If you can order white fire og seeds you will probably be a very happy camper.
Hey man what strains you find help with the above aliments?i suffer from evrything except the Crohn's disease. Any recommendations i seed form will be much appreciated.Ty for the compliments. I am very lucky to be working with two other growers that are amazing, and talented gentlemen, and we have an amazing support and management team as well. It's hard work. Honestly I fucked up a lot last year, and these last few months have been a struggle to get back to where we need to be. I learned the hard way, I am not an accountant. Worse though, I fight depression, anxiety, anger issues, and chrons disease on a daily basis. Sometimes it gets bad. These good people have been there for me in one of my hardest points in adult life, even though most of them didn't even know me three months ago. I'm very lucky to have this group to work and live with.