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What are your favorite Closed Loop Extraction Systems? Pros/Cons of Passive/Active!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I think terrp extractors are having success right now, because of a good website and because of advertising here. Not because of good customer or new designs.
Everybody was on Redbeards nuts whenever he was advertising on here.

Is Wolfwurx that busy that they are not concerned with their website or advertising?
Allot of potential customers have never even heard of wolfwurx.
In this era, advertising/social media is everything for a startup businesses
Are they more geared at working with disp/mips than hobbyists/caregivers?

WolfWurx, Inc, is a small engineering consulting firm, whom contracts to project manage system design and building. Every machine is a custom build, with the machining, welding, and electronic controls contracted out, leaving only assembly and testing in house.

It is the assembly and testing that limits their production, and it has never been WolfWurx's intent to dominate the market, only to effectively service the contracts that they do accept and to be a dominant force advancing the state of the art.

The owner is currently more focused on both servicing existing contracts and learning the ropes himself, than a market assault, and already has a growing backlog, so don't expect to see significant volumes out in the immediate future.

Alas, their chief engineer is old and a decade past his professional retirement, plus warm, dry, and well fed, so motivating him to do much more than have fun solving mysteries and creating new stuff, is a project in itself.

Especially since he also services a few existing consulting contracts, and stays busy.

The market is awash with opportunities for successful equipment start ups, so room for everyone who puts out a sound competitively priced product, and services their customer's well enough for them to keep coming back.

What I find distressing and repugnant, are those start ups that appear geared to snatching the low hanging fruit supplying inferior and unsafe products, then bolting with the money, instead of developing a repeat customer base.

Second baddest, is would be suppliers who market their product by trashing the competition with untruths and partial truths, rather than lauding their own attributes that they deem superior.

Safe to say that most of the extractor suppliers are stretched as we speak, and you can't please everyone, especially those whom want everything immediately, if not sooner.

It is inevitable that everyone will come under attack sooner or later, so my suggestion is to look at the nature of those problems and what the supplier did about it.

While you may struggle to find accolades and kudos, lauding the product and service, you can more often find disgruntled customer's postings, giving insight into both the sort of problems they are having with the supplier, as well as how you might expect our own complaints to be handled.

There are simply a cheap sources of quality parts, cheap sources of even cheaper parts, and those companies that in addition to supplying parts, support their customers to insure they have a successful experience.

I would suggest picking the one that best suits your financial position and personal technical skills.

I am living proof that you can learn to run a Terpenator without instructions, so clearly not everyone needs the same level of hand holding.

Let your own situation be our guide.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
What's the estimated set up time for building a MK III for someone who doesn't build much but knows how to follow steps precisely?

If you aren't starting with a kit, there are about four discrete steps:

Procure the parts from suppliers like Glacier tank. http://www.glaciertanks.com/Products-TriClamp_Products.html

Machine the parts. Actual machine time is less than one hour.

Weld the parts. Actual TIG welding time is less than one hour.

Assemble and pressure test.



Yah stay away from Terpp and Ironfist. These clowns can't deliver to save their life. Not sure why customers aren't bitching but I know of a shit ton of people waiting on stuff from Ironfist.

It's no secret we had a rough start. It was really tough to predict the growth we've had. We started with a small 2 employee operation about 10 months ago, and now have 7 full-time employees!
Our last 1,1000 SQ/ft facility really limited our operating capacity as well. Were only able to produce a few machines a week. We have since moved in to our new 5,000 SQ/ft facility about 4 weeks ago. We couldn't be happier with our new spot! Things are already improving as we have moved through our order backlog.

There isn't anything easy about running a new manufacturing outfit from the ground-up. Especially with a product of this caliber. However we will continue to make strides and innovate as we grow.

Anyone that has been waiting past the delivery window has been given free shipping and a few freebies to go with their system. If anyone feels like they haven't gotten the best level of customer service from us, please contact me directly at 888-572-1911 x710 or [email protected] with your order number and a brief description of the problem and I'll get back to you.



Active member
If you aren't starting with a kit, there are about four discrete steps:

Procure the parts from suppliers like Glacier tank. http://www.glaciertanks.com/Products-TriClamp_Products.html

Machine the parts. Actual machine time is less than one hour.

Weld the parts. Actual TIG welding time is less than one hour.

Assemble and pressure test.


Glacier sells a lot of pre fab lids and welded spools, even a few 12" lids. One could skip the machining and welding and go straight from procuring to assembly.


Active member
Glacier is out of stock on almost every item I try to source from them. I dont even look anymore.


Active member
It will usually show the in stock qty once you add an item to your shopping cart, giving them a call is a good idea as well, you are right though they are often out of stock on key items.

Great for those willing to wait at the least!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Glacier sells a lot of pre fab lids and welded spools, even a few 12" lids. One could skip the machining and welding and go straight from procuring to assembly.

Good point! Depending on the model, Glacier may be able to supply finish welded and machined parts.

Don't expect them to have a clue how to assemble and use a Terpenator, so if you need support, you might consider welded parts from Specialized Formulations or Terpp Extractors.


