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Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban



Well....that certainly put a stop to ignorance and off topic replys.
No one has anything half way intelligent to say?

Gert Lush

Active member
Im not saying that peoples rights shouldn't be given back to them?!?! WTF?
What, by keeping Medical Grade illegal? That's your definition of peoples' rights?
It sounds more like your pocket's rights, even if you don't realise it.

It IS a free market right now. It is not regulated by any authority when I grow it and I can charge whatever I want.
Thats why its called the Black Market.
Very messed up thinking, there. It's not free, it IS currently regulated by an authority (illegal, remember) and the Fed's regulation is what you rely on for your profits. Like all Black Marketeers, you profit on people's misery. It night upset you to realize this, because you probably think you're a right-on guy, but nevertheless that's how it is.

Who is the government to tell me what I can and cannot charge. Legalized it, and this is what happened. Controlled. regulated, and taxed! Thats not a free market.
That IS a free market, you just don't like it because it don't look too rosy for you. The goverment doesn't tell you what to charge, charge $10000 an elbow if you like. The market tells you what to charge. Remember the market? If the other guy doesn't like your price he walks.

Freedom means freedom, not necessarily a cushy ride.
Seems some people have forgotten that.
Very messed up thinking, there. It's not free, it IS currently regulated by an authority (illegal, remember) and the Fed's regulation is what you rely on for your profits. Like all Black Marketeers, you profit on people's misery. It night upset you to realize this, because you probably think you're a right-on guy, but nevertheless that's how it is.

If you don't wanna go to jail, don't smoke or grow.
This isn't crystal meth we're talking about here, it's weed.
You can quit anytime you want.

Smoking and/or growing is risky and if you're not willing to go to jail for what you're doing, you shouldn't be doing it.

This is called Logic 101.

So stop crying about the people getting arrested, they took a chance and got caught.

You weren't prepared to go to jail?
Big deal retard, you should've thought about the consequence of your actions.

Legalizing it is gonna screw way more people than it's gonna help.

Sure, there will be less people in jail but millions will be out of a source of income.

What you want is not legalization, it's decriminalization, get it right.
It's still gonna screw a lot of people over but at least, big corporations won't have control over it.

Gert Lush

Active member
On the subject of hemp, it has been just ridiculous how many opportunities have been missed. It is a wondrous plant and for anyone to speak of "Jack Herer Kool-Aid" as somebody here did, seems to me to be small minded beyond belief.

I see a strong case for hemp replacing a lot of the corn in the mid-West, let's put it that way.

Gert Lush

Active member
What you want is not legalization, it's decriminalization, get it right.

Who are you talking to to? I think you answered the wrong post. I certainly said nothing about people in prisons.

And, incidentally, no, I don't want decriminalization, I want full 100%, total legalization. Like tomatoes and roses, you know...


Fucking Vermont....


Those motherfuckers seem to be ALL about common sense.

Firearms laws? Yea, whatever. Y'all motherfuckers buy and carry your shit the way you want, but if you fuck up, you'll have to pay the man.

Result: Vermont has one of THE lowest firearm homicide rates in the nation DESPITE the complete lack of "gun control" so favored by FUCKING MORONS.

And now cannabis.

All I've got to say is RESPECT to the citizens and state of Vermont. Seems there's at least ONE truly "American" state left in this increasingly "nanny state pussified" republic.

Respect INDEED.

Gert Lush

Active member
Legalizing it is gonna screw way more people than it's gonna help.
What total rubbish, where do you get that idea from?

Sure, there will be less people in jail but millions will be out of a source of income.
Millions? Who are your millions? :tumbleweed:
As for a source of income, I think "millions" of hemp farmers in Vermont, Minnesota and Kentucky (amongst the other 49 states - oh, OK, maybe not Florida...) will be quite pleased.
Millions? Who are your millions? :tumbleweed:
As for a source of income, I think "millions" of hemp farmers in Vermont, Minnesota and Kentucky (amongst the other 49 states - oh, OK, maybe not Florida...) will be quite pleased.

