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Violin/Fiddler and ish! (Any one else?)



A ny other violin/fiddle players out there? I love medicating and playing! I make allot of my own music! I need someone to make something that listens to me play and puts it into note format lol!! Any how trying to get my post count up and learning about others while sharing about myself! Oh wait lol I have been playing fiddle since I was like 6ish? I grew up playing and being taught classical I love to play anything now from bluegrass to country to rock to covers to just about any songs! I love just about every type of music. I also dablle playing guitarish...., lol mando, dulcimerish... lol banjoish...lol I play treble on the piano if that counts (right hand) HA! Welp that's it besides I love to sing! Who knows if it's good? I don't care! Well I do kinda ish!


Well-known member
hells yeah bro, I love Fiddle ...i play Guitar but certainly admire a good fiddle player, such an expressive instrument.