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Water smells rotten after 2 day's why?

St. Phatty

Active member
Some of my best friends enjoy drinking stanky water, and other than making them walk and talk funny, they don't suffer any adverse effects that I can see.

Mix Rose extract with it and package it in perfume bottles. Then sell it in Silicon Valley. Tell the yuppies it will rev up their Love Life, or bring them "closer to God".
Depends on the CO2 level. In areas with high CO2 air pumps can create carbonic acids that can mess with ph over time. This is not a major factor though as these changes are extremely slow and plant uptake will effect Ph much more than the carbonic acid. Air stones also won't create any more carbonic acid than a water pump in the reservoir or waterfall effect from nutrients returning to sump.

Better be careful. Too much carbonic acid in your reservoir and your weed will make you carbotrip.
I'm just joking around. Carbotrip, robotrip. Carbonic acid, tripping on acid. Bad joke. :p

Realistically, there is no risk of carbonic acid building up in your reservoir. Temperature directly affects how much CO2 water will uptake and produce carbonic acid as a byproduct. A reservoir above 65F is not going to absorb any meaningful amount of CO2 from the air to affect pH.
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