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Vertical Scrog

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I did forget some things but I added them to my tracking board.

I have my camera synced up to the computer and will try to get some pictures up tomorrow.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Oh and I got my power bill. They have been estimating it for 4 months so we called them for a accurate reading. It was $3649 and some change. So about $4000 for the last 4 months. My wife looked sick it was great, I had to laugh at the way she looked. She was not aware of how much I have been producing. She asked if I wanted to put it on a payment plan. I just gave her the money and said no. She is funny.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Oh and I got my power bill. They have been estimating it for 4 months so we called them for a accurate reading. It was $3649 and some change. So about $4000 for the last 4 months. My wife looked sick it was great, I had to laugh at the way she looked. She was not aware of how much I have been producing. She asked if I wanted to put it on a payment plan. I just gave her the money and said no. She is funny.
Props on your charting bro!
I do the same thing for charting my plants. I know when stretch stops, so that I know when I can touch them...
Also, when i show the little lady what has come into the household, she usually clams up...
Can't wait for pics...


Active member
nice line-up...:)

....and awesome attention to detail on the build...i'm really lookin' forward to how this setup works out :)

so far so good :)

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Sorry guys I have been attending to my other grow. I have 10 plants to trim and replace in flower. Since this is my first run with the blumats I can not ensure a decent yield. I could kill these yet. Because of this I have not had enough time to figure out the camera yet. I must keep my income rolling before the pictures. So I will post soon. I have 6 plants trimmed and will have the seventh done later tonight.

So if you are wondering I have 26 oz in jars from the first 5 plants. Two of these were small plants I run for patience who want them. They are a real pain in the but as they are indicas and don't stretch worth a crap. And those two only yielded 6 oz together.

So I will leave you wondering what the room looks like for a day or two.

Bonzo I to am interested in how the blumats work compared to hand watering. Thanks for the complement on the grow as well.

Arminius I track every thing so I can figure out how to better do it in the future. Otherwise I just run around in circles. And yeh the wife just looks in shock when I hand her a big wad of cash.

Hopefully pics soon. Now back to trimming.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
im not Bonz, but i increased my yield by 25% when i switched to blumats. they are amazing.


That would be great if they did that.

So I have finished trimming 9 out of 10 plants. The last one has another week to finish.

I have had to adjust two of the blumats. One I adjusted back one arrow and it looks like that helped. The other I did the same and nothing. So I flooded the pot moved it over slightly and reset it. Hopefully that will take care of it.

I will try to get pictures up soon.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ok pics time
Deathstar before




I think I erased the other Deathstar by mistake, so only the small one for now.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Chemdog before.


Chemdog after.


Second Chemdog after.


Second Chemdog before.


The plant off to the right of the above picture is the other Deathstar.


Active member
yeah, why are you stripping the fans in veg? That's unnecessary... I strip out the sucker branches, and leave the fans.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
wow. you really strip them bitches. how long till flip?


I like my WOMEN naked. I did it to slow down the stretch a little. I flipped last week on the first.

They will fill in fine. But truthfully I had spider mites two weeks ago and wanted to make sure that when I fogged them that I got them all. I know the deathstar will fill in nicely. The OG Kush don't stretch for crap so I left more on that one. Chemdog don't know yet how it will perform. These plants are all but one over six foot tall and have a lot of roots so I can't let them stretch to tall.


Active member
YEAH MAN, plants dont need that dry out period bullshit once a huge root mass is established, and the root zone can be ran extremely "wet" and the growth is just astounding.

if u ever check out SelfHemployed's grows, thats the kind of growth i see now, compared to before. at day 20, my plants look like day 35 plants from pre-blumat grows, and this round of Chemdog, at day 40, look like day 50+ from handwatering days. so, by this math, on day 60 they will look like day 70+, so close to 20% bigger/more yield. im not just using this formula to say 20% increase, ive weighed the past harvests out, obvi. the most i have every got off 1K handwatered was 24 oz, with blumats i get at least 30oz per. keep in mind this is only a single thou watter, 5 x 5ft.

Blumats rock, my friends.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
So I have some more pics that show how I bend my plants to fill in the gaps. The top buds are what I am after they are bigger and easier to trim so I have been clipping the buds and branches closest to the main stem. In order to fill this area I bend my branches back so some tops fill in this newly created void. Here are some pictures.



These two show how I take a branch and run it up or down the main stem to fill in where I have removed some of the suckers.


This picture shows how I have wrapped a top bud back so it stretches to fill in where the suckers where cut of. If you look at the lower branch you can see where I have cut off a sucker.


This picture shows a branch bent down to fill in a bare spot on the lower right. It also shows a branch bent down from the left to fill in the void along the main stem. If you look just to the left of center you see a branch that cuts across the top. This branch is used to fill in across the top where I had cleared out some branches so that my top does not get to crowded and cause me to be to have a dense area of growth. The picture below show this same area farther away so you can see it better and in context.


As you can see to the lower left and lower right I have bent some of the bigger branches back down to fill in where I have removed some of the lower branches that usually make smaller buds which I find tedious to trim.

I will post some more tomorrow.

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