A grower who votes to keep MJ illegal isn't a grower anymore.
He is a prohibitionist!
He is a prohibitionist!
When and where can we see the results?!
Dude.....when the election is over and all votes have been counted.
And you can see the results online, in the news, paper and I am sure all over here as well.
i dont know why exactly but i truly did laugh out loud when i read this!
i can just hear the tone of it...
Wow... Not sure if offering to spare someone without knowing their skillset is a very good idea. Just sayin....the no voters seem to be a very unstable crowd judging by the pm's and K+/- messages received..
deeply conflicted causing a juxtaposition of what they know is right vs. wanting to be right is creating some severe psychosis!!!
on the up side ive got some offers for new sparing partners...
ya know us H$%^&male boysWow... Not sure if offering to spare someone without knowing their skillset is a very good idea. Just sayin....
I voted NO already...