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Vintage Colombian


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I hope you dont mind its just that I'm so high it feels like a good idea at this time haha.

This is Mulanje Gold from Christmas indoors unfortunately.
Best high super dooper strong and trippy euphoric high.


The aroma on sniffing is like a ghost of the original terpenes so cool I'm sure the smoke would be great as well.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Beautiful buds man and thanks so much for the input. I enjoy reading your threads too. I learned how to "cob" cure from you. Really good stuff.
For me the journey continues and it's hard to believe I've been here 20 years now. I stay pretty much to myself doing my thing cause not too many people share my passion. There's lots of weed around Colombia but sadly as we know it's not the vintage stuff we remember so fondly. And I'm beginning to realize that despite my efforts it can't be recreated (at least by me). I consider my new plants I grow and make seeds with to be exactly what I want, not so much an attempt to bring back the past.
So today I go to start growing and living at yet another finca here in paipa, little bit higher altitude but has some interesting aspects I'll expand on soon.
phone pics 2020 2021 1275.jpg

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
It's incredible the amount and degree of bullshit the rider encounters daily. Yesterday was one those days where I'm left with nothing but WTF. First everything started two hours late (the meeting was at 8am but stated at 10:30am) putting me in a semi bad mood.
A few weeks ago we found a finca where the owners are moving to the USA for 12 months. The guy that owns the property is married to a captain in the Colombian military (active) and they want to get into small scale cannabis (legal). So they leave this month for the USA and I'm going to finish my reversal job for Colombian cannabis center at the new finca. There's a lot of details but Ruth my partner and owner of Colombian cannabis center wanted to meet with the finca owner (I'll call him Fred but not his real name). I thought we were going to talk about finishing the job I'm currently in the middle of at Fred's finca. But Ruth started talking about wanting to move her licensing to Fred's finca and start a huge production facility there. Fred was blown way,he wasn't expecting such a huge proposal. It was 3 hours of talk that ended inconclusive.

Later after the meeting Fred called and said he wasn't interested in a huge project and said he just wanted to do a small project with me and a friend he has that is fully licensed. He's not interested in the deal Ruth proposed.

So I like the land, it's over 8,000ft but very good soil and drainage. The property dips down into a small valley and in that valley the temps are warm and perfect for long flowering sativa.
I don't want to start new projects with new people but I need a location with the right climate to continue my quest.
Very exhausting day yesterday for the rider but that's just the way it is but if it were easy everybody would be doing it.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is the land of beautiful women and misunderstanding. I got most of it worked out now. Ruth wants to go big, I don't and that's a common choke point.

Anyway I hope to move to the new location around mid month and get set up.

red rider


Well-known member
I grew some CBG punto rojo x mangobiche a few years ago and really enjoyed it…potency wasn’t super high but the effect was excellent. The best plant of six females cured to sublime perfection over two years, and it had that exact same classic Colombian aroma that I remember from the 1970s. It was super smooth smoke and my girlfriend experienced orgasm synesthesia thanks to that plant (and me, lol).

In a couple weeks I’ll germinate the two packs of CBG punto rojo that I have in the freezer and select and reproduce with only the latest flowering males and longest flowering females. I hope the PR gives me that classic Colombian aroma that I love so much along with a great quality high, but I wonder if the aroma came from the mangobiche?

There’s a big difference between potency and quality of effect, and I seek the latter more than the former.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
After twenty eight weeks and a handful of days I cut the last MHZ x SMG plant. It wanted to keep growing but heavy rain said it was time to go. I don't really like big long flowering plants, it's easy to get an infestation and not know it till havest. Despite cutting off flowers here and there since May there was still a ton of buds to harvest. That means I've been trimming for the last few days. I don't have alot of space for drying so I have to be creative. Anyway at first I was really happy with the effect from this variety but after awhile I noticed it's not very potent. In the morning it hits me pretty good but by lunch not so much. However I pressed alittle rosin and was impressed, so I'm going to run it through the bubble bags and see how that goes.
I'm still on track moving to the new finca later this month so I'm organizing my schedule accordingly. I'm busier than I like to be but can't stop the train now.

Had to buy store coffee the other day cause my coffee connection is out of town. Got to roll with the changes.

red rider


Well-known member
Red rider

I’m posted for the next journey, keep that Train on track and in motion

Did you opt for sello Rojo ?

Considering the old Punto Rojo was one of your favorites have you tried to obtain old seeds there ?
Or stock from CBG at any time?

