the pollen chuck is coming along very nicely Im pretty sure its only got about another week n a half or two to go...I really should go pick up a 30x or 60x pocketscope lol perhaps I will now...well heres a couple pics for yah, Im really lookin forward to getting to smoke this heh it seems you did a great job on this cross
It sucks to see you have to downsize, but I all to well know about dealin with expensive bills lol...and Im sure you'll rock the hell out of that closet dude
take it easy my friend
*edit* well It seems just as things are normaling up for me I go and do somethin stupid ...I was a dumbass and today I had to goto court and I woke up and jumped out the door in a hurry...well when I arrived at the courthouse and did the usual empty the pockets and through the metal detectors the officer looked threw my cigarette pack and immediately I knew there was a roach in there, sure enuff he seen it and arrested me and I got stuck in a holdin cell for an hr, they had to reschuedule my hearing and I now have another court date of which Im goin to prolly recieve a $150-200 fine...I feel like such a retard atm but thankgod I live in Canada and particulary my area is extremely marijuana friendly I saved this for last cause as angry as I am there was an extremely funny moment while I was there, I unforunately got stripped search and had to get butt naked and JUST and I mean JUST put my boxers on the extremely HOT female cop that works at the courthouse walked in on me LOL, she turned around really quick towards the officer and I told her "its alrite, alot of ppl seen me naked before I aint shy" and she gave me a sexy grin/smile LOL...well sorry to clog up my original post with this but I needed to vent if you understand lol
Welcome to the world of cab growing :smile:
I'm not gonna mention how much it sucks that you have to downgrade, because I'd just be making fun of myself
I'm sure you'll be delightfully suprised to how well you'll adapt to your new environment as well as the plants
Nice to see alot of people using the Tipping method It's worked in my favour...especially in a cab situation.
NK has posted some delicious sounding reports I'm still stuck on that WW you so generously gave me. Can't wait to eventually taste the rest
just downsizing a bit coz of the electric bill...notthing to serious but i'm gonne give the groroom a lillte rest thats all....and that panama red seems to be doing good....few weeks more and i'll have a tase of her :smile:
thx YwouldntI :smile: i hope i will ...its quitea diffrence with the other room but should be doable :wink:
thx for the visit
heya Burnton....
Nice pics you brought of the Pollen Chucks...there looking quite handsome !!
but i know know that they need atleast 10 weeks to milk i hope you that far...but as i looks now.... she has more fattening up to do !!
hehehe and i like that story ...pitty you where the main character in woz't really smart but i did other mistakes :wink:
hope you get off easy my friend !! and thx for sharing...good vibes comming your way !
heya TML
yea i'll see what i can do with 'the closet' be to diffrent ...exept for te size maybe ....
yea NK's report where quite nice :smile: and soon i will add a small one of my own...just need to put them in jars and i'm gonne smoke'm own little Blow-in
i get to put a cab in a closet. and i feel ya on downgrading. my girl is moving in and needs her closet and i have a single story now so extra rooms are accessable to company and was forced to build a way smaller than wanted area and cut the numbers down to 6-12 in flower. we agreed 12 max and i have 6 growing big now. but it sucks i recently had 2 full rooms to use and i did. i guess i will manage as you are. she is worth it.
i feel ya Sir...but this is just for a run...nothing to serious...and no (human)girls involved here
but yea it sucks...:winks:
thx for the support man hehehe
Brought some pics of the Panama and Mirre's...both species are doing very well...these plants are the only ones that keep my intire room running...although its under one lamp for now...
i did burn the Panama a bit...but nothing to serious as it looks...i've been giving plain water Browser said ...she is a small eater...
pistels are browning up as we speak.....she must be 12 or 13 weeks in i think
and then some Mirre's..very easy plant till now...she has a regular feeding program...what ever that means to you guys lol....
i took some pics of diffrent pheno's ...hope you like'm KG
don't have a clue what age we are @ but i think we're about 1/2 way...
