At first, I had been enthused about the idea of recycling my vape residue to make canna oil, and yes, it did have a heavy narcotic effect when that canna oil was used to bake cookies.That's because you didn't get the "full Monty". Folks collect their PVB and make edibles or butter out of them. It's a different consumption method, cracking a brownie in two is not the same as sharing a joint.
One thing I discovered with all the cannabis edibles I made at home, was that my sides would ache after I ingested enough of such edibles to ensure a restful night's sleep. Having often encountered reports that THC which is ingested via edibles then gets metabolized in the liver, I concluded that I must rank among the narrow slice of cannabis connoisseurs whose liver reacts badly to the demands of metabolizing THC.
On the basis of that presumption I made about myself alone, I reluctantly quit making edibles and reverted back to tossing out my spent vaporizer residue. The temptation to simply eat that residue is strong because it smells like fresh popcorn whose aroma takes me back to visiting the movies and settling down with a tub of buttered popcorn.