Long story short; I grow a legal amount of weed in a legal state, in my own home. The principal at our public school changed. And now faculty has been harassing my 6th grader for smelling like cannabis. At first just mentioning it inappropriately to my son. Progressing into searching him every single day. Luckily my kid isn't a snitch, cause they were trying to get him to rat me out....it continued, got worse. School started calling the police. Which led them nowhere because we are doing nothing illegal...due to all of this(and other reasons) my wife and I pulled him out of school. Currently homeschooling and transitioning to an online academy....i know I could have strengthened my smell control. But this issue with school is just 1 of many....anyways. Just wanted to start a thread and see if anyone had similar experiences. And to share mine....sorry that wasn't a very short story.