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Weed 2 Sanjay Gupta


Dr Sanjay Gupta's "WEED 2" Documentary

Dr Sanjay Gupta's "WEED 2" Documentary


"Weed 2: Cannabis Madness: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports," premiering Tuesday, March 11 at 10 p.m. ET, looks at U.S. federal laws that consider marijuana a drug with no medicinal value and serious scientists who say they're wrong. It is the politics of pot - the politicians vs. the patients.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Weed 2 Sanjay Gupta

I watched Weed 2 by Sanjay Gupta last evening on CNN. While a bit twisted towards phamacology (as is to be expected from a reporter on a station filled with Big Pharma advertising), his reporting on the fact that medical marijuana eases the suffering of epileptics was groundbreaking to say the least.

While those of us in the know realize it's an important medicine, for the network TV and mainstream audience it reaches this is a revelation.

If you can watch it online or as a repeat on CNN, it's something good to watch. And those grows in Colorado and Europe they showcase are well worth seeing ;)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Wow and what a tear jerker it was. Little Vivian went from 75 seizures a day , down to 10, now if thats not a miracle drug .....? So sorry she still has to endure the 10 .


Active member
Once she gets the right combo of cannabinoids in the right dosage, she may have no seizures as have other kids.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hot on the heels of last night's show I got this press release from ASA:

Americans for Safe Access
For Immediate Release: March 12 , 2014
Contact: ASA Media Specialist Kris Hermes 510-681-6361

New Scientific Review of Epilepsy and Medical Marijuana Provides Scientific Foundation for Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Claims
"Cannabis in the Treatment of Epilepsy" comes as demand grows for using the plant to treat intractable seizure disorders

Washington, D.C. -- The medical research group American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) issued a new scientific review today entitled, "Cannabis in the Treatment of Epilepsy," which it is offering for free to the public. The review compiles much of the leading and historical research on epilepsy and cannabis (medical marijuana) for use by scientists, physicians, patients, and parents, as well as those producing and manufacturing it for treatment. Patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) will host a Google Hangout today, March 12th at 8pm EDT, featuring AHP director Roy Upton, ASA scientific advisory board member Dr. Sunil Aggarwal and others.

This newly compiled scientific information on epilepsy and medical marijuana comes as CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta aired a follow-up documentary to last year's "Weed," both of which feature children whose parents use cannabis to help treat rare and sever forms of epilepsy unresponsive to medication. "Weed 2" highlights the plight of Vivian Wilson, a two-year-old who suffered 75 seizures a day, while Dr. Gupta's first documentary featured Charlotte Figi, a seven-year-old whose use of cannabis reduced her seizures from 300 per week to three or four a month.

What: Google Hangout to discuss the CNN documentary "Weed 2" and the AHP scientific review on cannabis and epilepsy released today
When: TODAY, March 12th at 8pm EDT
Where: http://www.safeaccessnow.org/asa_live

"This review of cannabis and epilepsy provides scientific foundation for the claims being made by CNN correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta," said ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer. "This material provides us with the tools to increase our knowledge and build on the research that already exists." Today's release by AHP is part of its soon-to-be-published Therapeutic Compendium on Cannabis, which along with the previously released Cannabis Monograph was developed in collaboration with ASA.

"Releasing this section of the monograph into the public domain at this time provides clinicians, patients, and their caregivers with a single document that comprehensively summarizes the scientific knowledge to date regarding cannabis and epilepsy," said Dr. Ben Whalley, Director of Research at the School of Pharmacy, University of Reading in the U.K., who also co-authored the review.

Last month, the Epilepsy Foundation urgently called for increased medical marijuana access and research in the U.S. In December, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved clinical trials to study the effects of cannabis on children with intractable epilepsy. The form of cannabis used in the trials will be Epidiolex, extracted from a strain of medical marijuana rich in Cannabidiol (CBD), the second most prevalent chemical compound (cannabinoid) in the plant.
Such an intense focus has been placed on CBD that legislators in a number of states, including Alabama, Florida, Utah, and Wisconsin, are considering laws that exclusively promote CBD-rich cannabis. In reality, the therapeutic effects of cannabis arise from a synergistic effect between CBD, THC, and the dozens of other cannabinoids found in the plant. Medical marijuana advocates argue that patients cannot be expected to rely on a single isolated compound like CBD, and such an approach fails to address their actual needs.

Further information:
Cannabis in the Treatment of Epilepsy by AHP
AHP Cannabis Monograph


Excellent info,, I know a patient that has epilepsy, and after 16 years, he can now drive again with cannabis maintenance.. although, due to politics/laws in our state, he cannot give cannabis the credit it deserves.." it's still a driving while intoxicated here"... but due to thc/cbc, he has passed all the requirements to regain a driver's license.. that's pretty cool if u think about it... I am also an advocate for people using cannabis to get off opiates/cocaine and alcohol, etc.. I truly believe many people can restore they're lives from addiction with cannabis.. hopefully we see more on this subject in the future,,,


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
sativex is a whole plant extract so i think they grind everything up except the main stems and im reasonably certain the extraction process is fairly specific meaning they are only taking what they want and are able to make a pharmaceutical grade end product...its big money pharma for sure...

the lamps are that high because its real horticultural lighting not the hydrofarm or sun system toys pot growers use,im sure the actual par value of that lighting is staggering,if you look at the dutch medical gardens that produce bedrocan (sp?) has the same type of lighting set up.

Huel Perkins

Good show, i'm sure just like the first show it opened the eyes of nonbelievers and got people talking. I hope he does a third show!


ICMag Donor
Anything that makes claims to benefiting health will eventually be highly regulated. I expect when it does go legal on a much larger scale - that big pharma will begin lobbying for tighter regulation for anyone who desires to produce. With that will come expensive licensing fees and extreme over-regulation to protect the consumer, which will be actually intended to keep the masses from being able to compete, effectively cornering the market.

You all ready see such tactics in play by lobbyists in the state of Illinois as they try to get their medical program off the ground...

The landscape is going to change very quickly with legalization...I just keep watching... :joint:


Huel Perkins

Focusing on helpless children is a GREAT way to get the public's attention but...

I'd really love to see part 3 focus on cancer and maybe have Rick Simpson on the show as well as cancer survivors who have followed his lead...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Focusing on helpless children is a GREAT way to get the public's attention but...

I'd really love to see part 3 focus on cancer and maybe have Rick Simpson on the show as well as cancer survivors who have followed his lead...

I hope they do that too. I have a feeling they won't show how well it can work with cancer until we have actual human studies proving it. It's only a matter of time before those studies are allowed in the US.

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