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WAMEN outdoor-seedling countdown2006


Joint Date: Today.
Hi folks!! welcome in my first thread on this forum.... :wave:
that will talk about the new outdoor season...

somebody may remember me from OG times...(i say wud up to all ya old friendly growers )... ...but somedody may not...so I'd like to itroduce myself as a GUERRILLA OLD TIMER[italian]...

the spring iz coming up as you know...( :woohoo: ) and iz time to set up everything and realize what's the menu for this cycle...so I'll write mine:

-POWF aka purple(power)of wamen's family [purple tops x holland's hope]
-afghani x hindu kush :yummy: ...
-O.G.M. wam breed
-outsider x POWF
-outsider x afghaniHK
-durban x skunk#1
-some bagseed from "costa d'avorio"(africa..near Anghola)
-some Silver Haze from hawaii

and if I'll make a seed trade with a friend(Ixnay007 let me know what you up to please... when you'll pass by..) I'll try also some

-Shiskaberry x Kalizahr
-Red Dawn
-some other shit that now I can't remember... :confused:

the weather iz gonna be fine in at least 2 weeks so I'll be posting pics soon...

grow on...cheers

clear and blue

hey good luck wamen. hope its better than last year..ripper-wise i mean

can you tell us more about your OGM? im really becoming quite jealous of every one having such a nice variety of strains for this season.

myself, im stuck with another year of compromise - turkish landrace and some unknown commercial seeds from a friend who brought them from england. also, with the barrenness of the land here and the ferocity of the land market, there is nowhere i can safely do a guerilla so im limited to my own properties and even then i have some quite dangerous security risks to bear in mind.

best of luck! and im looking forward to see some pics


Now thats a list of strains i would like! Not sure they would all grow in this climate though. I have some early misty and hawaii x skunk1, i also plan to try some serious bubblegum outdoor. I really cant wait for the weather its nearly there i have planted some seeds indoor this week.
goodluck with your grow and keep us updated! :joint:


Active member
I am sure all of those will do well in a Mediterranean climate, particularly if you get another intensely sunny season.


Joint Date: Today.
thanx BACKCOUNTRY for the advice....i always forget that kind of shit...

thanx also to all of you old folks for dropping by....

waiting 4 some warm weather....

hey clearandblue...you know the OGM is my fafourite breed....its suppose to be a secret cause i spent like 5 years of my life workin'on that...but I can say that i made it growing some [edited :joint: ]...and some......... ....than some time to make it stabile....

the result is a white supa-cola....
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clear and blue

WAMEN said:
...you know the OGM is my fafourite breed....
the result is a white supa-cola....

you mean like tab? same great taste, without the caffeine! bet its nice and fruity

look forward to seeing it this year. has anything sprouted yet? here in turkey the weather is nice and sunny but quite cold still (15 degrees and about 50%rh and cold winds)


Joint Date: Today.
nothing sprouted yet....
I wish i had a good weather like yours ,at least...instead of this winter ending so coldy and wet...

plus im waiting cause i've got to make the last decisions about the seeds im going to buy...

p.s.: the OGM iz more powerful than fruity...seems like a strong indica...anyways you'll see it...so keep lookin forward mate!

clear and blue

hey the good weather is just rounjd the corner! today its really sunny and warm. only a couple of weeks ago there were cold siberian winds and rain every day but now summer is on its way.

i think in a week or 2 you should be getting the good weather too

clear and blue

in that case, i GUARANTEE youll get good weather come next week.

so I'd like to itroduce myself as a GUERRILLA OLD TIMER

just noticed that.. i didnt think you were even over the age of 25.. your plants are always inspirational so i guess in this context ill let it pass...

what are your possibilities regarding your last minute seed choices?


