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What Are The Best Nutes?


I have done one grow with the Technaflora Recipe For Success pack with good results and am now doing a run with FoxFarm Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom with some superthrive added in too.

My question is what nutes do you use? Supplements? Liquid? Dry? Sweeteners? What do you think is the best way to go?


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I'm using the bio-canna line right now, also molasses, seaweed, rock dusts, humic acid..


everyone here will swear by different products - the majority of them work.

what it comes down to is finding a good deal for what you need.

i hear good things about Floranova nutes, superthrive, and molasses. anything else ive seen is kinda up in the air, but a lot of people do use FF nutes but say they burn plants easily.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
I use Advanced Nutrients and Botanicare products (Currently using AN Iguana Juice and Botanicares Liquid Karma). I like them and think they work good and the Iguana is organic which is even better....Im sure other stuff works just as good, its just what I use


I used the FF 3 part nute program for the last 6 grows. I had very good success with it. Just switched to the Flora Nova program. Not really sure why, just wanted to try something different lol. :joint:


I used the FF 3 part nute program for the last 6 grows. I had very good success with it. Just switched to the Flora Nova program. Not really sure why, just wanted to try something different lol. :joint:
Nice, I was looking at Flora Nova Also. Please let us know how you like the product.

Whats the problem with mixing equal parts or adequate parts of 6 or 7 different products together. i.e. Fox Farm 3 Part nutes, + Superthrive, + Liquid Karma, + Iguana Juice, + (a bunch of other "Flower Boosters.") Wont they all bring a little something dfferent to the table and as long as it isn't over concentrated it wouldn't burn the plants.


I have used Fox Farm Grow Big and Pure Blend Pro Bloom and it worked great along with Alaska Fish Fertilizer and Liquid Karma.

I am now using Botincare Pre Blend Pro Grow, and Liquid Karma, and it's working great also. I am switching completely over to the Botinicare line-up amd so far things look great

And remember this, the bottles usually reccomends a strong dose, start at 1/2 strength, but keep pushing it until you small signs of nutrient burn, you can flush them ASAP.

Just my experience, good luck!
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Is liquid karma specifically designed for flowering or is it a multi purpose type fertilizer? It sounds like this is very popular too. I have been feeding on a very random sort of schedule. I water every 1 1/2 - 2 days but every watering has nutes in it at different strengths. In the days one would normally give full strength, I give it around 3/4 strength. The days that normally get pure water get 1/4 dose of nutes. Then at the end of 2 weeks I do 2 double waterings of pure water. Does this sound good or no?

I hate being a noob but I'm here hoping to figure things out so I can then maybe help others along.


I used the 3 part GH nutes for my first grow, then i switched to floranova for my second grow, that and black strap molasses... I think floranova is just that much easier, its 1 bottle instread of 3.. I use the 8ml/g lucas formula


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Mikeyk the Liquid Karma is like a growth enhancer, it helps the plant take up essential nutrients....You can use it throughout the entire grow cycle (except for flushing)....I love the stuff...works really good...IMHO


Mikeyk the Liquid Karma is like a growth enhancer, it helps the plant take up essential nutrients....You can use it throughout the entire grow cycle (except for flushing)....I love the stuff...works really good...IMHO

Thank you very much I appreciate you answering my question on the subject.

I would still like to know what the problem would be with getting a bit of everything a making a variety mix, of course diluted accordingly but would it be possible or would they counteract each other/excess of certain things?


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
When i grew hydro i used gh flora micro and bloom..lucas formula..now i use age old grow and bloom with excellent results..


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya Imean you could try it on one of your plants....but as the saying goes sometimes to much of a good thing isn't so good....never tried it so thats just my 2 cents


I've been using the full Botanicare line with great results. Pro blend veg and flower, Cal mag first two weeks, Liquid Karma, Silica Blast in veg, Sweet in bloom. Also some Superthrive, Root Juice and Gravity.


Sativa Tamer
I would still like to know what the problem would be with getting a bit of everything a making a variety mix, of course diluted accordingly but would it be possible or would they counteract each other/excess of certain things?


I'm all for hot soil mixes (cheap) and minimal amounts of bottled fertilizers. Seriously, you can buy all sorts of crap. Beyond standard N-P-K fertilizers I'm not convinced of the utility of any of it. I only use two products - BioGrow and BioBloom (both by BioBizz), and sparingly relative to the manufacturer's recommendations at that. I'm totally open to the idea that any other organic Grow and Bloom formulas would equally as well. In fact, I would be surprised if they didn't once I learned how to use them.


I'm all for hot soil mixes (cheap) and minimal amounts of bottled fertilizers. Seriously, you can buy all sorts of crap. Beyond standard N-P-K fertilizers I'm not convinced of the utility of any of it. I only use two products - BioGrow and BioBloom (both by BioBizz), and sparingly relative to the manufacturer's recommendations at that. I'm totally open to the idea that any other organic Grow and Bloom formulas would equally as well. In fact, I would be surprised if they didn't once I learned how to use them.


I agree - I only use standard "Miracle Grow" for vegging and a little generic tomato feed for flowering. I also use ordinary (albeit good quality) potting soil (NOT compost!) to grow in.

I regularly pull the magic # from a 600W HPS when I grow a good strain like Satori.

A lot of the "specialised" cannaibis ferts are little more than snake oil* IMHO. Even if they are better than the standard ferts from the local superstore, the extra benefits will only be realised when the growing conditions have been really dialled in for that strain.

Look around the boards here - there are many beginners literally kiling their babies by throwing to many nutes too early at them. - Much better to get the growing technique down before playing with so called "miracle" products that can cost 10 times more than something very similar.

Just my 2p worth.

Waitin' for the flames now... ;-)

*Not saying that all specialised cannabis related products are not good though... I use a bud rot inhibitor that really does work and enables me to go the extra two weeks to finish with really chunky buds for example :)


New member
I have been using CANNA and it seems to do wonders, But I cant say for sure beacuse I have yet to experiement with any other brands. I have spoke with quite a few experienced growers and they say Canna nutes makes a 1st time grower look like a pro. Check out my blue cheese plants, I have some picks posted.