I'm back after a little break, and man,I just love to catch up on your threat! Things are looking great with the exception of the downsizing We agree tho, had to be done
Thanks for portraying the Pma, she's looking nice, some serious colas in there. She ain't no PC Sat but I hope she's not to your standarts, if not, I'll take her
That 4th pheno/pic of the Mirre is looking frosty and they seem to be very strechy ladies.
And those reports.. Kudos to the reporters
I read you're packing up the closed already, hehe. What about guerrilla growing? I came accross this, and I had to think about ya
Just passin by to say everything sure is looking great! Too bad you have to size down though.
I'm also passin by to drop a pic or 2 of my Crash Test which I chopped last week.
I also got around 70 seeds of CT F2 lying around which will be tested very soon.
Ow yeah here's another CT pheno I'm flowering right now. 30 days of 12/12
That it for now and thanks again core for your great genetics!
Bomb ass looking CT you got there Sativa Soul. She is my favorite of all of Cores strains, she is just the most delicious heady sativa bud around. After curing for almost 1 month I smoked 2 bongs of it with some good friends and family and I was on the verge of halucinating, we went for a nice long hike and it was an awesome experience. I will be popping a lot more of these seeds very soon. I think I will be making myself some CT F2's just so I can keep these genes alive and spread the love even more!!!
Great looking Pma and Mirre's you got there Core, I really hope that the Pma makes it all the way this time without any problems. Crazy to hear that your downsizing your room but we all know about how crazy those electric bills can be.
I know you have the skills to keep your killer bud production up in the new closet. Cant wait to see how it all works out bro:friends:
OK, first off, let me just say...Sativa Soul, that is a fuckin beautiful Crash Test dummie!!!LOL Gorgeous plant bro, keep it up, and let us know when u got seeds!!!
Core, that Panama looks great...gonna be some trippy shit, methinks...Keep it up brother Core, you are killin it...Peace
Hey Core - it's been a while since I posted in here, but I'm always lurking in the background. I'm sorry to hear about your downsize too, I'd feel pretty downhearted if I had to change my setup, I wish you the best of luck with the new closet I've got to try a super sativa like that Panama when I have the time to experiment a bit more, you must have the patience of a saint, she looks excellent. Are you still going to keep making strains in your new cab?
hey B
hope you had a carefree trip....and don't wory about me my friend i do have a good stash forseen....but i'm shure you remember our conversation bout it :wink:
and i'm gladd oyu like the Panama girl...she realy like it better this time way you getting her man...i'm waiting to long to smoke her.....although i will smoke some with ya .
hehe yea the mirre's are looking great...they are fattening up realy nice....notthing to do on them exept feed and water them on time....damn growing is easy when you come to thin about it...yea i know there's always some hidden dangers that lurk..
Lmao ...i like that pice..Pitty there's no cannabis plant on that pics hehehe ..still i like it ...PM me bro..
yea Sir Browser said...she will go atleast 16 weeks...thats my and his fortune telling hehe...she's getting more and more brown pistels...i'm gladd i could keep her this run ...she's kinda very sencetive !! last time i srewed her up...well not me springtails...
for some reason they trew her PH off and in a week she had very damaged leaves....and they touched bud...when that happens its asking for mold...ime that is...
thank you kind, Sir, Sir ...for the visit
heya Sativa Soul !!
aaah you're honoring me again with pics.....these look very delisious man...i smoked some CT myself ..but 2 be honest i woz't blown away is a good smoke though.....but not what i expected it would be.....she made the 7 for me that trows her in the daytime catagory.....
the smell is spicey to real diffrent pheno's...and not so resinous as i would that concideration ,yours looks much better...yea i know i can't win'm all :smile:
nice to know you made some seeds of her must like her very much....i to like her but i think my level of awareness is fucked up.... ..
hello NK !!
yea she's a beaut is't she !!he has done great work growing her !
and again good vibes about the CT from you :smile:...that must mean you like it to :smile:.and thx for the comments on the panama i'm shocked that you remeber my probs with the panama ...good memory bro hehehe...
