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Vaporing vs smoking and the effect it has on you


Active member
Hi guys,

I was wondering why the difference in effect from smoking and vaping can be so big?

I mostly vape (e cig and volcano) as I have become addicted to nicotine again after smoking one hashjoint at the 2012 icmag cannabis cup in amsterdam.

Anyhow so I mostly vape but sometimes like once or twice per week or 3 weeks I also smoke a joint (with tobacco).

And I have noticed that very often weed that gets me totally wasted in the volcano and that tastes really good can taste real bad in a joint with minimal effect.

But also the opposite is true, sometimes weed that tastes real good in a joint and totally fucks me up can be bland and weak in the vape.

This is for me especially true with weed that has cured for 3-6 monhts at 62-64%. This kind of weed has a wonderful bouquet and is a delight to smoke and gets me blasted. But such weed gives a very superficial effect in the volcano and the taste is often not so good.

And again the opposite is true for fresh weed (just dried) that I stored in the freezer. This weed often is super strong and tasty in the vape but not so great to smoke.

So what is happening here? How can there be such a difference? The same terps and cannabinoids are there, one method uses combustion, the other heating...

What is the logical explanation?
It might have to do with the temps the herb burns at, versus vaped at. If I’ve had a few wobbly pops the vape has made me green out a number of times. I fell a little loosey goosey after smokin cones after some beers but never green out.


New member
The tobacco heating system is different depending on the device you use. It's silly to compare a pot joint to a vape. Of course, the effect of weed is much stronger. I've never tried smoking a joint. I have a cigarette addiction that I want to get rid of gradually. I consider buying the patented heated cigarette device that deploys a leading-edge heating process. According to the manufacturers, this device is much safer than cigarettes. Every day I repeat the phrase in my head that smoking ruins my health. I want to live a long and happy life, so I will try to find a way to harm my body as little as possible. I plan to order this device from the manufacturer's official website: uk.neafs.com. There you can also buy sticks in different flavors.
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Active member
The tobacco heating system is different depending on the device you use. It's silly to compare a pot joint to a vape. Of course, the effect of weed is much stronger. I've never tried smoking a joint. I have a cigarette addiction that I want to get rid of gradually. I consider buying the patented heated cigarette device that deploys a leading-edge heating process.
You're the first person I've ever met who is tried pot but never smoked a joint


Well-known member
We will probably hear more about those who've never smoked, from the younger folk. Older folks...well, i doubt that there was much vaping going on back in the mid 1900's.

Although i like the newer vape pens, i hate the waste of the batteries and carts. One of my favorite vapes is the tabletop types, like vape brothers. Especially interesting is how one can start the session at lower temps, and taste the different flavors, as the temp is increased, with the Vape Brothers type.

In total agreement with the fresh weed is best for flavors in vape. Don't recall if i've tried to vape the 'cob' style cured herbs. Anyone?


Well-known member
Vaping leaves me wanting a toke of good flower. ;)
exactly! vaping, to me, is like the synthetic weed. yeah, you get high, real high. but it is the same thing every time, no variance in the flavor/terps, it has no soul... reduced to a chemical, it is much less "attractive' to me. when i break up and smoke a pretty bud in bowls, lots of the bits and pieces have different flavors.


Comfortably numb!
exactly! vaping, to me, is like the synthetic weed. yeah, you get high, real high. but it is the same thing every time, no variance in the flavor/terps, it has no soul... reduced to a chemical, it is much less "attractive' to me. when i break up and smoke a pretty bud in bowls, lots of the bits and pieces have different flavors.
Well that my friend is comparing apples and oranges, both of you!

You guys are in cartriges, made up of concentrates, not the same thing. Wrt is there a difference in taste? Yes. What you will not get is the burnt taste from all the tar/ "the resin ring" during the last half.

That is one way of vaping, the other, is flowers. Yes you can taste the terps for much longer than a joint and a hell more healthier. Of course folks will fuck it up as well. Nonetheless, my flower mate roughly 1/3 of what I would place in a joint. If I smoke 3 chambers in a row, I get pretty much the same effect as a joint, but much cleaner and healthier.

The nice thing about concentrates (the good ones) You take a friggin toot when ya want one, not having to vape a full chamber or recycle a joint (yack). You can maintain yourself at whatever place you need to be and, it is discreet :biggrin:

You simply can't bunch 'em all together. Nice try :) with the caveat that I never smoked synthetic weed.
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St. Phatty

Active member
Just wait 20 years.

The US will have a pResident who is Pro-Vaping or Pro-Smoking.

But I think we might have to wait longer to have a pResident who Vapes or Smokes during a State of the Union address.
The tobacco heating system is different depending on the device you use. It's silly to compare a pot joint to a vape. Of course, the effect of weed is much stronger. I've never tried smoking a joint. I have a cigarette addiction that I want to get rid of gradually. I consider buying the patented heated cigarette device that deploys a leading-edge heating process.
You've never smoked a joint?!? You should be ashamed of yourself young man. No joints, but cigarettes?? How healthy of you

By the way.. how do YOU know its silly to compare a joint to a vape if you've never smoked a joint? Lmfao. It cracks me up how all you millennials just repeat shit on the internet with absolutely zero experience.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
If the exhale of the last hit of the bowl or joint is not close to being as delicious as the first hit (murked up by burnt plant and nutrient flavors getting stronger and stronger each hit), definitely seek out cleaner grow methods or good vape gear.

Though it may never happen, I look forward to the day when every grower produces quality which is at least minimally better than my worst grows. :) Talk about an endless journey of flavor exploration... ;)


Well-known member
I've got some Silver Surfer vapes. They work great. I tried a bunch and they all sucked until I tried the Silver Surfer. I don't use the tubing. I do direct draw. So I hold the wand in one hand turning it while I suck. And holding the vape like a big lighter with the other hand. After each hit I tap it on my hand and flip it back over so it stirs it each time.

For anyone using vapes look up COPD.
Is vaping supposed to be worse for developing COPD? You're probably thinking of cartridges or combustion vaping, not convection vaping.


Well-known member
Not worse but still an issue. What do you mean with combustion vaping? Shisha?
I mean vapes with a coil or heating element that touches the weed. That's a combustion vape. A convection vape like the Silver Surfer or Volcano use convection. Meaning the weed doesn't touch any heating element. The weed is heated with hot air instead. If you do it right you won't have any combustion. The combustion is what causes smoke instead of vapor and that's what is carcinogenic. Basically anything burned is carcinogenic. Supposedly a true convection vape isn't carcinogenic.


Well-known member
I mean vapes with a coil or heating element that touches the weed. That's a combustion vape. A convection vape like the Silver Surfer or Volcano use convection. Meaning the weed doesn't touch any heating element. The weed is heated with hot air instead. If you do it right you won't have any combustion. The combustion is what causes smoke instead of vapor and that's what is carcinogenic. Basically anything burned is carcinogenic. Supposedly a true convection vape isn't carcinogenic.
Ok so you mean conduction vaping. I recall a study that found the amount of carcinogenic compounds in the vapor depended on the temperature. And ironically smoking did quite well because despite all the nasties the amount of THC was also high. Can't recall anything scientific about the type of heat source (though an all glass vapor pathway for example does seem appealing to me be that superstition or whatever). But carcinogenic means cancer causing, and COPD isn't a type of cancer. I remember in school some health type class whatever it was the teacher asked us about our smoking habits and most people said they smoke like 10 cigarettes or whatever and he said well that's pretty low you probably won't get lung cancer, but you will get COPD, and it's also a nasty killer illness.