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....WAKE & BAKE....


puff puff....taking a break from the vape and bong, sticking to my glass pipe and joints for the next week or so.

Its Wednesday....

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


What were we talking about?
Didn't sleep well last night. Can't seem to get into gear today. Got high. That usually perks me right up. Not today. Just really muzzy right now. Suits though, because it's dark and raining outside.



*Stoned User*
Good morning fellas. :wave:

I hear ya BB. This rainy, gloomy weather really puts a damper on my spirits. I had planned on a nice long hike today but the rains keep coming so it looks doubtful. Oh well, guess i will just have to enjoy some sour nevilles and concentrates today. Poor me. :joint:

Killer job with the mku -37dBA. Great work on your grow and fruits. Props.


Soooo I've had this piece of shit freebie blackberry for a couple years now and since I worked with it this summer its seen better days. Can't take pictures because the lens is scratched and filled with dust, can't call anyone because the speaker is blown or filled with dust, it doesn't have a back so the battery always falls out, and its been in my pocket so long the black plastic has worn away to clear and brown in places, and the internet doesn't work because its a blackberry and blackberry sucks.

Anyways my girlfriend came home late from work yesterday and surprised me with a couple new t-shirts, and a new iphone! I love that girl. This thing is pretty awesome, I love not having to use my ipod and also a phone to text my girlfriend. Deff able to ignore how fucked up most of the people are in this hick town.

*Side rant* Why do people put drive diesel duleys with 6 in lifts, and the truck has never seen a dirt road in its life? AND they can't park it at all. Or wear cowboy boots and a hat, when your walking a mile+ to class, each way, and it's not sunny out. Or wear wrench pocket protectors out to the bar or class and its obvious they've never been out of the pouch. AHHHHHHHHHH

Well I'm pretty baked this morning, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Howdy wake and bake!

not smoking tonight, just up late drinking a beer and working on some school work. wanted to stop by and say "hi" to everyone.

hope your all well my friends. Hey budbasket - do me a favor, burn one down for me, I need it man!


What were we talking about?
Cruisin' on a Friday morning. Weekend up ahead.

But first, a little w&b to get the day rolling (pun not intended)


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Bags of Lifesaver from Volcano straight to the dome, because its 4:20 somewhere. :tiphat:

Hope everyone has a fantastic weedend.


Soulfly- puff puff pass buddy

Just finished my only class of the day. Cleaning, laundry, and then ryder cup for me today.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket
Bong up some snowcap first thing when I woke. Should be a great start to the weekend.

Lol @ budbasket. Idk man its an epidemic taking over our country. Fake ass hipsters is what I like call them. And bro that GF of yours is a definite keeper. IPhone? Hell's yea!

Headed to grow shop for a few needed supplies.

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2


matt- haven't had snowcap in years

I think I keep getting really baked while writing my morning post, then forgetting to actually post it, then exit out of the tab. It's happened two mornings in a row now. Eh

stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Azez- good hearing from you, hope all is well

Football today and studying for me....perhaps making a batch of brownies.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning everyone - raining in my area today so it's gonna be an indoors day. Not many games I really want to watch today so I might try to log some hours on xbox. Picked up a few used games yesterday that I want to try out.

Started watching Sons of Anarchy yesterday. Watched the first 9 episodes of the first season. DAMN! This show is awesome. Gonna have to squeeze in a few episodes a night during the week =)

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Bud - puff puff pass right back to your brother, thanks!

big twinn

Super Member
Smoking on some Indiana Original Bubblegum with a nice Ethiopian Coffee. Have a full day of studying and trimming/harvesting planned. Cheers.


puff puff....

Going to doctor today to figure out my neck, hope its just pulled muscles and nothing more serious.....

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket