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Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban


ICMag Donor
Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban
4 hours ago Posted by Michael Lotfi

Vermont has become the most recent state to take a stand against the federal government and nullify the federal ban on hemp cultivation. Governor Shumlin signed the new bill into law in June.

Hemp is an agricultural product which may be grown as a crop, produced, possessed, and commercially traded in Vermont pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The cultivation of hemp shall be subject to and comply with the requirements of the accepted agricultural practices adopted under section 4810 of this title. -Senate Bill 157
According to VoteHemp, a hemp advocate website, Vermont is actually the 9th state to lift the ban on hemp, and 20 states have introduced industrial hemp legislation for the 2013 legislative season. However, what makes Vermont unique is that the new law does not hold a stipulation or amendment requiring the federal government to first lift the ban on hemp cultivation. Much like Colorado, Vermont will proceed regardless of the federal law banning hemp cultivation.
Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center, tells us:
I like hemp. The Vermont bill is more aggressive than the other bills we’ve seen pass. I’ve been heavily involved in Kentucky with the passing of their hemp bill, but they are waiting for the feds to actually lift the ban. This means that farmers still will not be able to cultivate. Vermont’s bill allows farmers to go straight ahead regardless of the federal law. This is a straight nullification bill. It gives them the green light as soon as they receive the licence from the state. I think this development is extremely important for the states because you will see markets develop and flourish. If more states begin to follow this path then the federal government may be forced to lift the ban. The US is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t allow cultivation of hemp. We have to import all of it. In fact, the US imports 1/2 of all Canada’s hemp. We have thousands of manufacturing companies and stores importing raw hemp and hemp products.
Maharrey says that many opponents argue the market for hemp doesn’t exist in America. “How can you say there isn’t a market when you have never allowed one to exist,” he counters. Maharrey adds, “If we are importing 1/2 of another country’s entire production- there is obviously a market. If not let’s lift the ban, and if the market isn’t there then it will simply vanish.”
According Ray Hanson with the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center:
The combined retail value of hemp food and body care products sold in the United States in 2010 was $40.5 million, up more than 10 percent from 2009, according to the market research firm SPINS. (The same firm estimated that 2009 sales of hemp products reached $36.6 million.) The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) estimated that the retail value of North American hemp food, vitamin and body care products was in the range of $121 to $142 million in 2010. When clothing, auto parts, building materials and other non-food or body care products are included, the HIA estimates that the total retail value of U.S. hemp products is about $419 million.
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Active member
the sky is falling an the walls are too!


As we CAN SEE,things are a changin!!!!!!


Active member
"Maharrey says that many opponents argue the market for hemp doesn’t exist in America."

What a laughable piece of bullshit - then why do we import shitloads of hemp seed and fiber products from more enlightened countries like Canada? The market will only continue to grow exponentially with a
domestic source for what we now import at (probably) much greater expense. Hemp and hemp products will once again be a highly visible way to support American farmers and manufacturers just like in World War II.

Hemp for Victory 2.0 !


Good for them. It makes no sense to prohibit the cultivation of hemp fiber, but then turn around and allow its importation. It's costing American businesses millions to bring this stuff across the border from Canada. A commodity that is perfectly suited to grow right here in the lower 48. There are just far too many applications for hemp fiber and hemp seed to prohibit it b/c some religious fanatics think 12 year olds are going to turn into heroin addicts from merely being in its presence.


Active member
Any time a State exercises its 10th amendment Rights against Our TYRANICAL Federal Government, I LOVE IT!!!
On the other hand,,, if I am an outdoor Mj farmer this is not good news.
I live in Iowa, and can not get an unseeded crop in, because of the Feral hemp.
There is so much, the state has tried to eradicate it for decades, and it just keeps on growing, LIKE A WEED. lol. Nebraska and Missouri gave up on their efforts at killing Hemp years ago. they figured out that the huge patches get blown over in the winter, and provides great cover, and food for birds, and wildlife throughout the winters,,, Go figure, its like nature intended.
Given all this,, come to think of it, We (Iowans) should be fighting to get Hemp allowed as a legit Ag. crop, it obviously thrives here. I am suprised that Pioneer Seed is not lobbying for this. I guess corn and soybeans are profitable enough.



