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VT Straw Banannaz GIFTED

I Care

Well-known member
I was gifted these seeds by someone I met at the garden supply store. I heard them talking about canna while we were both in the same place and decided to ask them about what they were doing. Super nice guy! :greenstars:

Overall I recieved 13 seeds from them and I tried to germinate 3.

1 has survived the abuse and is finally growing.
I tried to use seed starter soil that just stayed too wet and this guy started to damp off after struggling since coming up a month ago.
I put it in my dry 1pt Peat, 1pt Perlite, 1pt com aeration, 1pt com growers mix.

Now it might want to grow for me.






After dry soil blend on 4/10


Update later.


Well-known member
I was gifted these seeds by someone I met at the garden supply store. I heard them talking about canna while we were both in the same place and decided to ask them about what they were doing. Super nice guy! :greenstars:

Overall I recieved 13 seeds from them and I tried to germinate 3.

1 has survived the abuse and is finally growing.
I tried to use seed starter soil that just stayed too wet and this guy started to damp off after struggling since coming up a month ago.
I put it in my dry 1pt Peat, 1pt Perlite, 1pt com aeration, 1pt com growers mix.

Now it might want to grow for me.


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After dry soil blend on 4/10

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Update later.
Thanks for sharing your work with us friend. Good luck I hope you get a nice female. I'm riding with you for a while.

I Care

Well-known member
This is the latest news available on this one.
In the 1pt Peat 1pt Perlite 1pt COM Aeration 1pt COM Growers Mix

Have been side watering and it’s nursing the first (edit: and only) one/three that came up and nearly damped off.


This is one/two I put down last week. Have been drizzling water over the top through the days. Had to lay it down and put soil on top of it, then a little water on top to get it to release seed husk.

^ This is where I really struggle with seeds, I usually have them give up on me about here. Just have to hope light, temp, humidity and soil saturation is okay for this one. Because I have nothing to monitor these things.
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I Care

Well-known member
Couple photos from last week. The older seedling. And the sprout needing some extra attention.


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I Care

Well-known member
I really don’t keep track of dates very well. Beautiful little plants here. They are just going to live in these little pots for a while. My chosen methods are causing sloth like performance for starting seedlings.

The kinda funny thing is that this is the first thing I got. Then I kinda jumped really far ahead with a lot of other things to do and work on dialing in my limits. It just works out works out that I started these a little behind everything else.

I am having issues across the board with nutrient imbalances I have been unwilling to address. I need to get some Dimond K to get working on deficiencies in the mix. Knowing I’ll use it anywhere, it should be a justifiable expense.

Ones nearly two months working on ‘em the other is been about 3 weeks of keeping a close eye on ‘em. I did start the first plantings at a perfect time for outdoor season, well for cannabis. I jammed myself up too early for vegetables and now I’m going to have to defoliate when I am hungry.

There is a certain strawnanna that I hope these can replicate in some way. It was an excellent night use and was not overpowering with flavor. Was one of the best I’ve smoked for bedtime purposes. I kinda have no choice but to grow this. Last I checked, there was none coming back. Really want to have that same flavor and effect whenever I smoke before bed.

I’m figuring this seed thing out, I will hopefully be able to find this to be the perfect strawnanna sleep aid. The effect from the smoke as I experienced. The trim would make edibles for pure ultra lounge. Eventually these will hopefully make some chill weekeder low potency snacks.

I have a good spread on the board for pre approved med traits, this one is the one I’m really rooting for to be exact. Big Thanks to the Irie Man for blessing me up.

I may have to name these after my dogs, just dedicate these to her. For being there with me the day I got these seeds. She was gone the next. Big piece of me, I really want to these strawnanna to work and I can really do some good.

I Care

Well-known member
This was given the worst chances for a start. A cold environment. Also bad starting mix that I overwatered. I got a lot better at germinating seed directly in soil since I started this project. This was the first seed that got placed on the bench.


Still have a very good bond with this strain for its medicinal contributions.
There are more seeds if I need them, saved the juicy seeds for storage.

I watered part of the garden today. Sprayed everything on the table with Jacks tomato. Then I gently sprayed everything with some BonNeem and then went back to the top growth with the foliage spray.

this is the little one as of now

It’s younger by about 1 month

I’ve been using a fertilized coco blend to prevent damping off and to build the soil up as close as I can to the first leaf cotyledons
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I Care

Well-known member
full update
Taken the plant from 6500K Fourescent Lighting and it’s now under 5700K LED lighting. Learned a little bit about locally available nutrition and have been feeding med-heavy. Need to triple the light by the next update.

