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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hello everyone, its been awhile since I've posted anything so I thought it might be nice to re-live some fine Colombian. I welcome any stories pictures or thoughts on this fine exotic bud. Here are some picture of plants and bud I obtained when I first moved here.


Pressed Colombian Gold from Santa Marta $30lb.


Colombian Sativa (free)


Some very tasty cured Colombian tops 2005


Punto Rojo known to have the "God" effect on operator.


Punto Rojo hashish 2005

I first smoked Colombian back in the mid 70s but around 85 it went away. But in the early 2000s I moved to Colombia and not only found the great old Colombian but also grew it myself. This is just a few pics I have more for later. Please add all thoughts on this fine bud.

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i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Amazing. ... id love some of that in my life... i got some pred going atm but nuthin is better then when its grown down there. ...


Active member
Can you tell us more about the effect of the high? I've been trying to germinate my 1973 SMCG's but they all seem to be dead. My old mentor told me this is the best bud he's ever smoked in his life. He said that it sent people to the hospital because it was so strong that they thought it was laced. Any opinions?


Well-known member
Hi Red rider, good to see you posting again.:biggrin:
I hope this turns into an informative thread, the only info I can add is what I've read in R C Clark's mj botany.....The fine Columbian gold also known as LA Mona amarilla was grown high in the mountains and the gold colour was achieved by girdling the stem, the high was more up and cerebral and the best was often seedless.
The humid lowland lumbo was more stringy, brown and all most allways seeded and had more of a seditive, narcotic high.
Apparently when the Mexican fields were sprayed with paraquat this is when the Columbian farmers ramped up production to meet the demands of America for pot.


Well-known member
Red rider

Sup brother , hope all is well

I was thinkin bout you recently it's been a min

How is la finca ? Did you ever find the right place with the picket fence and proper garden space ;)?

Do you still have the old Gem connect ,if soo what you been smokin ? Or is that crippy flooding the market ?

Your old thread is filled with great info/pics I was surprised to see a new one

Best wishes


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The gold

The gold

Hello hello, the finca is still available however I haven’t been there in several months. The owner is down with growing my seed but it’s a complicated situation. The Colombian Gold I know is golden green/brown to almost blond in color and has a distinct sweet taste. The original happy weed with the unique ability to make any situation (seem) better. Not know as the most potent Colombian but still more than adequate to get the job done, even one hit gets you there.. A very euphoric long lasting effect that really satisfies your cannabis itch. Colombian Gold is an all-time favorite classic and I always keep it near.
Yes I did grow some fantastic Johnny Blaze back in 07. Matter a fact was my last real grow here in Colombia. I flowered 3 beautiful females, all were the same but different. They seemed to love the high altitude tropical climate even though they finished during the rainy season. I actually had a jar of JB that I left when I moved back to the USA in 07 that I found when I visited in 2010. A 3 year cure made the JB an unexpected treat (shared with my mother in-law that doesn’t smoke).

Colombian grown Johnny Blaze 2007
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What I found 2014 in Colombia

What I found 2014 in Colombia

What I found 2014 in Colombia
Pressed seeded brick. Most but not all is low potency and is very cheap when bought in bulk ($10lb.). It’s very common here and this is what tourist will get on the street in Bogota. Some can be potent, this weed is good for oil, cooking or smoking big joints with others. Unlike brick I get in the USA this has a nice taste and is pleasant to smoke. Regular is the most common bud I find here.

Lots of variety here from unreal good to sleepy narcotic funk. Crippy is always seedless and of an obvious hybrid origin. It’s all outdoor grown and is considered to be the best available, some with very distinct flavors and effects. University students and young smokers in general prefer this bud to even the Gourmet Colombians. Crippy can be found only if you know someone here, I have never found this quality on the street. I pay 5,000 pesos a gram (min 5 grams) so I get 10 grams for 50,000 ($25). The quality varies but it is the best deal for me. I have found seeds and my wife is growing them in the window sill, they look beautiful but I doubt they will flower there.