ohw and the downsizing is just for a few months...i won't make hash and oils this i will last longer with my stash...this break saves some electric :wink:
yea man he did a alright job on her ey :smile:
mmmh gladd oyu like the Panama 2....she's a real Foxy Lady !!!
although she lacks in resin big time....she has a figure to dream of...not to mention the leaves....and the smell...hard to discribe...i would discribe it as a spicey/tropical/moist smell.....realy odd
thx for the compliment broseph :smile:
heya Sammet...
aaah don't wory about it...i should come by ya thread also...i just have little time in the weekends...the gf and all....still its nice you reserved some time to type up some word and toughts :smile:
aaah its no biggy ..the rooms stays that way....i won't break it down no loss realy...and yea that closet pic i posted...i wanted to use it souly as a seedrun...i found a very early male....i think its time to experiment with that...i'm not ready to try and stabelise my strains ...i realy don't have enough room for that...
thx for the luck
heya Ganja Smile....:smile:
yea i woz thinking like you in the beginning...always the disire to ugrade the room ..and to expand....but there might always be risks,as you may know they say it in the US?...don't do the crime ...if you can't do the time...
Nway,you did't want to hear that i suppose bad lol....
just had to add that my friend....2 square meters is plenty to work with...the work is just a bit intenser in small rooms....
Nway thanks for the visit...i see you have a new thread yourself..i think i will jump in my friend..till soon
oh yeah tight spaces can be a chore to work in but the reward is that much sweeter when you bump your head or cram your body in a weird angle all week to water. lol
that getting arrested at court story is a classic party foul. hey that shit could happen to many of us, that is why i throw roaches to the ganja gods if i aint at home w/ ashtray. never save em on your person. they smell bad anyway(to everyone else) while you think all is good everyone is sniffin the air like " whos that". i almost went into court with my gun on. imaginge that... walking through the detector with a big ol .45 cal . they be like freeze! what the hell is this. i be like" bear mase man, can never be to safe" lol but thankfully for me i realized my mistake about 15 feet from door and turned around. i wish i could just check it in at the front like the old western days. i am all legal. but for the home boy who got pinched, best of luck with that man. got some vibes workin for
The PC is doin awesome, startin to swell up a bit more everyday now it seems...If I recall earlier in this thread you had the Bubba Kush cut, what did you think of her?? I got two of Outlaws Pre98 Bubba x DPD veggin atm, hopin one will be a nice female
SirSmokalot - thanks for the good vibes bro...i agree it is somethin so stupid that anyone of us stoners can do it not to worried bout it where I live marijuana is very acceptable, i've been caught on the street a few times and got caught with a couple of grams, and all but one time half my stash was taken and given back, and that other time was a female cop who made me throw the stash down the sewer drain lol....but I'll jst get a fine and be done with it....your very lucky to have remembered you had that .45 on ya...i can imagine what a mess that woulda turned into for you lol
wow i had to read back a few pgs srry bout your end of yr power bill dang. i've been off line for the last wk again everything looks surpurb brotha. hopefully tomarrow my puter will be fixed im on the wifes now argh
thx for the description Sir of the pollen chuck pheno i grew out and still have. theres 1 clone from original seed plant in flower now an 2 clones from it just planted 7-8 days ago so it'll be around for while . normally i smoke the lavender 1st but this time PC was smoked 1st lol g/j bro
About the CT. I like her indeed, but as you said she's still misses something. With the pheno I already harvested, the high was great. Strong, hazey and sometimes a bit psychedelic but it only lasts for about an hour. Gonna post a smoke report real soon.
I like her taste really much so this is the reason why I'm gonna check out those F2's. I'm just gonna search for a real nice pheno with the perfect high and taste.
Now that frosty pheno I got going looks pretty promising Unlike my other somewhat fruitier pheno this one has a real inscense like amnesia smell. It seems like she aint going to get as fat though but her frost will make up for that.
I also crossed a CT male to my banana haze just for the fun of it and allready have one female of that cross going. A friend is testing some too.