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ut oh chucky goes hydro


Well-known member
when you hydro heads give the nutes do you add all the cal mag silica blast and nutes all at once then ph correct it then dump in rez ?


well after stopping by and seeing how easy it is to start a hydro grow im going to go out and build me a cab! :D thanks CYF. mines going to be all CFL as well, maybe a 70watt HPS or two.. maybe. good luck CYF sorry i cant help.. yet. :)


Thats what I do Chuck. I keep a good eye on the rez the next 12 hours to see if any fluctuations are going on. Beyond that...... Sucks your having these problems. It's a cakewalk after everything is dialed in. Good Luck

Blatant :wave:


mix the nutes seperately into a 5 gallon bucket full of water to your desired levels and fill your res with that, you don't want to mix raw nutes together before they are diluted, as it may cause chemical bonding and nutrient lockout.

Also, do your PH corrections after you have mixed and added all the nutes. They have their built in PH buffers that attempt to hold the nute mix to a certian level.

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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
chuckyoufarley said:
what is my problem here i only used 1/4 teaspoon PBP veg in 3gals water ph 6.0

With your girls being this big Chuck you should be using atleast 1/2 oz per gallon of pure blend veg. It's organic and the buffer does work once adjusted. I've found that using ph up and ph down will kill the buffer. You will see the results of the cal-mag right before your eyes. I've noticed you also are gonna use the Silicia Blast? if so next run use it from the start,it helps get your girls strong and healthy and ready for the heat if that does become a problem. ThCaeser and Blatant are both spot on with their advice as usual. You will also find that a good dose of Liquid Karma thrown into the mix will do wonders as well.

These shots are a week old. I run Pure Blend Pro Veg,Blast Off,Liquid Karma,Cal-Mag and Hydroguard it cost a little more to use it all in buckets but you to will see there is not an easier way to grow than the total Bio Line of nutes. Good Luck Chucky.

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Well-known member
BLATANT ,MR WAGS ,THCAESAR thanx for the help peeps i didnt get the liquid karma or the silica blast yet but we are doin better then before
started 12/12 2 weeks ago and here we are now

i think she looks better :woohoo:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
They are loving the mag

They are loving the mag

Hell yes chucky they are in fact sucking up that cal-mag as we speak. When you added it did you sit back and watch the leaves change? But chucky I'm telling ya you gotta try the Liquid Karma It flat out is one of the best additives ever. i wont troll your thread but take a look at my buckets with the full line of Biotanicare food regimate. My girls went from babys to 2 foot in 21 days this stuff works wonders and is very forgiving when you screw up. Can't wait to see the fruits of your labor, I myself will be flipping on Thursday and will keep an eye peeled for your frosty BUDS.



Well-known member
TAHNX WAGS i will go get some this weekend
ok who uses the waterfarm 8 bucket kit im thinking about trying that out for the winter .so lemme know plus's, negatives THANX


Active member
glad to see she's recovering, chucky...

i don't have the answers, so i didn't want to post up, sorry...

the only negative thing i saw with my waterfarm grow of grape punch was:

>pH drifting (rez not big enough)

>roots choking on themselves later in flowering.

up until then the thing was auto pilot!


Well-known member
thanx sleepy can the roots be trimed just like when keeping a mom in soil my friend pulls her up when root bound and he trims the rootball and plants back into the same pot


Active member
Hey Chuck, whats happening friend.
My motto when growing is: If its not broke, don't fix it.
If you get good results with tap water....go with it, thats about as organic as you can get. Your tap must be heavy with metals, and other bs.
If you keep your ph around 6.0 +_ 0.2.....and tds around 600 for veg, 1000 for flower, you will never see another funky leaf....honest.
Folks are being overwhelmed with additives, boosters, and way way too much stuff for a simple weed. Keep it simple, less is best.
Nice plants.


Well-known member
HEY BROTHER JOHNBUDD great to see ya cecking in was thinking about ya the other day and dug out my address book and was gonna write ya a letter just to say whats up and hows your new place treating ya you know just the general q's


Hey chucky wishing ya the best on your first hydro grow man, it's looking good so far and i'm sure those buds will be of the finest quality when you are done!


Well-known member
lil update

lil update

well i think im 3 weeks into 12/12 and all is going great guns heres my northen light X big bud from female seeds and the lil thing next to her is a clone of either grape punch or lifesaver i gave a bunch to my tattoo artist and he grew some moms cloned them but didnt mark them DOH but i
what ever i got will be good

and this is another case of me given clones away and the person i gave 1 to made a mom and that was like 2yrs ago now wnd i got a clone of that same plant that i gave away its called KUSH HAZE very viggerous growth i prolly taken and given away to my friends 25-30 clones from this plant in the last month and she's just puttin out the branches



Well-known member
heres some pics of some frosty lil nuggletts

:woohoo: :woohoo:
i went to the hydro store today and FINALLY got the silica blast and the liquid karma
and while there in line the guy in front of me is buying these big ass containers of ADVANCED nutes and while the counter dude is writing up the reciept who strolls in the door but LEO just 1 but 1's enough in a hydro store anywho he starts talking to the owner of the store and just general BSing
and he's checking out my tattoos and me and at what im buying and then looks at what the other guy is buying and his eyes are a lil wider now so the other gut walks away from the counter im over in the isle so he comes over by me and im like (in my head ) get the fuck away from me i not with the guy buying industrial size jugs of nutes and with the amount that shit cost the cop prolly was like yeah right you spend that kinda money on growing veggies so any way all went ok iguess nobody followed me out or home so it worked out just a lil sketchy for a few minutes ,and the other guy looked like he just shit his pants when that cop walked in


Good to hear your run-in with the LEO was uneventful. Remember they are there to protect and serve as well, maybe as soon as you walked out of the hydro store you could have been mugged and a cop was right inside. Or maybe not. But anyway at least all is well right. Nice budshots too.:biggrin:


chucky ive already got a paranoia problem about goin into hyrdo stores your story just made it worse hehe nah jokes aside your plants r lookin great man :joint:

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