Active member
Be careful what you wish for...

If the Prohibitionists in the US Federal Government had half a clue, they would deliberately sow 100 metric tonnes of .01 THC Hemp, GMO'd with ducks foot leaves. This hemp would be randomly scattered throughout Cali, Oregon and other major outdoor grow areas from the air in patterns where the weed was WIDELY separated and could NEVER be extinguished -- without providing cover for any grow op for a few decades.

The resulting pollen clusters in the summer would completely HOSE every outdoor farmer and degrade every grow on private and public land -- including all of the outdoor grows they can't find. All small and large scale guerrilla outdoor and private dep grows would be utterly screwed and there would be nothing anybody could do to stop it. Pollen doesn't need a warrant either. It would probably screw up a lot of indoor grows, too.

Extolling the virtues of hemp is all well and good, but it was merely a further argument in favour of general re-legalization of cannabis. It was never the point of cannabis activism. Frankly, a lot of activists drank WAY too much of Jack Herer's Kool-Aid on that score. It was mostly bullshit and uneconomical.

Moreover, putting Canadian hemp farmers out of work who are actively growing hemp now is hardly a worthy policy goal or something to be proud of. Unless all you are is an economic nationalist - and screw everybody else.


If the choice is between legal hemp and illegal hemp the choice is easy, legal.
As for the government planting 100 metric tonnes of .01 THC Hemp, GMO'd with ducks foot leaves. I can deliver the opposite, a high THC variety with ducks foot leaves to hybridize the no THC variety with. In a few years they will have millions of high THC ducks foot varieties growing wild. Great plan....
But the government does not release GM crops to grow wild, so don't worry.
As for protecting Canadian farmers, not my job, what did all the BC boys do when USA prices fell below Canadian? Did you care about them? I did not. I hope all prices everywhere fall, the price is a reflection of the fact Cannabis is illegal, make it legal and the price will fall, fall, fall.

Be careful what you wish for...

If the Prohibitionists in the US Federal Government had half a clue, they would deliberately sow 100 metric tonnes of .01 THC Hemp, GMO'd with ducks foot leaves. This hemp would be randomly scattered throughout Cali, Oregon and other major outdoor grow areas from the air in patterns where the weed was WIDELY separated and could NEVER be extinguished -- without providing cover for any grow op for a few decades.

The resulting pollen clusters in the summer would completely HOSE every outdoor farmer and degrade every grow on private and public land -- including all of the outdoor grows they can't find. All small and large scale guerrilla outdoor and private dep grows would be utterly screwed and there would be nothing anybody could do to stop it. Pollen doesn't need a warrant either. It would probably screw up a lot of indoor grows, too.

Extolling the virtues of hemp is all well and good, but it was merely a further argument in favour of general re-legalization of cannabis. It was never the point of cannabis activism. Frankly, a lot of activists drank WAY too much of Jack Herer's Kool-Aid on that score. It was mostly bullshit and uneconomical.

Moreover, putting Canadian hemp farmers out of work who are actively growing hemp now is hardly a worthy policy goal or something to be proud of. Unless all you are is an economic nationalist - and screw everybody else.


I hope all prices everywhere fall, the price is a reflection of the fact Cannabis is illegal, make it legal and the price will fall, fall, fall.

This is why I dont want Medical Grade Cannabis to become legal.
A guy like me with 2-600w lamps wont stand a chance at surviving.
Electricity wont go down. Soil wont go down. Nutrients wont go down. But the price of the finished product will. This will destroy the small time grower who depends on the high prices to survive in this Tyrranical Country of ours who exploit the working class to the fullest.


Sounds like a hell of a good time to be a potential hemp farmer in vermont, surely would not be a stretch to mix a few dank ass high THC plants in there for your own enjoyment (and all your friends and family of course) :canabis:

Whoops! No idea how those purple ones got in there mr hemp inspector THC detector! :plant grow: Must be some rogue genes ;)


^ and full of crappy hemp seeds too. Wild Hemp will spread pollin far and wide to destroy any sensi within a 50 mile radius of each acre of hemp.


