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Active member
yeah i was wondering if you could get the movement exact over 12 hours true to the real sun movement in the sky. that would be cool. it moves back and forth how many times per hour/minute? just curious..

i guessing you are treating the exhaust with the o.gen? make sure you go outside on windy days and sniff around.. downdrafts bring that shit down to the street. i dont know how hip any1 else is, but i can smell concentrated ozone in a heart beat if its bumped up way high from being familiar w/it but some nut might think its meth lab or something know what i mean. "strange odor on xxxx street.."

don't wanna spook you or anything with that, but i worry about the silly things for everyone, its the strangest things sometimes people may overlook. does that big uvon have the ability to lower its output, or is it just on max?

shit looks cool. pretty simple, very effective it seems..



I have the Uvonaire 5000 it is a free standing unit I have on on side of the room, it kills all smells, and leaves that odd smell behind. It was a bit much, when it was on all the time, so I got it switching on/off every 30 minutes. Can't smell a thing.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
dude that pic just made me hungry.
gotta go get my smash on now.


Active member
oh so i assumed wrong that it was exhaust mount model .. that funky smell won't really go thru walls then so no worries, just gotta air it out before you go in there. and you will know you aren't airing out enuff cause your eyes and throat will get irritated or sore, or very dry feeling/scratchy... and maybe i'm assuming wrong again, but if you can smell that smell ...its not good to be smelling it in for long periods if you can avoid it. theres a point where you don't smell that smell or the herbz, the perfect balance..

and if im wrong by assuming timed ozone blast again i give up, ignore me i'm rambling




Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
man I dont think you got enough nitrates on that plate... couldnt you grate some extra cheese on it or something?

j :wink:


Active member
i looked up the specs on it. its similar output to the one i use in my closet 47 mg/hr, but mine is ceramic discharge. only downside is its effected by humidity, the higher the humidity in the room the shittier the output, water in the air effects the spark on the plate for ceramic ones. not so with your bulb unit tho.

few minutes on to clear out a room that size? my closet was like 1 minute 40 seconds or so ontime this go, and it kept stink away for at least 22-25 mins..by the end of that time the stink was just starting to creep back up like faint odors.. but if your smelling that stink i'd try to dial it down ..unless u walk in during or right after a blast finished, nothing u can do about it, lol

now wondering if the ozone makes the buds more potent -- lots of oxygen in that room ;)



I have mine on the opposite end, from where the AC and fan are, as seen here:

That fan is on high pointing at the the lights, and the AC fan is on high, so I get a constant air exchange from outside. Even if the AC turns off, the fan stays on high, pumping in fresh air, and taking Ozone out. The room is really big to, so the ozone can't "build up", but it still kills all the smell.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Looking good ctsv as always. I like how youve got that shit setup now. ULTRA Clean man, Im loving it. I was in here earlier when you 1st posted that food picture.. Shit made me mad hungry. So I went to the local Amish market and got mad good ass food.. Take it easy man.. :joint:


Active member
cool mon!

keep in mind.. as long as the ozone is moving around it does better. an o3 molecule has to collide with a stinky odor molecule to change its properties, and then turn itself into back into regular oxygen o2. so even putting the ozone gen right in front of that huge fan would be ok as it would blow the o3 molecules right out and into the stink molecules if that makes sense (when it turns on)...in my closet i have no air movement so the ozone gen is mounted way up high so the ozone kinda falls down and blankets the plant below it..on its way down it clears the stink and does its job as its falling..usually i just open the closet and let it air out a while before going in there.. also remember to keep an eye on your components, especially your electric stuff as ozone is a very powerful oxident, and corrosive.. it dries out rubber parts, and can rust metal plugs and stuff, so if you start see'n wear n tear .. time to replace those parts, esp. parts that you can't see like parts INSIDE timers and stuff like that..that's why i said in front of the fan never behind the fan, as the constant consentrated direct blasts of ozone flowing thru the fan, would wear out the fan parts quicker..dry it out, and it may seize..

but seems like its working great on the other side, no matter!! i love the fact that your using ozone.. its a little tricky, but its like a can of lysol that doesn't run out, well you know what i mean




Want to know something weird?

Today is 03-06-09


Yeah, I've been smoking.

Mrs. Swamp

Want to know something weird?

Today is 03-06-09


Yeah, I've been smoking.

You are not the only one who noticed that. Swamp did and I rolled my eyes. You boys just cue in on the strangest things sometimes. LOL! Must be the herb.

BTW, everything is looking superb.


Great avatar Mrs. Swamp!

Just a warning...Don't C-walk near a treadmill.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hey CTSV I saw you got your new peice.. Whats your honest opinon on your WS perc'd bong man? Ive owened some WS bongs and thought they were pretty decent... Does it rip nice and everything?? Just curious as Im about to order one soon.. But, rather ask you 1st then be disapointed later with it. Lemme know if you can dude. Thanks alot :joint:


Sittin here ripping it right now.

Sucker will blow your head off, but with a very smooth hit. It's almost like by the time you know you are screwed, it's too late... Haha.

I would buy one. 150 bucks! Best tube on the market for that kind of money, hand down. All the joints fit perfect, and no imperfections from what I see. Yeah it's not a RooR, but I will probably end up breaking it. LOL!

Take it easy Professor.

For the folks who didnt see it on the Glass thread...

ash catcher

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks ALOT my man for that information.. Im gonna try and get one before they sell out again... If not the wait will just be longer. I was mostly curious about how well the percs work and what not but, you cleared that all up for me. Either way dude it looks sick and looks like a great peice. That Milano ashcatch looks sick too, I just ordered a Milano hemp necklace with a glass medallion along with some other goodies.... Thanks again for the great info.. :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice pieces brotha,i have one similar to the 1st one,except it only has 2 spots for the water....how do you get the water into the middle part?
and that vid cracked me the hell up fam,i kept on watcjin it.when the dude shoes fly up in the air had me cryin....good chit maing.peace-T-

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