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welcome to the rabbit burrow!



nice little coco plant u have there. also growing in coco should help with knot having bugs.

.....I dunno man. I've had some real bad problems with thrips growing in coco.

Nice new setup though man, looks really neatly built. great job. Love those photos.:biggrin:


, The Ghost of
Where have I been? That last harvest looked great and Ill be around to watch this one grow out.


follow the pink rabbit!
hi all,

thanks for all comments, much appreciated! :]

sgap, thx for explanation. it is kinda hard to rebuild my hood now so for some more time i will run with the current setup. the buds are not that bad after all, even if the flowers kept coming with no end ;]

so, back to the rabbit burrow!

here is the clone 7 days later (vegging here for 13 days now)


she grows nice but seems to be hungry. i added more nutes during tank refill.

here she is after training down:

and some trimming:


ready to grow on! :]


Active member
doin' fine nkots! :)
Haven't figured out watering as you did; I hope I won't get lazy... :D thing is I happen to find gear (tubing etc) you plug at the tap only.... haven't done my homework yet... !
nice skills here, as usual mate!


Well-known member
that's the way to do it dude. she is gunna get bushy now. so how long u plan on vegging her befor u flower her.


follow the pink rabbit!
rooti, thx for kind comment. i am just starting to penetrate the hydro area so i avoid random movements ;)

she could benefit from more food i guess but i'd rather keep her a little hungry than nuteburnt ;)

so far things look good.

cheese that is in fact a very good Q to which i have no answer yet. if she grows vigorously then i give her one more week or so. then probably scrog but not sure stil...

i also switched more bulbs on, now she enjoys 140 W CFL :good:


follow the pink rabbit!
hi folks :wave:

long time no see, eh?
rabbit's been somewhat busy with his day-to-day meadow duties.

bu here we go with an update.

Hot Mix bunny has been vegging in the burrow for 19 days.

i believe her roots reached the bottom of the container because her growth became considerably stronger and faster recently.
you can also notice older yellowish foliage and fresh green new leaves which result from dose increase (from 1/3 dose to 1/2).

now she's under full lighting i.e. 160 W CFL:


i believe it might be about time to build a scrog for her and flip to 12/12?
any comments?


follow the pink rabbit!
yes, she is still up on the flat container. i could position her lower but why would i do that? now she is close to the bulbs and receives as much light as she could.


Señor Member
Hey man I've been busy lately but I meant to pop in already... Really good job you've done on this my friend! I'm very impressed. I'm watching this one closely. Isn't the hempy method funny how the growth just kicks in to overdrive when roots reach the res?

Keep it up!


follow the pink rabbit!
hi there :tiphat:

wildgrow you are right about the veg time. but this girl stretched like f*ck earlier in the rabbit warren so i want to stay on a safe side and will not allow her to veg much longer. in fact i flipped to 12/12 today.
another reason for being so cautious is the hempy bucket - still dunno what to expect lol.

hi hush, so glad you made it here to the burrow as you are my reference point when it comes to hempy b :] hope my girl thrives as yours do. and yes indeed, the growth is remarkable. i switched to 1feed/day now and expect the bunny to be even happier about it!

as said before, i am concerned with upcoming stretch so i cut on veg and proceeded to next stage, depicted below:

so the 12/12 officialy starts today!


hope you like it.


Well-known member
nice lil scrog u have. I have done a few scrogs before. I seem to get bigger yield with less waste on little nuggets. happy grown.


, The Ghost of
I like the setup. Pop the tubes and the whole bushel slides right out.

I see you started wiring those eyes individually and then must have had an 'a-ha' moment.


follow the pink rabbit!
thx for comments, both of you :tiphat:

wildgrow, actually i used the same wire as before (soil grow) but the wire happened to be too short and needed to complete the last 2 eyes separately... :bashhead:

...which confused me because the screen size is a bit smaller this time. i guess i made the eye-to-eye distance a little shorter?


follow the pink rabbit!

flower day 6


she is getting quite stretchy... but under control :dance013:

peace :smoke:
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