Definitely call Glacier Tanks before ordering, their inventory is not accurately updated according to Lisa at Glacier Tanks and they are Not giving customers any time frame for when orders will arrive.
I am still waiting on parts that were ordered 8 weeks ago with no time frame for delivery.
Another resource is Whenzou Kingstone as their shipping times are the same as Glaciers' currently, but at Way lower prices. They might supply Glacier Tanks, not sure though, as their a few Chinese companies making these extractor parts.
If you have friends/associates that are wanting to get a extractor, china is a good option for a group buy. You will save thousands. You can handle everything through emails or broken English.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It will usually show the in stock qty once you add an item to your shopping cart, giving them a call is a good idea as well, you are right though they are often out of stock on key items.

Great for those willing to wait at the least!

I have my best luck with Glacier, ordering the parts they have on back order, so when they do arrive, someone else doesn't snatch them all.


It's no secret we had a rough start. It was really tough to predict the growth we've had. We started with a small 2 employee operation about 10 months ago, and now have 7 full-time employees!
Our last 1,1000 SQ/ft facility really limited our operating capacity as well. Were only able to produce a few machines a week. We have since moved in to our new 5,000 SQ/ft facility about 4 weeks ago. We couldn't be happier with our new spot! Things are already improving as we have moved through our order backlog.

There isn't anything easy about running a new manufacturing outfit from the ground-up. Especially with a product of this caliber. However we will continue to make strides and innovate as we grow.

Anyone that has been waiting past the delivery window has been given free shipping and a few freebies to go with their system. If anyone feels like they haven't gotten the best level of customer service from us, please contact me directly at 888-572-1911 x710 or [email protected] with your order number and a brief description of the problem and I'll get back to you.


I commend you for your response. I always respect a company that can respond to criticism by accepting fault and explaining how you've worked to make disgruntled customers happy. Having been dicked around by a handful of companies before finding the right one for me, I realize that most companies are growing too fast for their existing infastructure, and are unable to keep up with the demand.

For any new people looking for a CLS, my reccomendation is to go with a company that responds to you quicly and also adresss any of your questions and concerns in a timely manner. Theres a lot of shady pirate hooker "companies" out there who will gladly take your money and provide almost no follow through.

Remember, Walk tall and cary a heavy stalk!



Austin, This is good to hear! I can't tell you how many people tell me their calls and emails were going unanswered including my own. I just sent you another email in regards to these brass quick connect hoses I see you don't sell anymore. I hope you see my email and respond. I'm also sorry I lumped you in with Ironfist in my comment. I really don't mean that about you too. If I don't hear from you come Monday I will call yah :dance013:

It's no secret we had a rough start. It was really tough to predict the growth we've had. We started with a small 2 employee operation about 10 months ago, and now have 7 full-time employees!
Our last 1,1000 SQ/ft facility really limited our operating capacity as well. Were only able to produce a few machines a week. We have since moved in to our new 5,000 SQ/ft facility about 4 weeks ago. We couldn't be happier with our new spot! Things are already improving as we have moved through our order backlog.

There isn't anything easy about running a new manufacturing outfit from the ground-up. Especially with a product of this caliber. However we will continue to make strides and innovate as we grow.

Anyone that has been waiting past the delivery window has been given free shipping and a few freebies to go with their system. If anyone feels like they haven't gotten the best level of customer service from us, please contact me directly at 888-572-1911 x710 or [email protected] with your order number and a brief description of the problem and I'll get back to you.



New member
It's no secret we had a rough start. It was really tough to predict the growth we've had. We started with a small 2 employee operation about 10 months ago, and now have 7 full-time employees!
Our last 1,1000 SQ/ft facility really limited our operating capacity as well. Were only able to produce a few machines a week. We have since moved in to our new 5,000 SQ/ft facility about 4 weeks ago. We couldn't be happier with our new spot! Things are already improving as we have moved through our order backlog.

There isn't anything easy about running a new manufacturing outfit from the ground-up. Especially with a product of this caliber. However we will continue to make strides and innovate as we grow.

Anyone that has been waiting past the delivery window has been given free shipping and a few freebies to go with their system. If anyone feels like they haven't gotten the best level of customer service from us, please contact me directly at 888-572-1911 x710 or [email protected] with your order number and a brief description of the problem and I'll get back to you.


