To some degree it's correct, I was forced in for 2 joints ( of crappy mexican weed ) on 4th of july weekend. So while we had the draft etc, there still comes a point when you the individual has to stand up and do what's right.
You either do the right thing or not but either way the guy in the mirror is who is to blame,
'The Trials at Nuremburg ended all those excuses.'
Sure it's easy to judge the soldiers after the fact but what do you think would have happened to German soldiers if they refused orders? Firing squad, you that brave? I know I'm not.
What about American soldiers during Vietnam? 20 years in Leavenworth most likely.
Today we know how wrong the MJ laws are. I remember reading about people in the 60's in Texas getting decades long sentences for possession of small amounts of pot. Think their sentences got reduced because the laws are wrong?
'The Trials at Nuremburg ended all those excuses.'
Sure it's easy to judge the soldiers after the fact but what do you think would have happened to German soldiers if they refused orders? Firing squad, you that brave? I know I'm not.
What about American soldiers during Vietnam? 20 years in Leavenworth most likely.
, I think it's wrong to besmirch the young men that went there, many against their will
They call it the Eichman defence; "I was just following orders".
But don't forget Cassius Clay refused to go to vietnam, and I think he did two years in jail, not 20.