Best wishes with your new finca


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
In the past I've drank the sello but only when nothing else is available, it's really low quality. My mother in law got me some nice beans so we're set for coffee. She's about 75 and in pretty good health but her knees are really painful and likes cannabis infused oil as a topical. So I got some nice olive oil and infused it with the MHZ x SMG flower, normally I use CBD flower. But I gave her the new oil and she applied it to her knees and instantly her deminer changed. She loves the THC oil which she refers to as the strong oil. I can't describe the feeling of watching a person find relief from something you grew/made, nice.
So yeah the next Colombian project will be done a little differently. I've got CBG PR but I've grown them a few times years ago and I really want to "work" with some of 20+ local varieties I've collected. However growing a few plants out in the open is a waste of time and energy. I need more environment control and bigger numbers to see what's really going on in the lines. It's difficult to convince sponsors of what I do in preserving and reproducing these old sativa lines. Ruth gets it but needs profit producing projects to keep the company in existence. However now with my new buddy that owns the killer finca there's a new hope. Again I don't want to say much and jinx everything but if I can get everything lined up might have some Colombian repros in the near future, maybe.
Positive thinking.
Anyway will know more towards mid month but good things are happening in my part of Colombia.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Really can't complain cause it's much better than crippy but still lacking.

Once it was really dry I got a better profile of this untested cross. My daughter says the drying flowers have a strong Mango smell but to me it's not fuity smelling at all.

More of a sweet earthy smell that reminds me of the vintage Colombian but fresher. Anyway it's all dried and sorted, the best flower curing and everything else in the freezer. No idea what the trimmed harvest wieghs but it was modest considering the size of the plants.

red rider


Well-known member
In the past I've drank the sello but only when nothing else is available, it's really low quality. My mother in law got me some nice beans so we're set for coffee. She's about 75 and in pretty good health but her knees are really painful and likes cannabis infused oil as a topical. So I got some nice olive oil and infused it with the MHZ x SMG flower, normally I use CBD flower. But I gave her the new oil and she applied it to her knees and instantly her deminer changed. She loves the THC oil which she refers to as the strong oil. I can't describe the feeling of watching a person find relief from something you grew/made, nice.
So yeah the next Colombian project will be done a little differently. I've got CBG PR but I've grown them a few times years ago and I really want to "work" with some of 20+ local varieties I've collected. However growing a few plants out in the open is a waste of time and energy. I need more environment control and bigger numbers to see what's really going on in the lines. It's difficult to convince sponsors of what I do in preserving and reproducing these old sativa lines. Ruth gets it but needs profit producing projects to keep the company in existence. However now with my new buddy that owns the killer finca there's a new hope. Again I don't want to say much and jinx everything but if I can get everything lined up might have some Colombian repros in the near future, maybe.
Positive thinking.
Anyway will know more towards mid month but good things are happening in my part of Colombia.

red rider
I remember thinking that the coffee in Colombia was delicious complex but light ,I missed that Boom . I’m of siciliano decent and my preferred coffee is dark roast I love espresso and cold brew

You make me smile , some months ago after 88 years on this earth my grandma -Momma has experienced the Medicinal magic of Cannabis. I tried many times since a young teen and after fighting cancer and many years of neuropathy she was willing to give it a try . She is now a believer and shares her experience with others. Godbless your mother inlaw

I don’t recall you speaking on the CBG punto Rojo . I’d love to hear more of your experience but I’ll stupidly assume it’s not what you were hoping for

I have some 2018 stock from Rafa . But I’d also love to aquire some locally sourced Punto Rojo . I don’t believe it’s all gone , gotta be some old pure stock somewhere in Colombia

Can you share any info on the 20+ local varieties, anything particular peek your interest and why

I understand all stars need to align and all involved must be on the same page . I hope you finally find the opportunity your looking for

Best wishes brother



Well-known member
Really can't complain cause it's much better than crippy but still lacking.
View attachment 18852706
Once it was really dry I got a better profile of this untested cross. My daughter says the drying flowers have a strong Mango smell but to me it's not fuity smelling at all.
View attachment 18852717
More of a sweet earthy smell that reminds me of the vintage Colombian but fresher. Anyway it's all dried and sorted, the best flower curing and everything else in the freezer. No idea what the trimmed harvest wieghs but it was modest considering the size of the plants.

red rider
Soo I have for many years loved to hear the opinions of others on the smell and taste of cannabis. I quickly learned that many lacked in a depth of vocabulary and discerning descriptions. I first love to hear your raw opinion and then I’ll give subtle opinion n hints . Some will build and some will not express a drop more

