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Vermont Thread


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I hope all the "new" grow shops popping up do well. Now even at the conventional gardening shops - they carry the same products as the grow stores... I have bought so much "stuff' over the years and now I really don't need much of anything. Last year - I actually went through and thinned out a bunch of old equipment. Even old seeds...


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I think with sales and gifting - It's going to take some time and Legislature action before Legal Sales occur. Current Governor Phil Scott has voiced opposition to going any further with the new law at this point in time... I think when Lt. Governor Zuckerman becomes Governor - then Vermont will move forward with "Legal Sales"...


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I would like to see eventually more Vermont grown weed available on the Local Markets. Not so much as "Warehouse Weed' like is currently always available - that can be grown anywhere... More like - Weed grown by "Dairy Farmers" that are struggling to stay afloat. Kind of like Maple Syrup - a "cash crop" that keeps the Farmers going...
Now that weed is legal - I would like to see Vermont more self sufficient. Not dependent on "out of state" or out of country weed. I would like to see more people "grow their own" and not buy from the "Dealers"...


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I knew that an chain garden shop not too far from me used to carry Ocean Forest, although I'm fairly certain I asked a few years ago and it seemed a little pricey compared to what I'd paid in the past. On a whim I went back a few weeks ago, got a bag of OF at a quite reasonable price and a big 'un of Sunshine mix too. They had a ton of medium friendly to growers, just had it hiding out back.

Thinking I may pickup a bigger flowering lamp soon, kinda torn between going to another state where I'll feel like I'm maintaining the level of anonymity I've become accustomed to over the years, or just toss instinct aside and support a VT based shop. Kinda leaning towards the latter.


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Where I live - We have few "regular" garden supply stores that carry Fox Farm products. I don't buy "Ocean Forest" anymore. The last time I bought it - there was lots of "wood chips" in the mix... I like to mix my own soils and make my own "Tea's" for watering. It is also cheaper that way. If I could find a "Commercial" soil that I liked - I probably would buy it...


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I have seen a few "Grow Shops" come and go before legalization. I really don't think there are that many growers in my area to support the "Grow Shops" year around...

We have a new "Grow Shop" in my town since Legalization. I haven't stopped but I saw the Shop's Facebook. When I need something I will check it out. I know the owner is trying to push LED growlights and I am not too sure about them. I have a LED shoplight but I don't know LED's for growing - especially the Flowering stage... I have always used Fluorescents to start. Then a Metal Halide for vegging. Then HPS for flowering. Although sometimes I use a Metal Halide all the way (after starting)...


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Any interesting strains floating around? I know someone said they have some old humbolt strain. Any jerry berries? Everyone up north or south? Anyone want to converse send a PM. Old IC Mag veteran here.


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I suspect it's more... rural... legend... than reality, but I've heard rumors there's a "local strain" around my parts. I always presumed it was held by some of the old hippy hillbilly types, but I have no idea if that's true (I do know a well-connected back to the lander couple, but as much as I haven't come right out in ask, I very much get the sense they have no connection to it). I've also heard "every dad" in this town grows in the backyard. Somewhat hard for me to believe, but the locals don't really talk to transplants that much, so I really have no way of knowing.

There is a FB group I've seen online, but I dunno, I'm enjoying the good feeling that comes without being afraid of getting busted, but not ready to have my real name out there in the open.


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I was perusing the law (Act 86) the other day and thought it was sorta interesting, there's essentially no regulation of male plants, and no regulation of unsexed plants. So you could veg a ton of plants looking for the best characteristics, and you're fine until they show preflowers. Also, you could grow out a ton of seeds looking for the best males, and mate them to a female (or two).

On the other hand, I thought you could legally possess 2 mature female plants and 4 immature female plants. Based on the language of the bill it's actually 2 mature or 4 immature. Unclear to me whether intent was and, or if they meant or the whole time. Either way it's a bit of a bummer for sure.

Interesting thought experiment - legally speaking, if you took cuts of off a mother plant, and flowered those, might a court accept the argument that those are all one plant? The act clearly was intended to say "no" to that question, and yet, it is the same plant, just living independently.


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Another thought experiment on the male plants part of the law - presumably they're fairly used to searching for large scale grows late in the season, and they'd either argue that they could plainly see that the plants were female or that no one would bother growing out a field of male cannabis plants - but I wonder what legal male plants does to probable cause for a search warrant based on an observed field of plants?

Also, they'd probably try to get consent for a search and hope people didn't realize there's a probable cause issue. But if not, one would think a decent atty could potentially tear a whole in a hypothetical state's case.

Needless to say I'm not suggesting anyone ignore the law, for a legalization law it contains plenty harsh penalties as the number of plants involved goes up.


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Saw a news report that the tax committee in Montpelier has been looking at how to best tax recreational sales. Expecting it might come to a vote in next year's session (although we all know how that goes, could easily be two years).


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I would like to see "Recreational Sales" regulated like a Liquor Store is. However I would limit the amount that could be purchased - Like 1 ounce to Vermonters but only a quarter ounce to "Out of Staters". And I would mandate that all the Weed be grown Here - by our Farmers...
I would also regulate all the Farmer's that are in the program to make sure everything is organic and up to par... However I would expand the amount a personal grower can have. I think more in line is a 30 plant limit (mature plants). And a 10 x 10 inside grow room (30 mature plant limit)... Vermonters are very self sufficient - We like to grow vegetables & can them. Cut our own firewood. Fix our own Cars. Have chickens or a pig, maybe a goat...I think people should be able to grow enough weed outside to last them the winter and then have a decent crop grown inside over the winter - Enough to last until the next year's outside crop comes in...


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Presumably the bill that was passed was milquetoast so as to ensure sufficient support that it'd pass regardless of what Scott did.

After thoughts about keeping it in order to make seeds and in the spirit of it being legal, I took out a late showing male today. Probably for the best, wouldn't want to ruin someone else's crop. Nice big plant though, a little sad.


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I heard on VPR that the state is going to hold a number of forums around the state to get input on the future of retail sales. State is projecting that taxes would only bring in enough revenue to pay for regulatory system + increased safety enforcement and education around driving. VPR noted that the state's projections did not include money generated via employment, either directly or through pot tourism.


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Went with a walk with the missus yesterday, pretty sure we confirmed that a not-near neighbor who has an attached GH is definitely growing herb. Guy definitely looks like somebody who would, but for years when I jogged by his place and the windows were open they looked like tomatoes. When we walked by (once in each direction) yesterday I peeked again, definitely looked like herb leaves - on the way back... BOOM skunky scent.

Ah, legal cannabis.


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I visited the new "Grow Shop" in my town - pricey, very pricey. Years ago, I would have used the shop and bought tons of stuff there. But not now - there is just too much competition from the regular garden shops. My regular garden shop has better prices and more selection. For example - The new shop charges $26.95 for a quart of F.F. Big Bloom. The regular garden shop charges $16.95 a quart... And then there is always Amazon...


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I'm still not sure how I feel about using Amazon.

Definitely agree about regular garden supply shops though. I did buy a few things at my nearest grow shop, but it was mostly the convenience, also I do find it a little odd being able to buy grow supplies at a normal garden shop. I'm sure I'll get over that in time.
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I've seen on the "News" this week - Thieves have been targeting Vermont Hemp Farms this year. Apparently the thieves think the Hemp is Marijuana or they are stealing it and selling it as Marijuana...