Joint Date: Today.
you're right bro...ifact im 20...
but I wave experiences of gowing weed since i was 11 years old...with my uncle...

there's not a lot of people that iz been growing 4 more than 10 years...

so I think in this context you can let it pass...

clear and blue

sounds like you were quite lucky having an uncle to share your hobby with. still stuggling myself to get across to my family that "although weed will survive in almost anything, if you treat it right it will be far better in the long run"

i myself have only had about 5-6 years experience looking after a friend's indoor garden. although i can maintain systems and keep hydro plants at good health, i have only given it a go once. things are different here in turkey because in the past i have always had pH meters, E.C truncheons, high quality setups and good speciality nutrients to work with.

now i find myself in a town that does not even sell plant pots and the compost they sell is a mixture of clay, sand and sheep poo (each sheep poo has a seed in it too so you are always picking out weeds). plant feed is completely out of the question so i am trying to research all organic matter that can easily be used as plant food. so much easier having the complete AN line at your disposal because now i find myself thinking about using coffee grounds etc...

i think this is real gardening! the old way where it is still an artform to produce good results. anyone can do well with a hydro setup, and complete control of environment and feed but without this there is a lot more guess work and i feel like i am learning again.

i keep coming back to the possibility of commercial growing to subsidise my income but what i really want to do is grow interesting high quality strains. with my friend we were always producing high quality but it would be chronic, heavy yielding hybrids and commercial haze varieties. haze is also (despite popular opinion) a very good commercial strain but i think the very best quality varieties take too long to flower a relatively small amount.

this is why i am so interested in threads like yours where you can grow many different strains (and your own breeds :) ) in the ground outside the old way, for fun.

i guess it is like all hobbies- if you take it professional you have to be ready to sacrifice some of your enjoyment in the hobby in order to make the money.


Active member
clear and blue said:
...now i find myself thinking about using coffee grounds etc... ...
A few years back, I emptied the compost bin and decided the surplus of coffee grounds justified letting it compost for another year. Instead of top dressing my vegetable garden, I piled it into a new compost pit.

To my surprize, seeds in the compost germinated, including one potato plant. That plant was clearly doing great, growing in 80% coffee grounds.

Good stuff. Any organic material will contribute to the compost. Food scraps, excluding meat or fats, and a little time is all it takes to produce excellent fertilizer.

I see Northen Italy is getting real winter weather, just perfect for the games. Hope yours warms up soon.

clear and blue

hey stoner, out of interest how long do you think it takes coffee grounds to decompose? i mean are they too hot to top dress straight from the machine?

when it comes to a compost bin, i guess experience reveals the best matter for the desired compost but you can get away with pretty much anything if left for long enough.

i dont really have the option of a compost bin at any property although there is a place where i have been dumping all of the weeds that ive been removing this spring (there were many.. entire garden was a dense jungle more than 2 feet high) and maybe i could contain it slightly with a tarp and mix in different matter but really we are talking long term - maybe in time for summer.

we get through a stack of coffee and for some reason it was the first thing that came to mind. back at OG there was a thread containing the NPK ratios,dosages, pH and breakdown rate of all kinds of organic material but so far i havent been able to source anything as detailed here. will keep looking though

anyone have any ideas for effective feed that is readily available and doesnt require too much decomposing. im really used to just giving a bottle a shake and syringing some in. i think making some kind of tea would allow me to dose when needed. also have some of those slow release plugs that you stick in the soil from someone who bought them in the city thinking they were seeds..


ICMag Donor
there isnt a set time it takes for coffee grounds to decompose. Right now, in the winter, unless they're in an active compost pile, they're going to take a while. In the summer, a compost pile eats up coffee grounds, and it helps get it going. You can even put your paper filter in the pile.

Straight from the machine, coffee is acidic for one, and it has a high carbon:nitrogen ratio (same as any other uncomposted plant material). This means bacteria and other organisms breaking down the coffee grounds will use nitrogen from the soil mixture to stay alive and breakdown the coffee grounds. This lowers nitrogen levels in the soil and that isn't what you're trying to do.
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stoner 13th

80% coffee grounds stoner? crazy stuff-

WAMEN - ill be a watchin'- cant wait for some warm days here- still fridgid feb weather round here- I grew 2 skunk x durbans last year- messed up my soil when i did it and my yeild suffered severly, but that was some good bud off those 2 plants-


Joint Date: Today.
I think that now we know each other a lot better...

I like your style dude...I thing you're a good guy...i love talkin'with you...
plus now I know a lot of things that I use to ask myself about you....
and I agree for everything you say...thaz real gardening...

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