Nice selection of strains and crosses you have What mothers do you keep?
hi bootz
blimblom - sounds like you want a sativa dom hybrid. i also find that deep chunk and blueberry are quite uplifting and functional without being too couchy/sleepy. arjans haze 3 was a good mellow haze and not too tall, a little fussy with pH etc though. powerplant and martian mean green are quite racy and speedy if you like that kind of thing. really my advice to you would be to keep growing different varieties and keep a cut/bonsai mum of each until you have smoked it a few times (dont evaluate any weed until its been dried and jarred for a coupke of weeks at least) its all so personal, you want to find your favorites for youself. the fun in it for me is trying all the new varieties and trying my own crosses
hey all - update time
first the sharksbreath which has been wrestled into a decent looking canopy - what a difference a week makes!
im also testing out a home made concentrated comfrey liquid fertilizer on this SB. starting at 30ml/litre. SB can take a lot of nutes. this idea was inspired by some of Jaykush's posts and he should be posting a thread about growing your own fertilizer soon at the organics forum.
here it was a week ago after the screen was fitted
btw, thanks for your posts/help about using UV lights. im using reptile tubes. i have a couple of t5's in there now and i must say all the plants are looking good and frosty