I think foodies and chef types who have a educated palette are best at giving descriptions

My lady is Colombian for her she judges from her familiarity , as I believe most do . Mango / passion fruit and woody / wet earth . Are her common descriptions when I was Haze testing recently while sandalwood , incense , musk have been used by me for the same variety

Beautiful full colitas . I wish you gave her another 5 weeks or so to finish to judge her Full potential

Thanks for sharing your experiences


red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I was told when I first came here that the best coffee was exported leaving the regular coffee for Colombians. I've been drinking coffee all my life but only in the last decade drinking it all day (every day) . I will buy and drink the store bought stuff but now I actually know coffee growers and can buy fresh beans and have them roasted then grind myself as needed. Got to have coffee.
I don't write too much about it cause I respect Kaiki s privacy but when he was living with us in Bogota we grew several varieties. PR was one of them and it was ok but again we didn't grow enough to make any kind of selection. Very long flowering plants are difficult for me to take full term. I like to grow them outside in the ground to reach full natural potential but they require constant care or something will get them before termination. So once I get my new location operating I should be able to work with the tropical sativa again.
About 8 years ago I stopped working any type of gainful employment and started working only with cannabis. Yeah I get paid a little from Colombian cannabis center but it's very modest even by Colombian standards. But I survive and happy with things although very modest life, I always make oil. I don't use the oil (infused tinturas) but I have a few people I give it to.
It isn't that expensive or hard to make but it helps some people who can't make it. I like giving back.
Anyway so I'm excited about moving my micro operation to a finca. It takes me months to get set up and even longer to really get dialed in. I'm ready to get started because my plants have overgrown my tiny grow space.
So I'll continue reversing Ruth's registered clones while doing a small grow (Kamora F2) with the finca owner. Still got some details to work out but that's my current target.
I've got a list I want to work on this year, I'll expand soon as I get relocated.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is a nice Kamora F2, a personal variety I've been working with since 2018 . It's an odd blend that I really like and is aclamated to the high altitude tropical environment I grow in.

I've yet to grow this variety in the ground but I've grown out a few plants in containers and really pleased with the results.

Kamora F1
It's a little too strong for me to smoke all day so I crossed it with a Caribe that I like. The Caribe has a very tasty flavor and a nice light effect. Normal people that only smoke occasionally love it for the clean clear hit and rich tropical taste. I on the other hand find it weak other than wake and bake despite the creamy taste. It's nice but really don't know why I keep growing it.
So I crossed it with Kamora and named it Samora, still untested.
I'm hoping to get relocated in the next couple weeks cause my current plants simply don't fit in my little grow area.

Also my wife wants her clothes drying room back. I can never get use to driving around with a bunch of big plants but I've got to get them to the farm.

red rider


Well-known member
when me and my wife did Colombia In 1977 I scored weed in almost every place we went to..

santa marta oro towered above everything else I got..

plus, some tight teeny green fresh looking budlets way down south further were memorable..

wonderful people ,wonderful country

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Colombia in 77 must have been incredible, very different here now I'm sure. Mostly all crippy here now but still friendly people. The folks on the Caribbean coast are party people and alot of fun. Where I live in boyacá the people are more reserved but super nice too.

My friend sent me this picture from Venezuela. It's very similar to the Colombian crippy.
I'm actually talking to some serious people about having a very small private lodge to host selected guests that are interested in old school Colombian. It would be more like spend a week with the rider than a genetic Colombian vacation. I always dreamed about meeting my friends at El dorado with a big fat hog leg of my Santa Marta Gold. Could be a reality soon.
phone pics 2020 2021 1090.jpg


red rider


Well-known member
Colombia in 77 must have been incredible, very different here now I'm sure. Mostly all crippy here now but still friendly people. The folks on the Caribbean coast are party people and alot of fun. Where I live in boyacá the people are more reserved but super nice too.
View attachment 18853645
My friend sent me this picture from Venezuela. It's very similar to the Colombian crippy.
I'm actually talking to some serious people about having a very small private lodge to host selected guests that are interested in old school Colombian. It would be more like spend a week with the rider than a genetic Colombian vacation. I always dreamed about meeting my friends at El dorado with a big fat hog leg of my Santa Marta Gold. Could be a reality soon.
View attachment 18853646

red rider
Looks a lot like people's cobs that Venezuelan brick

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