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WeedKrazy420's Nirvana K2 gro

ya those are like 2 weeks ago tho now they all look healthy but my tallest one. i switched to flower today and will see what happens!
well heres some updated pix. its 2 days into flower and already my mystery is dead. i will show u why. look at the balls!!! lol. well the mystery was a male. now the k2's haven't shown any balls yet but i don't see white hairs either so i will wait to find out. here is 2 pix of k2's the huge sativa loking k2 is not pictured. i will post more soon..

no sign of males today. no females either. i guess the longer i see no sign of a male the better i bought epsom salt as the other sativa looking k2 is freakin messed up and seems to have lime green leaves with lil green inside. also the new top growth is retarded and whispy. i kno its a mg deficency as my bubblicious tried to do this and i had epsom and stoppe dit before it got out of hand
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good news (i think). the 2 k2's pictured above appear to have white pistils!! hopefully none will hermie on me. the other k2 is not looking great and shows no sign of pistils or balls. just neon yellow/green new growth. the leaves below it are looking a lil better tho. i will try another dose of epsom next watering. this will make my day if i get 2 females again like my bubblicious gro! keep u posted when i find out more~!


Hey man looking good! shame about the mystery but hey as long as you got a couple of females. Good luck with the sativa lady i hope she responds, i like a bit of sativa i don't know about you?
Well good luck!
thanks! only sativas i've grown was bagseeds so i have yet to try to grow a great strain of sativa. i am more a indica person because of the short time flowering and potent stone. i believe i actually tried a pretty good sativa b4 as i have smoked
ak-47. isn't that like 60 or so percent sativa? not 100 percent tho oh well thanks guys keep u posted will post pix once i get some more white pistils and nugs!!!!!
ok i might be wrong but on my messed up sativa looking k2 i think i see white hairs? that would make 3 out of 3 k2 females! it sux because this plant has a bad magnesium deficency. i belive it got this way because i just noticed a week ago that the whole time i had the drain holes blocked. never noticed the water not coming out becaue its cramped in my cab and this is off to the side. well for being messed up this plant is still stretching like crazy!!!! i ahve gave it to doses of epsom and will flush this time around then go back to reg ular nute schedule wonder if this will screw up the buds or make it hermie since it has this defiency? i will keep an eye on her and find out if i can nurse her back. i will post pix soon now that u can start to see a lil white hairs with the camera. i have them LST'in to the side of there pots and there side shoots are starting to grow now and i will give the healthy k2's some nutes this watering for the flower stretch.
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hey weedkrazy, just found your thread, im about to finish a k2 this tuesday, so far my plant is very stinky and very frosty.......and when mine was flowering it was a very light green color too.
ya the 2 healthy ones are green but this one plant is reg green in middle of the plant but the top few nodes is lime lime green with dark green veins and the bottom has a very few half light green/yellow/brown dead spot leaves that never died. its not nute burn as i kno what that is. in the sick thread i have came to the conclusion its magnesieum. i have had this happen b4 but not to this extent. i flushed today. i can tell these plants are gonna be stinky! i smell them already. they ain't that big either as i just use LST a month in from seed. i just keep um short but got lil less than a ounce off 2 plants. still have some bublicious from about 3 months ago haha. not much tho. seeming to lose its flavor now. it was very crystally also. i will post pix tomorrow of my gro stinky but more fruity. u will see its messed up
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ok heres some pix of my k2 day 11 flower. maybe its 10? oh well. anyways here are the healthy k2s one is nice and bushier the other has hardly any side growth. all are LST'd kinda small but will get bigger in time. the bubblicious i had b4 seemed to strech alot more too but it is still early in flower so who knos.. the 1st to pix are the bushy one the next to are the small thinner one. and the next few are the crazy messed up sativa k2! see the top is weird growth? it kinda seems to gro itself out of it a lil tho? this is the the mg defecency i was talking about. still this lady stretches at least an inch or 2 a day. i tie it sideways like shown and next day facing the sky!! what do u guys think? i am happy o far! 3 plants is better than 2 of the bubblicous but i wonder if i will even get any off the crazy sativa since its messed up or if it will die?? oh well heres those pix!
bushy k2 =

skinny k2=

sativa messed up k2=

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cool hope it isn't screwed up like mine tho. well i will find out if it worx. i mean if it was hurt so bad it prolly wouldn't grow so fast still
ok update on my plants. they never really stretched at all. 1 looks crystally so far and believe it or not the other one has white pistils like the other but is dark in color torwards the bud? maybe a purple pheno? the other sativa has white pistils but i am starting to think she might have balls too? i will post pix soon and show u what i mean!
heres those pix the 1st 2 are teh puple k2 i think its purple at least
the next pic is the regular crystally k2 and the last is teh sativa that has few hairs but seems like other white thinks hopefully not balls!!! i will keep an eye on it but i can;t reall take a pic its too blurry

gave my sativa k2 to a friend for observation. i swear there is balls on it so i took it out of my cab and he will take it and see what happens! i am happy with 2 gurls i got for sure! keep u updated if it turns out to be a purple k2 pheno that i get.


K2 rocks

K2 rocks

Once you are dialed in on a grow this is the potential of K2 and the high is the best I have had...Love her



K2 Finished product

K2 Finished product

:wave: Chief...wow your K2 looks way different than mine. Looks like your K2 really filled in. Here is a head shot of mine about to finish up here soon.
wow yours is awesome purple! hope mine turns out like that! mine is tied sideways so its so short but i might loosen it up.


Finishing up

Finishing up

Well a couple of days later here is the finished product just cut them today. They look nice and ripe.

Maybe even a little too ripe. These k2's were a bit on the small side because the farmers daughter wanted to take over. Here she is....

Have fun with that K2 it's smooth and easy smoke :sasmokin: