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what are ALL of the active components of marijuana?

Hi, I have been recently diagnosed with a glutten allergy which is a autoimmune disorder, and hashimotos which is another auto immune disorder. I used to be able to smoke a gram and feel VERY good. however, after I started developing these autoimmune disorders which I think is being caused from the glutten and other environmental toxins, I have not been able to tolerate marijuana AT ALL, and neither alcohol.

Marijuana makes me EXTREMELY paranoid and what one hit from the worlds tiniest one hitter dose to me used to take 2-3 grams. Im wondering if you can name all of the other active components of marijuana besides thc and cbd so I can kind of map in my system where they are going and what could be the culperate of the extreme sensitivity all of a sudden to marijuana. I cannot even enjoy smoking anymore. Ive tried over 40 different strains, since my prob started developing so please do not suggest strains. Thanks for any input


ICMag Donor

But there are over 70 cannabinoids...the research is still in it's infancy...



Active member
Great table there frank, thank you for posting it up. Interesting how similar in structure compounds can be while exibiting vastly different properties. This table represents only the bezo-chromene and benzo-terpene cannabinoids in cannabis. I wonder how many compounds in cannabis which are structurally dissimilar to the "classic" cannabiniods are actually active at cb1 or cb2 and are therefore cannabiniods. An example of a non typical cannabiniod is beta caryophollen found in black pepper.


Hi, I have been recently diagnosed with a glutten allergy which is a autoimmune disorder, and hashimotos which is another auto immune disorder. I used to be able to smoke a gram and feel VERY good. however, after I started developing these autoimmune disorders which I think is being caused from the glutten and other environmental toxins, I have not been able to tolerate marijuana AT ALL, and neither alcohol.

Marijuana makes me EXTREMELY paranoid and what one hit from the worlds tiniest one hitter dose to me used to take 2-3 grams. Im wondering if you can name all of the other active components of marijuana besides thc and cbd so I can kind of map in my system where they are going and what could be the culperate of the extreme sensitivity all of a sudden to marijuana. I cannot even enjoy smoking anymore. Ive tried over 40 different strains, since my prob started developing so please do not suggest strains. Thanks for any input

Wow... are you growing your own? If not, are you able to? I'm thinking high-CBD strains would be more appropriate for you.

My granddaughter is gluten-intolerant, took us a while to get her system straightened out. She's tested negative for Celiac.

Btw, I don't think that all the cannabinoids and other components have been completely mapped or documented just yet. I just read a little blurb in an ag magazine that a new metabolite has been discovered (the 'go to' experimental/experimenting plant in science) in Arabidopsis.

Are you familiar with LEAP (nutritional) therapy? If not and you're interested let me know, because I can refer you to some good dietitians.