I'm not talking about hemp here, I'm talking about weed producing high levels of THC.

But it also applies to hemp.

Do you know what decriminalization means?

It means your average joe could grow as many plants as he wants and wouldn't have to pay taxes.
Just like tomatoes

But hemp is a business and businesses have to pay taxes anyway.
So they're most likely gonna have to pay 2 bills.

1 for their business and 1 for the hemp they grow which is complete crap.

Gert Lush

Active member
I'm not talking about hemp here, I'm talking about weed producing high levels of THC.
Oh alright, but this thread is more about hemp and Vermont's stance.

Do you know what decriminalization means?

It means your average joe could grow as many plants as he wants and wouldn't have to pay taxes.
Just like tomatoes
That's your understanding of decrim, is it?
Quite unique, I must say!

But hemp is a business and businesses have to pay taxes anyway.
So they're most likely gonna have to pay 2 bills.

1 for their business and 1 for the hemp they grow which is complete crap.
I have no idea what you are on about, are you in some way dissatisfied with the way business is conducted in the US today, or something?
I have no idea what you are on about, are you in some way dissatisfied with the way business is conducted in the US today, or something?

No, what I'm saying is :

Would a tomato company have to pay taxes for every single tomato plant they produce? No
Would a tomato company have to pay taxes at the end of the year? Yes

Would a hemp company have to pay taxes for every single hemp plant they produce? Yes
Would a hemp company have to pay taxes at the end of the year? Yes

Here, you see? The hemp company ends up paying 2 bills.

Gert Lush

Active member
Well, if a government chooses to slap an extra tax on some agricultural commodity, that's a matter for the voters, isn't it? Incidentally I agree, in such a case that commodity would not (really) be completely free. But that's a matter for those regulating trade.

It seems to me that if, say, Phillip Morris were to grow huge expanses of weed and not get taxed for it, a lot of people here would be up in arms. So it's a case of finding the right line. Something can be legal and taxed at the same time, you may be surprised to hear.

But since that doesn't impact on small growers, then what's the problem here?
You seem to be making a case for legalization being a bad thing.
Because some large scale farmer may have to pay some extra duty?
Is that really your problem?
But since that doesn't impact on small growers, then what's the problem here?
You seem to be making a case for legalization being a bad thing.
Because some large scale farmer may have to pay some extra duty?
Is that really your problem?

No, my problem is that billion dollars corporations are gonna take control of the weed market.
Just like cigarettes.

WalMart is gonna start selling mid grade for 10$ an ounce.

Everyone is gonna shop there and all the black market dealer/grower AKA us regular joes are gonna be out of a job because we cannot possibly compete against their prices.

That's my problem.

Corporations getting richer and millions of average joes losing their jobs.

Once again, I'm not talking about hemp.
But, hemp businesses are never gonna be able to compete against WalMart either anyway.

Gert Lush

Active member
No, my problem is that billion dollars corporations are gonna take control of the weed market.
Why on earth is that your problem????!!! :confused:

The big corporations always cater for the mass market.

Do have a problem 'cause MacDonalds is selling junk food?
Do have a problem 'cause K-Mart is selling junk clothes?
Do you feel you have to buy crap, cheap booze, just 'cause it's for sale?

The point is that with legalization you will be able to ensure your own choice of quality, just as you can with food and clothes and drink.
You are not going to legislate the masses into not being stupid, now, are you?


I just read the extra bit that you added above and it seems to me that what you are complaining about is that legalization is going to make you compete against Wal-Mart for Joe Shmoe's marijuana buck?

Is that right, is that what you are saying?

Don't you think Joe should have the right to choose where he buys his weed from? And if he prefers Wal-Mart crap, so what? Can you show him any reason why you would be a better choice?

(By the way, I think 10 bucks is a fair price for an ounce of mid-grade. Oh, alright, $20, but any more than that, why?)
Why on earth is that your problem????!!! :confused:

The big corporations always cater for the mass market.

