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warrants and suspicious activity

There are as many beliefs about all this as there is types of weed. The bottom line is this:

If an informant is deemed to be ' reliable' , that is he has given info in the past that was accurate and has in most cases done several busts for the cops...that alone will get a warrant. Of course, the cops will have a lot more than just that on the form...all the case history crammed into a few paragraphs..telling intitial contacts with relevant parties, alleging what substance is supposed to be transacted or found, and the circumstances of the investigation.

Since cops often have a hard time getting in close to suspects, they use reliable rats, those who have done more than one deal for them. Sme guy that you know is NOT a reliable informant most likley, what are the odds? If a friend of yours rats you out, and he has never been a rat before, his word alone canNOT be the SOLE basis for a warrant. Sure, if he cooperated and set you up, the cops would use that along with all the other evidence to get the warrant and charges.

So, warants are EASY for a cop to get, as proven over and over when some operation blows up in their ugly collective pig faces...such as the Grannie in Atlanta gunned down and murdered with pot planted in her home to vilify her..but many judges and magistrates are now paying more attention so they do not look like idiots later when the cops lies turn out to be an ambarrassment.

but, YES, warrants are easy to get, and that is a bad thing...sad but true. it doesn't take much for some judge to sign off and hope the cops are right and that it will stand up..

The system is stacked against wepeople, and it is corrupt, mainly because all judges KNOW that cops are notorious liars and perjurers and yet allow their testimony to be given full credit!! Sick...but fact. cops lie all day long, the bastards..and yet claim the high moral ground..don't believe it for a minute...cops are the most amoral and soul vacated drones alive today.

Cops lie without a backward glance at the bible they swear on, the law, or the Constitution ...all so they can brag about another petty bust that ruins a young life...sick freaks they are.

make damned SURE that NO ONE knows about your private business, ESPECIALLY girl or boy friends...they are notorious for ratting ...when their little feelings get hurt, they want revenge and dont care a damned bit that it will ruin you...hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned...remember that well.

Do NOT be suprised when your ' best friend' or your girlfriend rats you out and laughs while they are doing it...survival of the weakest..you KNOW that this is the main cause for busts, and yet many still tell their closest pals and women about their business, and then they get busted and come here whining about how life sucks..well, STOP telling people anything they have no need to know!! Simple.


15. In the end, if they want to bust you, they will with or without reason...even if
they have to set you up to do so.


On the other hand, they might not go after the dude with a few plants in his ckoset, because they've bigger fish to fry... It depends on location though.