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Autistic Diplomat in Training
@Tynehead Tom Yes, the shattering pressure of your average glass beer bottle can be deadly in close proximity, and I'm glad no one got hurt. Likely exploded during the warmer part of the afternoon. ;)

The elderberry sounds delicious, and I'd be very careful of the ice wine. Ice wine is made like ice beer, through a process of freezing it and removing some of the alcohol-free ice. When it returns to a liquid it has less water in it, so a higher ABV. ;) Thanks for reminding me of that. lol


Active member
Beers and bong hits


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Freeze distillation concentrates the methanol and fusel alcohol content as well.

Fractionated distillation cuts will go a long way to prevent hangovers.

I still enjoy an applejack, but I do so sparingly. Apples seem to ferment out with lots of methanol and sulfur/sulfide compounds....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Two Hearted Ale by Bell's.

This is my second shower beer in a week... I've come to grips with that.

Larry sold the brewery a few years ago and I still can't tell by drinking the beer.

This IPA is still the same single hop beer that it was twenty some years ago.

Centennial hops are a personal favorite.


Well-known member
The Macallan 1926
GoFundMe, please. I may have gotten 'caught up' in the bidding.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Whoever bought that bottle probably enjoys the thought of a sip being worth more than most make in their lifetime moreso than the whisky.

There's no way to get more than a hundred bucks in value into a 750 mL bottle in my opinion.

Anything more is just hype and greed.

I finished off a $55 bottle of E.H. Taylor last night and thought about how much money nutsacks pay for Pappy Van Winkle.

I'm guessing that the average buyer couldn't pick it out of a five shot lineup of lesser priced bourbons.

Because of the sticker shock being the main draw the stuff is unappealing to say the least.

What the market will bear is horrendous.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Switched to chinese rice wine, with the occasional bottle of "Haku" japanese vodka. Literally drank an entire bottle of the Haku the other day, over a 7hr period, and had zero headache or hangover the next day. That was a surprise. lol

Chinese rice wine, made using 'yeast balls,' is done in about 21 days. ;) Turns out it's even healthier than fruit wines. :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Iiiii'm not a lumberjack and that's ok...

I work all night and I drink all daaaaaay... (Vodka for breakfast is nice today...)

When you feel like drinking all day, every day, it's time to reduce your stress levels. I believe it's now my time. lol ;)

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Dude I kicked a serious sugar addiction vehicle by ditching pop for kombucha.

I found Jun tea was my preferred style and completely quit drinking sugary soft drinks. That, in turn, led to my abstinence from fast food.

Jun is a type of kombucha that utilizes green tea and honey as opposed to black tea and sugar but the culture (scoby) remains more or less the same.

You have to wean the scoby from sugar to honey or back to honey from sugar in a few stages (20% to 30% per batch) but the different teas render the same nutrients more or less.

If you don't make your own I encourage you to try... let me know if you need a scoby and some starter culture.
Right on… I made my own and it is actually super easy, now I’m a believer… I reckon the store bought refrigerated bottles cause the microbes to go dormant, freshly home brewed is the way to go.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
"Clean" alcohol... that's what I'm drinking. At least the cleanest I've found off the shelf. I have spent a significant amount of time looking for clean alcohol, because hangovers are from UN-clean alcohol. ;)

Haku Vodka: Japanese rice based vodka. I have (multiple times now) consumed 750ml of this vodka in less than 12 hours. ZERO hangover. Seriously.
I did drink a full bottle in under 8hrs and "almost" had a headache. lololol

Cortez Kolsch: A German kolsh style beer from WildEdge Brewing in Cortez Colorado. I've never had a (for me) tastier and more digestible beer for the A blood type (with an O parent). Damn stuff is like ice-cream, just calling to me when it's sitting on the table as I walk by. lolol
Btw... the Cortez Kolsh will only last about another month, and is only available in cans now untill they run out. ;) I'm told it might be available this winter but only for sure next spring.


Active member
Whiskey,gin ,rum,ipa... and obviously wine since I'm Italian and I produce it myself ! but in recent years I have been drinking less and less... I only drink when I find quality alcohol or in the evening. Just a glass...