Exactly, the big corporations always cater for the mass market.

If 90% buy their weed at Walmart or similar stores because it's cheap, there's not gonna be much money left to be made for the average joes.

A few thousand growers will be able to sell their high quality product but millions are still gonna lose their jobs.

This is my last reply.

Gert Lush

Active member
there's not gonna be much money left to be made for the average joes.
I think you are making a mistake here, the "average Joe" is the buyer, not the seller/grower. And he has the right to buy from wherever he pleases.

If you have a compelling reason to convince him to choose you, then do so.

But don't come crying because shitty Fed laws are not protecting your greedy little venture anymore.

A few thousand growers will be able to sell their high quality product but millions are still gonna lose their jobs.
That may not be a bad thing, if ripping people off was the job of these "millions". Maybe they can find honest employment in the hemp sector.

This is my last reply.
No one is holding you down.


I'm not talking about hemp here, I'm talking about weed producing high levels of THC.

But it also applies to hemp.

Do you know what decriminalization means?

It means your average joe could grow as many plants as he wants and wouldn't have to pay taxes.
Just like tomatoes

But hemp is a business and businesses have to pay taxes anyway.
So they're most likely gonna have to pay 2 bills.

1 for their business and 1 for the hemp they grow which is complete crap.

Decriminalization means the plant stays illicit, but the penalties become softer... so no decriminalizing helps no one but people trying to make a living off of a market which prices are calculated not on supply/demand/value, but artificially inflated prices that are directly influenced by exposure to risk . It doesn't mean your average joe could grow as many plants as he wants. It means absolutely nothing changes from what we have now, except for the fact you won't be going to jail but paying hefty fines instead. Doesn't change the fact you are still breaking a law and people are still making their profits on the backs of those who get caught up in the legal system.

When you get caught growing tomatoes you don't get fined and have your tomato plants confiscated.

I swear, visiting ICMAG 2-3 years ago and now is like visiting a totally different planet. The motto of overgrow the world, has changed to overgrow my bank account by keeping marijuana in a quasi-legal system. I guess all these people who fought for their medical marijuana, whom many had these starry ideals about how marijuana should be treated no different than a tomato are now understanding why big corporations act against the interests of the masses and care only for their own bottom line. I expected this though, I knew that some would change when they found a comfortable spot to operate in. Protected from any legal actions by the state, but get to keep black market prices.

The fact of the matter is like tomatoes, you can either buy them from a supermarket that deals with large corporations to supply them, you can buy them from smaller growers at a farmers market, or you can grow them yourself. Legalization means more people will be growing themselves and not buying your pot. So therefore it is understandable why some of you are acting in your own self-interest and have justified it by claiming lives will be ruined. Except for the fact that lives are already being ruined so you can stay in business. You don't really care about that though, so I don't really care if you lose your job selling 1/8ths for $50.
I love how you all assume i make my money growing weed.

I honestly don't give a crap about whether it's legal or not because i ain't making any money dealing.

Who i do care about is the little people getting screwed by big businesses.
I fell like I'm talking to a bunch of rocks unable to see past the present.

2+ millions losing their jobs at once causes a lot more problems long term than 10,000 a year going to jail.

Oh well, i guess it truly is better i mean, why not add an extra 2+ millions unemployed to the massive 25 millions we already have.

I don't know what could possibly go wrong here.


Yeah lets protect a bunch of jobs that rely on the suffering and victimization of others. I'd imagine you'd be arguing for slavery too if you lived a ~150 years ago. All those plantation owners and the supply chain that relied on the cheap agriculture products would have been harmed too and sent to the "unemployment lines".


Active member
I suppose there won't be any job creation on the hemp farms or resulting businesses... All of which will generate tax revenue that isn't being paid into the system currently. That's money that goes into building roads, bridges, airports, and fund social programs that help people when they're down, so they don't become a bigger burden on society, and can eventually become contributing members of society one day...

Go to school and get an education. Nobody feels bad for the drug dealers getting put out of business.