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High Grade Vintage Cannabis photography


See the world through a puff of smoke

Viktor Pettersson Frigges 339, born 1907, at Frigges 345 on hemp cultivation at "Lycko" near Frigges.


Active member

More Finnish hemp...

From the collection of Nils Westermarck, Professor of Agricultural Economics in the University of Helsinki and two-time Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, date unknown (possibly taken in the 1950's):


Farmer from the village of Mäyrä (1934):


Hemp being cut in Nokia (1943):



A Ladoga Karelian woman plucking hemp (in the 1930's):

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See the world through a puff of smoke
Hemp grown for fiber in Kentucky has been shown to contain a substantial degree of... potency. H. C. Wood, in 1869, prepared an alcoholic extract of hemp grown near Lexington and proceeded to test the product himself. A large [oral] dose (20 to 30 grains) produced marked effects and, on subsequent occasions, milder but definite effects were obtained with doses as low as 1/4 grain. This latter dose is lower than the usual dose of the Indian extract and was probably the result of a more than usually selective extraction. Houghton and Hamilton in 1908 concluded from animal experiments that the Kentucky hemp was fully as active as the best imported Indian product. In any event, it is clear that the potentiality of hashish abuse has always existed with this type of hemp production.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Hemp grown for fiber in Kentucky has been shown to contain a substantial degree of... potency. H. C. Wood, in 1869, prepared an alcoholic extract of hemp grown near Lexington and proceeded to test the product himself.
I was born and raised in Louisville Kentucky and in the late '60s - early 70s My friends and I used to go to Shelbyville, which was about 30 mi outside of Louisville and pick wild hemp in abandoned cemeteries.

We did, in fact, get high but it wasn't anything like Meshmacon (Michaocan). :ROFLMAO:

In the 30s-40s, Shelby county Kentucky was the number one hemp producing area in the entire US.


Some stuff from the seventies....
including ...L. Cherniaks ;Book of Cannabis , Book of Hashish,
early High Times and various other publications...
Please add stuff if you have it. I enjoy looking at the old stuff and have been a collector of this stuff since I bought my first high times in 78.

This is the first published picture of the True Haze from the Haze brothers 1977

I own this book


Hemp grown for fiber in Kentucky has been shown to contain a substantial degree of... potency. H. C. Wood, in 1869, prepared an alcoholic extract of hemp grown near Lexington and proceeded to test the product himself. A large [oral] dose (20 to 30 grains) produced marked effects and, on subsequent occasions, milder but definite effects were obtained with doses as low as 1/4 grain. This latter dose is lower than the usual dose of the Indian extract and was probably the result of a more than usually selective extraction. Houghton and Hamilton in 1908 concluded from animal experiments that the Kentucky hemp was fully as active as the best imported Indian product. In any event, it is clear that the potentiality of hashish abuse has always existed with this type of hemp production.
Yeah and they smoke hemp in Texas cuz Chron is too much 😂🙏👺

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