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I Care

Well-known member
So I finally got the answer to wether or not its a fem. It’s got a really good rub to it, oh dear do I try to make this work? Would have been easier as a smaller thing

I Care

Well-known member
So it turns out I popped a male and a female. Definitely git some pistas that turned color on the girl, only calas showing pastas were showing at the top so that should be easy to collect top buds before they ripen; leave the lowers. They both had an unusual rub and the boy really stunk up the car when I was taking them home. The girl from this cross reminds me of some old dark color afghan goo, can’t wait for the puffage.

I was going to grow the boy out indoor and take some pics for the mag, but I brought the boy back to its originator at their request. Got the origin of the seeds when we got together; cross raspberry black rainbow to a strawnanna mom. Took a branch I’m going to try to get some mixed on a couple branches of other plants. Look forward to having some more seeds coming my way.


I Care

Well-known member
There is some pest damage frome remaining outdoors for some time. This was the second silk worm I found on the same nugget In two days. Released back to the wild, this isn’t what has me worried, because, I’m pretty sure I killed some red and spotted mites when the temps and humidity were up. The plant got a little stripping of the two most populated branches and the a good shake and bake in the hot sun.

There not an insane amount of damage but I think I need to bake them out some more with the heat and humidity while it’s still early.


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I Care

Well-known member
this VT Straw Bannanaz is strawnanna mom and raspberry boogie s1 black rainbow dad from what my buddy was able to recall still haven’t taken any cuttings but it may be a good idea It’s night 19 now.

After pruning a couple branches off due to some
visible mites, giving it a good sun bath and rotating and re tying. The plant is still shaping out nicely with a few under growth branches coming out with good internodal spacing.

I Care

Well-known member
She’s come a long way since April 30, I made some mistakes through the Flowering process. Too much food too soon with aa dry back that really caused us problems in the root zone followed by flushing with a lower than ideal nutrient solution to correct the issue.

Translated into a lot of leaves being cannabalized and most of the lovely fan leaves were effortlessly removed just before the dark hours. I took everything that looked like trouble through the last two days.

Im thinking the fade may also be a compound of the nutrient/pH issue and also may suggest some successful pollination of a few calyxes at the beginning of flower. I don’t know enough about it to be honest.



I also want to invite @Sanjuro if you’re still here cause you said something about the fans and there’s totally some of that going on. I wasn’t trying to stir the shit, I was actually coming back here say that you should give me shit about my grow in my personal threads. I stroked ya the wrong way man and I saw there was a whole fucking thing that went down and I know I was the spark man. you still here man? come bash me, sorry for getting ya on that fire burn. wasn’t what I was trying to promote man

I Care

Well-known member
Neglect has taken its toll. I haven’t kept up with it as much as I should. finally got the soul input and run off buffered back to 1200ppm in and out today, that took sevral gallons of water, collecting run off at 900ppm and adding jacks tomato to bring it back to 1200s again. I ran a total of probably 7 gallons of water through the soil to eventually get run off at pH6.6 and it was really like 1170ppm.


it’s been a constant game of pulling leaves that are willing to come off and I made sure that there are no sacrificial leaves laying onto any of the buds

I Care

Well-known member
I played kick the bucket between everything. there’s a long story that all lines up. From over fert, dry back, over correction, induced deficiency, foliar sacrifice, my own tendencies, heat, humidity, mildewed hay on the lawn to encourage late growth, outdoor buds fan drying outside the tent.

I’ve received guidance on resultant fusarium issue. Informed to get wettable sulfur to clean up the issue, but I’m just picking at it slowly and trying to keep it from getting a hold.

Its a bit crazy now, all the light I can give It and it’s a shaggy little thing. This is going to be personal puffage through the holidays and I can keep a close eye on the situation inside so I’m just trying to let it ride and get the biggest nuggs I can get before the PM ends the run altogether.

I’m thinking I can only sustain this another week



I’m not taking any chances, just driving the tops hard and inducing heavy stress on the plant. cutting the feed back to side watering of GO biothrive bloom, FF micro and molasses 600ppm side water running off at 950ppm. It’ll get one more side watering of 2 gallons in it’s 10 gal pot and that will be the end.

it knows what time it is, but it’s sad that we’re just getting started before I slipped up. typical romance 🥀 sorry i didn’t give you all
my time chica you know I’ve been cheating on you with the other girls and this is what happens 😘

Big Up ICMag it’s alright
I took a couple that are’vegin

a couple weeks into root and are’vegin’
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