Currently I don't have much time on my plate managing gardening opperations so sourcing parts and building one from scratch isn't the road I want to travel. I do want to bring extractions in house. I have delt with a bunch of unprofessionals, giving them the benefit of the doubt that yeilds are on point. Even have had people go MIA after handing over materials or having to paying hefty fee's for solvent-free productions with the lab. I've been talking with Valerie from Terpp Extractors and was thinking about grabbing their MKIII with upgraded 6x12 collection and 450/900 sleeved columns. I've been on the hunt scouring forums for detailed running instructions and the best recovery pump aside haskel. From gringing/not grinding starting material, heating jackets, icebaths, system maintenance there are a lot of different opinions. I have read through terpps opperating instructions as well but I know that is just the tip of the iceberg. Could someone point me in the right direction as I'm sure the info is here, just having a difficult time finding the right pages and I apologize in advance. Big thanks to everyone who has already shared!!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Currently I don't have much time on my plate managing gardening opperations so sourcing parts and building one from scratch isn't the road I want to travel. I do want to bring extractions in house. I have delt with a bunch of unprofessionals, giving them the benefit of the doubt that yeilds are on point. Even have had people go MIA after handing over materials or having to paying hefty fee's for solvent-free productions with the lab. I've been talking with Valerie from Terpp Extractors and was thinking about grabbing their MKIII with upgraded 6x12 collection and 450/900 sleeved columns. I've been on the hunt scouring forums for detailed running instructions and the best recovery pump aside haskel. From gringing/not grinding starting material, heating jackets, icebaths, system maintenance there are a lot of different opinions. I have read through terpps opperating instructions as well but I know that is just the tip of the iceberg. Could someone point me in the right direction as I'm sure the info is here, just having a difficult time finding the right pages and I apologize in advance. Big thanks to everyone who has already shared!!

Check https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=297578


Getting a mk3 and a lp tank and configuring it to run passive might be the best way to get comfortable with procedures and monitoring pressures. You can run material that's intended use is oral meds, that way your not concerned about keeping the product golden.
Then after your more comfortable you can start running active with pump of your choice.
After that you can upgrade your system adding bigger a column and collection tank.


I love my life
Has anyone heard of the master blaster? Supposedly one of the employees at my local hydroponics shop makes these. I believe he was going for a design similar to the terpenator but "wanted less valves" and teamed up with the winner of the secret cup here in AZ for some ideas.


GW is really lucky he didn't try to patent the MKIII. There is no way in hell to stop all these one off companies selling their pieced together Glacier tank parts as "New and Improved CLS"

Less valves???? This guy should stick to working at a hydro shop.

If one wants less valves, then just leave them in the open position and pretend they are straight pipes.

T's, Crosses, and ball valves EVERYWHERE for the win!!!

GW is really lucky he didn't try to patent the MKIII. There is no way in hell to stop all these one off companies selling their pieced together Glacier tank parts as "New and Improved CLS"

Less valves???? This guy should stick to working at a hydro shop.

If one wants less valves, then just leave them in the open position and pretend they are straight pipes.

T's, Crosses, and ball valves EVERYWHERE for the win!!!


Yea he turned me off when he said the terpenator has too many valves. I mean there's only 5...


I love my life
Yea he turned me off when he said the terpenator has too many valves. I mean there's only 5...

Those systems have 2 NPT male ports comming off them.

It is very easy install crosses...


Plugs and SS nipples available at the same site.

SS 316 1000PSI ball valves 1/4" - 1/2" under $15 per.

Additionally I can pick up the lid, spool, and gaskets from Glacier tank a fraction of price that 710 charges.




New member
This is where I've gotten so far. Planning on ordering Terpps DYI MKIII kit with some customization's unless someone has better input and or cheaper places to source parts not needing machining .

- (1x) 6" Welded Terpenator Lid
- (1x) 1.5" TriClamp x 1/4" Cap
- (1x) 1.5" TriClamp End Cap
- (5x) 1.5" Single Hinge TriClamp
- (1x) 6x12 Spool
- (1x) 1.5" x 1" x 1/4" Concentric Reducer
- (1x) 1" 3pc TriClamp Ball Valve
- (2x) 6" TriClamp
- (1x) 6" x 6" TriClamp Spool
- (1x) 6" TriClamp End Cap
- (4x) 1" Viton Gasket
- (2x) 6" Viton Gasket
- (2x) 1.5" 150 Mesh Screen Gasket
- (3x) 1/4" 1000# WOG Valve
- (1x) 3/8" 1000# WOG Valve
- (3x) 1/4" Brass Flare x 1/4" NPT
- (1x) 3/8" SS Close Nipple
- (2x) 1/4" SS Close Nipple
- (1x) 3/8" SS Cross (4-Way)
- (2x) 3/8" x 1/4" SS Bushing
- (1x) 3/8" Flare x 3/8" NPT Brass
- (1x) 1/4" PTFE Lined SS Hose
- (1x) Roll PTFE Yellow Gas Tape
- (1x) Dewaxing column 450g
- (1x) Bidirectional parts
- (1x) 1.5" sight glass
- (2x) 6' x 1/4" Hoses w/ 1/4" female SAE connectors.
- (1x) 6' x 3/8" Hose w/ 3/8" female SAE connectors.
- (1x) Filter dryer
Total: $2294.37
- (1x) 50# Refrigerant Recovery Tank
- (1x) Compound Gauge w/ 1/8" to 1/4" Flare.
- (1x) TIF Instruments TIF9010A Slimline Refrigerant Electronic Charging/Recover Scale and either http://www.appiontools.com/products/g5features.html or http://www.cpsproducts.com/product/recovery-equipment-tr21/
and the Single Stage 3CFM 1/4HP Vac pump I already have.