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What did it feel like to Grow back then ???


Active member
it was so fun back in the late 70's, but I was young and dumb, now I am old and dumb,i had the only indoor grow I know of in AZ in 79, 13 bare bones 1000 watt halides ordered out of high times, I stayed to high to worry about the law,


Well in the late 80's standing in a 4k room was quite scary because if caught you would be looking at 10 years. Not sleeping until the sun comes up because they usually kick doors in at night.

I feel ya, I got to the point that I wouldn't go to sleep till the sun came up; because where I lived they would serve search warrants just before sunrise.

I'm really glad I got out of that part of the country, and out of the scene before I cracked. I thought about shooting through the door once, when I had a couple pounds hanging in the living room, and someone started knocking on the front door. I went out the back and came around the house to get the drop on who I thought were rippers at the front door. Turned out to be some bible thumper, that thought it was OK to drive past a bunch of no trespassing signs, and down a 1/4 mile private drive. He wasn't too interested in 'saving' me after getting met with an AK. That little episode cost me about a month of not sleeping, because you could easily smell what was going on from the front porch.

Edit: I will say that I don't think there are any drugs out there that can compare with the shot of adrenaline an encounter like that will give you. I still remember that day vividly, crazy intense, I can only imagine that it has to be similar to running into battle.
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if it smells like fish
its was fun...there wasn't a lot of competition and investor scum didn't have unlimited backers to put you under .....you made great cash and there was only the law emforcement to worry about other than rippers,robbers ect...and depending where you were you could name your own price if it was the bomb diggity........YEEHAW


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

here is an old grow buddy in a room of pot from the 90s some sensi serious and private stock afghani and NL

He always wanted to send them in to high times but was too afraid of the consequences and passed along many years ago.

.. I never thought I would be here now like this, that is for sure

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Wow, keep those close, how cool :tiphat:


Active member
1978 first decent lights

1978 first decent lights

philips 400w mercury and philips 400w sodium

uk sagamo street light timers modified

And i new about light dep outside.

I only knew 1 other outside grower then and no others under lights
cops had no clue in the uk.A


Legal wtf is that?

I have grown since the 80's and still living in a hot state today. Now it is harder than ever. Prices are good its a $300 ounce game here.

Yes things have come a long ways, used to be defficiant plants and fox tails galore. Now you can get on home depot website order a decent flood and drain set.

Used to be alot easier to operate, now its tougher because power companys know when that ballast hits the grid for juice. What honestly has fucked the game up is methamphetamine nation. Fucking tweakers have the popo looking hard at anything and everything. Tweakers really screwed up the growers game big time.

Where I am at the 99 rule is in place. You do not even talk to anyone about growing the send a freind to the pen is very much alive and well. I make sure my count is very much over the 99 rule because if I get popped I rather do fed time instead of state time.

I do miss the days when there was no legal states because only a few had the nut sack to attempt a grow even if it was just 1 plant. I am really curious what would happen if it returned back to the way it was, how many would have the nuts to grow. It used to be a very select group of people, now its not. To damn many key board and wallet warriors today. I will admit when I am having a bad day the best thing is to read how the people in a legal state bitch cry and whine because thier rights are being lost. Be glad you can have your 6 plants total, be glad that roach in your ash tray doesnt get you 5 years probation for first offense or 3 years in the pen for your second offense.

Maybe someday things will change for me, maybe...Until it does change I will continue on knowing if and when I am popped I will be screwed, be a felon, and splashed in the local media like a mass murderer. Hats off to the ol timers, to those that never grew hot well be sure and thank us that risk it all every damn day.

If you want to get paid well jump in a hot state, come live the life of a real grower.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I got into the bird watching hobby because it was a good reason for being in the woods. I learned a lot about ornithology from growing weed. I don't know if anyone ever saw me, but when I'd visit a spot I was growing at I'd put on this act like I just stumbled across the pot plants by accident while looking for birds. I took nice photos of birds and identified hundreds of different species as an excuse for being out in the wilderness checking on my pot plants. One time I had a patch disappear and I still don't know if it was the law or other potheads who caught me, its not out of the question that someone saw me bird watching the day I found out those plants were gone - which was also the day I saw my first ferruginous hawk.


Active member
fuk legal weed

fuk legal weed

I wont smoke it out of principle.
piss on it and legal growers.A


Active member
It's still illegal here. The word FEAR & TERROR come to mind. Most cops are ex-military and they shoot everyone and the family dog. All property is stolen and you get out of prison with debt and nothing else.


Hi ho here we go
In the early 70's we hippies.

In the early 70's we hippies.

We grew outside with seeds we got from Mexican brick. Hundreds of plants in my backyard. Cops could care less.

Then I bought a Phototron and learned about sexing.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Yeah, smoking leaves, that was a thing back in the 70's. Immature buds if you were lucky.

Darn kids these days, in my day we smoked fan leaves and had fun doing it! My Dad had to walk a mile to school in freezing temps and had no pot to smoke. He thought I was spoiled of course.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I accidentally broke the top off one of my vegging plants so instead of tossing it I sun dried it and smoked a little. Not strong but a mild high. Still smoking leaves hehe



What did it feel like to grow and smoke back when the industry was in its infancy? It's amazing now as all I really feel is worry that my flowers won't look as good as the next guys lol.

I'm just thinking it must've felt pretty damn interesting, but also pretty damn scary.

Infancy Ltfol I'm in the uk we still prehistoric

Tbh it used to feel magic but a chore

Now its a dream

And my alter ego loves the size of he's grow seeds


Active member
better prices

better prices

It's still illegal here. The word FEAR & TERROR come to mind. Most cops are ex-military and they shoot everyone and the family dog. All property is stolen and you get out of prison with debt and nothing else.

How are the weed prices ?


Well-known member
Wow. Lots of memories here.... chopping up street lights, growing in wardrobes with no carbon filter, houseful of people but no one had a clue... there was precious little weed in the uk back then ( all hash or import seeded) so it wouldn't have occurred to anyone that you were growing.
Still pretty much just as illegal now though, so not everything has changed!


For me it was fun. Not THAT old, and only growing for myself. Stealing lamps, growing everywhere there was shaded sun.. Indoors was for starting plants not finishing them, cuz bulbs were hard to steal, lol.

The previous generation, didn't seem so fun for them. But they were large scale. Blowing off deputies legs in boobie trapped bamboo fields, inevitable meth dealings, disowned family members...


Active member
"The previous generation, didn't seem so fun for them. But they were large scale. Blowing off deputies legs in boobie trapped bamboo fields, inevitable meth dealings, disowned family members... "


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