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Well-known member
This peaked my attention earlier in the local off sales, brewed in Co Cork, gluten free stout..

Rather bitter with hints of quality coffee beans and burnt wood ash.. Definitely got my attention.. Can’t see shares in Guinness dropping any time soon though..


moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Hey Moose, your going 3 coarse on it.

That's rather strong for ale, most Ales here are usually weak especially the pale & blond hoppy one's..
Is the Christmas Ale Amber?
Closer to a brown ale. Very tasty, not too heavy (no syrupy consistency), and higher end of middle for what it is re. alcohol content.

It's 5-liters, in metric measurement. On sale at Costco as a seasonal item for $17 USD.


My favorite Old English Ale from Yukon Brewing in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada is 'Lead Dog Ale'; also a brown ale and at 7% abv.



Well-known member
That fight sucked. You didn't miss anything.

That entire scene is all staged. The Tyson/Paul fight was nothing but a money grab. I remember the Rhonda Rousey nonsense where they made her out to be some great fighter. Then once they couldn't stop real fighters from fighting her she got her ass handed to her. Today's boxing, MMA, Wrestling, etc... is all scripted crap. Not worthy of even watching as it's all fake.