Colombian Crippy 2014
Gourmet Colombians
This is what everyone wants and thought disappeared. This Colombian is sometimes (once for me) sold as Crippy because it is seedless and strong. This is the really fine Colombian that is bricked but much higher quality buds. You almost have to know a farmer to get this as it’s very very rare (I’ve only found it a few times in 11 years of living here). Gold, red, even brown in color with an industrial strength smell and taste (not chemical 100% natural). The effect in general is somewhat slow but has a long lasting peak with no burn out at all. Very euphoric, motivating deep thought and creative activity. With a clean refreshing finish that really satisfies (no need to re-up every couple hours). Daytime night time this is what I want to smoke, I build up very little tolerance to this and never tire of the taste or effect. However obtaining this Colombian is very difficult for me and as such I rarely have it. Price is about the same as the Crippy 5,000 pesos a gr.

From the office


From the Finca (two hours from the office)
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Love your posts redrider.
Sounds like the wife is not as disapproving of the mota as before heh heh.
You inspired me to look for some columbo meself.
I got some lowland columbo black going for the first time. Got the seed over the counter
from the breeder in person in Denver area.
We'll see how it goes. With some luck I'll get something sorta like what you got
or (more likely) it'll be more rope as this stuff is supposedly not so conducive for indoor.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Past bud

Past bud

Here's a few more that I grew.


Colombian Coastal Green sativa 06


Don't let looks fool ya. This Coastal green sativa is crazy potent!


Colombian Sativa 2006


High altitude tropical sunshine produces sticky buds of the highest quality.

More to come!
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
More Colombian goodies

More Colombian goodies

More Punto Rojo Keif


Far from being kleen by the best standards this hash is still remarkable.


A beautiful young Colombian female from Santa Marta. Fat long leaves.


A high altitude Red (punto rojo) female with Afghani male. 2006


Sticky Coastal Green colitis (purple due to night chill) 2006

Best is yet to come!
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the Columbian of the 70's was brickweed and good mostly good. but every once in a blue moon something made it thru that had no equal ! you knew when you were smoking the BEST Columbian RED. back around this time 71' 72'. "THOSE WERE THE DAYS". none of this rocket fuel indica of today matched the smell of a large bag of good Columbian


Well-known member


I first smoked Colombian back in the mid 70s but around 85 it went away

I remember when the wave of Columbians came to my area in the mid ‘70’s. Things happened so fast I don’t think anybody really knew what they had. People would buy some, smoke a bit and come running back for more. It was selling just above everything else but could have easily brought 50% more. Then it was gone.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That smell

That smell

Well I was living between DFW and West Palm Beach FLA. From 77-80. In Texas we started getting “mersh” Colombian about summer of 79. It was still much stronger than the common Mexican brick but it had a tiring downer like effect that nobody liked. Good Colombian in Texas for me was replaced with mersh until I moved to Ga. In 85. However I did get lucky the summer of 79 in Montreal Canada, my cousin had some real deal “red bud” that was out of this world good. And again of all places West Germany summer of 81 when stationed there in the army. A guy in my company from upstate NY brought back from leave a huge ounce of fine Colombian red bud. It was of top shelf potency, even blowing away the exotic imported hash we had available at the time. I have so many great stories for this time, I would love to hear yours too.


Well-known member


At the time the “Red Bud” was the best…after that we were getting stuff we called “Christmas Tree”, buds were multicolored red, green, and gold. Wasn’t too shabby either but not as good as the red.

We tried to keep things back but it was selling so fast and we figured it was going to be around for a while. Big mistake, it dried up pretty quick.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hello red rider! :)

always good to read you; would love to see more pics of new stuff you have been getting as of now... I'm so out of the loop, about 5 years since I have been to Colombia... really miss those quick trips into Cucuta to get some very good herb at very good prices.

if I had money, I'd buy a finca in the highlands, near Bogota or Medellin (love them Paisas, Rolos are cool too though).

I remember going to a Masacre concert in Bogota in the 90s, shit was insane lol...now I'm getting nostalgic.

peace man