Maybe if it was an early strain or autos that flower and start to mature before the hemp drops pollen? Where there is a will there is always a way my friend! :smoke out:


:bump: ^^True. Very true. Autos have a special place in my grow season now. They do come in very handy for a stealth, super early crop.

billy bob

Hope the prices fall all the way back to what they were back in the 70's; 40 -50 a lid or even lower; just how low do you think it will go? weed needs to be priced so everyone can afford it. And not be weighed out and squeezed to the last gram. I think the practice of weighing the product out down to the gnats behind, came about when electronics company's started selling those small cheap scales and so the prices went through the roof, A K A as greed 10 20 30 a gram or more !!! 100 200 300 dollars or more an ounce,, I long for the good old days, when a lid was measured out bye fingers; two, three or four fingers ( by sight )


But anyhoo...this thread is about HEMP.....not Medical Grade and falling prices


I love my life
Moreover, putting Canadian hemp farmers out of work who are actively growing hemp now is hardly a worthy policy goal or something to be proud of. Unless all you are is an economic nationalist - and screw everybody else.

Producing locally and not spending the money and oil to ship a product around the world is a good thing. Allowing all people the freedom to grow cannabis or hemp is a worthy policy goal. Protectionism over ag products has a long and terrible history of keeping the poor hungry and the politicians fat with bribes.

Freedom is always the answer.



This is why I dont want Medical Grade Cannabis to become legal.
A guy like me with 2-600w lamps wont stand a chance at surviving.
Electricity wont go down. Soil wont go down. Nutrients wont go down. But the price of the finished product will. This will destroy the small time grower who depends on the high prices to survive in this Tyrranical Country of ours who exploit the working class to the fullest.

Yeah, screw all those people who had their lives ruined by prohibition... and all those who will in the future... just so you can "stand a chance". :moon:

Seriously you aren't going to find many people who care about your livelihood when you clearly don't care about anyone else. I know I don't now. I'd rather see the 10's of thousands of people have their lives and rights given back to them than see you make a living off prohibition pot. Can't adapt and hang in a free market, then you have no right staying in business, especially not on the backs of thousands who suffer the consequences of the laws. You are the person who is benefiting from the tyranny and you advocate keeping it around. You are nuts if you think someone should feel empathy for you. WTF?


Im not saying that peoples rights shouldn't be given back to them?!?! WTF?
Im not saying screw all those people that fought the good fight for MMJ?!?!
I could be one of those people in a split second!
Benefiting from the Feds tyranny??? Are you F'N Kidding Me!!!!?????!!!!

If you want to spin what I said to make yourself look like a champion....then Great Job!
All thats gonna happen when they "free the weed", so to speak.....is the big corporations will get rich growing it and marketing it like Big Tabacco does. So take the little bit of profit from the closet grower and give it to the greedy, big companies.
Great point of view and thinking guys. Sheeple just dont understand.

And...I dont need or want anyones empathy.
People have a really twisted view of reality. You think it will ever be a free plant like a rose bush or flower? No way.
It will never happen. Someones gonna make money from it either way. Its gonna be controlled and regulated by the Gov.

Free Market?!?!? LMFAO! Your out there dude. Smoke some more! Your talking about a hypothetical fantasy that doesnt even exist!
The Feds arent going in a free market direction! AT ALL! Never Will!!!
Free Market definition ~

It IS a free market right now. It is not regulated by any authority when I grow it and I can charge whatever I want.
Thats why its called the Black Market.
Who is the government to tell me what I can and cannot charge. Legalized it, and this is what happened. Controlled. regulated, and taxed! Thats not a free market.
"Freeing the weed" actually puts controll and regulations on it! Think twice and you'de be a genious.

With 5 helpfull posts so far on your fantasy, hypothetical comment, just goes to show how many people are willing to follow anything that sounds half good without actually questioning it. Unbelievable! People are so freakin diputs and sdrawkcab!
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