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western states to legalize info


Active member
Dear Oregon, Washington, and Colorado( I actually have good friends living there from high school and college), Please vote in favor of these fair and balanced voter initiatives(get the fox news dig?). I believe the states will have to drag the federal government into fair ganja laws for all of us. Either medical or recreational, the laws against ganja were passed to use as a racist tool against minorities. I'm not there to vote yes, but I pray they all pass. Peace and respect, remember Bob Marley is looking down upon us as we work to change society's view against the gift from god *ganja*.


Senior Member
intrade has the odds. Oregon is at 11%, gonna be shot down, WA is at 74%, prolly pass and CO is 50%, too close to call, Go WA, wooohooo
are you sure? coulda swore washington was at 55%, colorado 47% and oregon 51%, i'll dig through the norml site to see if i can find it...

{EDIT} ok here are the poll numbers washinton is 54% for 38 against...oregon is 37% for and 41% against...and colorado is 47% for and 41% against. these are the latest polls, all are very close, oregon has 22% undecided so it could really go anyway...the other two have a good lead...

Dear Oregon, Washington, and Colorado( I actually have good friends living there from high school and college), Please vote in favor of these fair and balanced voter initiatives(get the fox news dig?). I believe the states will have to drag the federal government into fair ganja laws for all of us. Either medical or recreational, the laws against ganja were passed to use as a racist tool against minorities. I'm not there to vote yes, but I pray they all pass. Peace and respect, remember Bob Marley is looking down upon us as we work to change society's view against the gift from god *ganja*.

well dude, it's not us you need to convince, we are a small voter percentage, you need to apeal to the majority of society that DOESN'T smoke pot, we need to convince them to LET us legally smoke pot, cause it's up to them, their votes are the ones that make up the great majority of both sides of the issue...it's soccer mom's, white collar dudes, the elderly...mainstream America basically, and I PROMISE YOU they don't give a shit about bob marley and whether he is judging them...it's dumb crap like that that make them not want to legalize it...we need to paint a glossier veneer over pot...the dreadlocks and beanys, lazy pothead image is hurting us far more than it's helping anybody!


CO 50%, WA 74% and OR 11% prolly gonna pass, looks to me like it will be WA for sure and CO hopefully. OR ain't gonna happen, lol


Active member
I don't believe Bob Marley and his message of justice for all reflects a lazy pothead image at all. I'm a fucking retired CPA by the way sloth so I was part of the establishment.


Active member
Yeah John Walters was W's Drug Czar, and he referred to Marijuana as "poison." What a maroon. I'm guessing that if Obama gets a 2nd shot, he'll ease way up on the issue. Hope springs eternal, but we're gonna have to get it in gear to fix this in my lifetime. -granger


Active member
The prediction percentages are BASED on the polls. Think about it. What information do you think intrade users are drawing on to make their predictions? Don't count any state out just yet.


if you seen the oregon law language, you'd realize it really doesn't have a snowballs chance, IMHO


Professor Organic Psychology
Washington State has been Cash-Strapped for several years. There have been several citizen initiatives to reduce taxes that have been especially successful. The man driving the initiatives, Tim Eiman has been made out to be some criminal in the eyes of the liberal media and the state government. The state imposes a tax and Tim Eiman opposes it and wins with an initiative and governor comes on TV crying. The next day she cuts the dental benefits for those that are disabled.

With all of that said, people that Don't Smoke Weed are in favor of a huge tax package like this one for weed. Everyone knows the war on drugs is a failure and when you create a tax package that doesn't effect you personally (license tabs, candy or beer) you are buying time and making the poor slobs that smoke pot pay for stuff. Like it is now, all the smokers are smoking and the only tax they pay is when they are arrested and fined. A system that doesn't work so well. If people pay as they go, as they buy the herbs, that is a system that has proven itself. The state has a monopoly or had one on all the other allowed vices, like gambling and liquor.

I predict a good outcome on 502 in Washington this go around. And the state better damn well protect the people from the feds, they are really going to need the money.


Sorry to be the conspiracy theorist crazy here but I dont see recreational legalization as such good news. Yes, there will be tax revenue to help out broke uncle sam, thats the only plus if you wanna call it one. Most of our tax money gets pissed away already, I dont think money from medi taxes would go any differently. that being said...my bigger fear is big business sticking its ugly face into the arena(which they already are doing) they will become specialists in outdoor "duff" and indoor "pumpfake" and flood the scene with said duff/pumpfake...


Professor Organic Psychology
There will still be bootleg good-weed out there. I don't think the cops will be enforcing the difference. It will be too hard and too cumbersome for law to be able to tell if your weed is from the store or from your attic. Even if there is some sort of tax stamp on packaging someone could put their good stuff in an old legit pack. Bring on the legal weed and we will all sort this out. I just want to be left alone finally on this one thing.


Active member
Until the feds go with it, states legalizing, doesn't mean shit. Your state govt will def not bail you out, when the feds lock you up.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The Feds may keep chasing us, but state legalization means the local cops won't be doing sniff surveys walking door to door up and down the street with drug dogs after the upcoming Supreme Court case/decision on this issue.


Active member
Uncle Sam won't be getting the tax revenue when a state legalizes/taxes Mj. I can live with a tax on recreational Mj, but to be fair, there should be no tax on medicine.

Also, local and state cops won't be cooperating with Fed enforcement, unless its maybe big ops, frinstance cartels moving in on this side of the frontera. I support that kind of enforcement. -granger


The Dude
Until the feds go with it, states legalizing, doesn't mean shit. Your state govt will def not bail you out, when the feds lock you up.

state legalization is very important, it paves the way when the reclassification effort in the supreme court happens. It shows the judges that we will not lay down an we will fight to the end of time.


Just sent my ballot in! I'm not super stoked about some of the particulars of the Washington initiative (the dui levels they set, possession amt's and the cultivation particulars) but it is a positive step. We will be in for one helluva fight with the Feddies, but fuck it. Chances are very good that this will pass, could get really interesting!


yea i guess thats what im really saying, this is an ETREMELY important test for us and honestly, i didnt even know about it myself untill farely recently, still this is one is outright legalization law changes. really, there the ones that matter. just seems I for one would be more active on this