Hi Fronk,
I was starting to doubt whether your Violeta will turn purple or not,
glad to see her finally getting some color, are the base of the fresh pistils slightly purple/pinkish ?
Looks like she is going to produce a good frost in upcoming days
I can't see your last pics, am I missing something ?
I can't see your last pics, am I missing something ?
Wow... Fronk wouldn't mind visiting your garden!!! What a grow!
do you know by chance the name of the climbing plant seen on the last picture on the topmost right? Have seen her in the past, and thought it was perfect to disguise a garden as her leaves are sooo alike shaped...
Wow... Fronk wouldn't mind visiting your garden!!! What a grow!
do you know by chance the name of the climbing plant seen on the last picture on the topmost right? Have seen her in the past, and thought it was perfect to disguise a garden as her leaves are sooo alike shaped...
Hi Fronk,
Glad your Violeta dealt well with the recent heavy rains and pests in your garden. Overall, it's a very resistant and easy going strain for any kind of problem. Looks like she could be harvested at the end of this week
I just pulled her, it’s been extremely wet and there is more rain coming tomorrow.
It felt heavy when harvesting.
I’ve got a cut of this one going in the flower tent so will be interesting to test indoor/outdoor with the same food and water.
It now smells practically identical to the Pck I grew but slightly more citrus. (My favourite terpenes last round)
Exited to try.
Thanks ace and Dubi.
Thanks man!
It’s a passionfruit plant.
It’s perfect as it climbs really fast, it can block out when in front and your pants will blend in when behind.
Also it has beautiful flowers that attract a lot of bees.