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What Defines A Hot Man?


But he smells, have you ever had to actually go to court with the man he doesn't shower too often. Plus don't even ask what his college nickname was, let's just say he didn't make the olfactory senses happy... EVER.

So, does the smell a person emit contribute or take away from a person's hotness?


Yeah Mrs. GL....Brad has a cute face, but after his, shall we say most revealing photo shoot in Playgirl a few years ago, well...let's just say if I was him, I'd be ashamed to show my face in public anymore:eek: Almost had to get the magnifying glass out.... :D ROFLMAO



Let me also add that I have seen men comment on that they think that it is hot that women grow cannabis.. well, in turn it is also quite attractive when a male can provide his woman with kickass bud for any occasion.. I find it very Hott when a man is passionate about his plants.. :D


Oh well uhmm. *clears throat*..
maYbe Brad had the ol' shrinkage problem. could'a been cold in there...eh?? lol.. benefit of the doubt.. don't wanna ruin any fantasies or anything..


Active member
i like this thread...
Hi my name is Friendly. I'm an Scorpio and I like long walks on the beach.


My wifey says its sexy when I'm gardening in the nude. Or at least I think it would be sexy if she was tending the garden in the buff.

ANd I am a hot man because I wake up sweating every morning. And thats a fact!


Active member
alright so maybe I shouldn't be posting a "real" pic, but fuck it.

here iam in the rockies @ 12,000 feet
sorry Dutch grown i'm Not the freakishly large wwf type!
peace af

EDIT: Okay I let my paranoia get me and had to take the pic away....sorry everybody!!


AppleDude.. I am so glad you or someone took your real pic off of this thread.. Brave is not the word that came to mind for me.. Just be careful dude..


Oh.. I guess I should have included the word that did come to my mind.. it was .. StOneD..!!.. lol ...
that sounded kinda mean, but i sure did not intend for it to. .. i guess you could say I was StOneD..!!.. :D


Active member
Ah yes being stoned

Ah yes being stoned

Yeah I got a lil zesty on that post. It just isn't fuckin fair I have to hide, but thats another thread.


Active member
oh yeah....

oh yeah....

and the word that comes to my mind is...overly optimistic with a dash of stupidity and a sprinkle of wtf..


Dutchgrown said:
Yeah Mrs. GL....Brad has a cute face, but after his, shall we say most revealing photo shoot in Playgirl a few years ago, well...let's just say if I was him, I'd be ashamed to show my face in public anymore:eek: Almost had to get the magnifying glass out.... :D ROFLMAO


Ok, how about Brad Pitt with John Holmes package


alright.. alright..... now
If we are talkin' hot dudes, how in the world can we forget this guy, ladies..???

SmoKin'' HoTT''........



The only kinda celebrity type crush I have is and always has been Johnny Depp.. Don't have any inside info on him, do ya Dutch?... :D


Hey Ms. Grateful......now THAT is a hot Gypsy! Sizzling.....yeah I can attest to that :p :biggrin: :tongue:

J Depp....hmmm, met him a few years ago before he got so famous, back when he did those Freddy Kruger movies....scarry.... :eek: I worked for a relative of his many years ago and never forget him calling and when I screened the call and he said who he was I said 'yeah right!'....it really was him and he dropped by to say hello at the office. Very nice person but I didn't have on my X-ray vision glasses dang it! LOL
